It was a fun night… but Richard refused my help, hum, I wonder why?

I had so many good ideas already… pity.

Better than suffering attacks from him I supposed…

Don't get me wrong, however; I'm not like those rapist supernaturals who get what they want, when they want, and how they want, without consent and like a ravish beast, is just too out of class you know?

Plus I have confidence in gaining the favor of any sexual partner, so I don't need to resource to such… barbaric methods.

Except sometimes for food resources of course, but usually it goes down in a more fulfilling way for both parties involved.

Anyway… now I got a problem of my own to deal with.

Like…my own hard member.

My bulge was more complex because, you see, vampires do not use this big baby here for breading, no, we use for feeding purposes as it makes the blood flow faster and tastier inside us, so it isn't uncommon for us to have orgies in your own version of a banquet with lots of meals around.

Which, of course, make us really, really durable, which sometimes is quite troublesome, especially when you have been thirsty; in more ways than one; for more than 10 years straight!

Should have just taken them there… I don't even need for Dylan to be conscious, and Richard… doesn't reaaally need to be willing.

Thinking about how Dylan's body squished and tremble over my own made my member grow even harder, poking off my robe as I turned the energy and water back on and went to have a very cold shower.

I put my hands over my shaft, thinking how tight Dylan appears to be as he contracted his muscles, the cheeks of his butt pressing together in a very enticing way.

Then there was Richard working the front, sweating with his own arousal as his member grow together with mine and Dylan's moans.

I accelerate the rhymes as the image of Richard's hands stroking Dylan comes to mind, but still it wasn't enough.

Fuck, this will be a long night.

Hope you appreciate my chivalry Richard, otherwise you would be dripping with my cum by now.

Fuck… Shit.


One thing to be thankful was that the lack of sleep doesn't affect me at all, otherwise I might as well look like the zombies out there.

Instead I was grinning with a belly full of blood and a kinky mind at work while I prepared some food for my lovely hungry pets.

I sacrificed some eggs for their sake; there are some good drinks with eggs surprisingly; as I put some seasoning like salt, tomatoes, oregano, accompanied by some orange juice.

Sorry that I don't know how to make cheese, or bread… Oh well.

One thing for sure is that Dylan needed more energy in his bones because I cannot have him passing out so quickly now.

Should have killed one of the chickens, would be worth the investment, shit.

Maybe at lunch?

I know they woke up once I hear a mad Richard stumping in the kitchen, his face red and livid.

"Good morning dear Richard."

"Good morning?! GOOD MORNING?! Where are my clothes you perverted vampire?!"

"What, those old rags? Burned in the ward."

With his mouth wide open in shock I contain a giggle and keep cooking, thinking that it was worth all the trouble I went through.

You see, there were deep asleep last night… so while there were on that; and I had finally finished my business after a fructiferous five rounds with each of my pets in my head; I had imagined some of my kinks, and thought…

Hell, let's do it.

So after eliminating other possibilities, closing my wardrobe and burning their clothes, I put only a pair of chosen attires available for them.


For Richard I went classy, a black suit with a black tie, a white shirt beneath and some pointy black shoes with a little heel behind them.

"You had no right! Those clothes were for camouflage purpose and were vital to the mission!"

I only raised my eyebrows as if amused by his tantrum, while a sleepy Dylan comes to view and sits over the balcony, a surprise Richard accompanying him all the way.

He was wearing an outfit that seemed out of the rabbit from Alice in Wonderland, a little tie with a zigzag pattern, a short that went halfway his legs, a pair of boots, a white formal shirt covered by a shoulder cape.

Should have brought a hat too, shit.

"Good morning sweet Dylan, how are you feeling today? Did you sleep well? You must be really hungry after all…"

I won a blush from teasing him this early in the morning, lovely. I put their plates in front of them, Dylan ready to dig in when Richard stopped his arm mid-motion.

"We are going, now Dylan, we won't stay here any longer."

Ohhh, someone is mad, scaryyyy~~

One step out of this building without my protection and in their cages they go.

Pity, wanted to have more fun before anything else, hum.

"Feel free too, after all this is not a prison" yet "only be aware that you won't be under my protection anymore."

He put strength in his grip and forces Dylan to stand, but the poor thing was hungry, tsk tsk, minus points in my book dear Richard. He starts going to the exit, looking at me as if I was going to bite him or something, but I just sip my tea with honey and sugar.

Though he stopped to look at me head to toe when my outfit came to view, not obscured by the counter anymore. I was wearing a white apron… and nothing else. My back was resting against the wall, my long legs stretched in front of me, while I looked at him. As I smelled his arouse a smirk curved my lips up, not before my tongue caught drips of tea over my lips.

That made Dylan gasp, which woke Richard from his slumber as he started walking again, closing the door behind him.

I calmly look inside my mug to the caramel collared tea, and sigh. Humans were so impatient sometimes, and for what? For playing with them a little? I haven't even done anything yet!

I hear them walking downstairs and start to plan, giving another sip; let's see, the ones down below weren't as interesting, so they will go to the metal cages I had brought from the zoo and will be my cattle so I don't have to hunt down the poor animals anymore.

Then Dylan and Richard… I will have fun with those two.

First I will close one of the apartments in the middle with a wall, having individual doors to them and closing it with a very heavy padlock, then I will put them in each of those spaces, separated by the wall, but I would have a hole in the bedroom so they could see each other as I played with them.

I will start with Dylan, taking his blood every day and making him as horny as possible so that Richard could hear his whimpers and moans from his part of the room.

But I wouldn't have him, not yet.

As I said, all my preys are… willing.

After one or two weeks like that, when he starts to beg, having him tied to the bed so he could not relive himself, then, only then, I would take him the entire night, fucking him hard even while he was unconscious, stopping only when I had enough.

Then… I would start playing with Richard but his thickhead wouldn't bend down like Dylan… no…

I could always break him, yes, treat him like the pet he was, like a dog, strip him from his clothes and lock him with a collar, forcing him to walk on fours and eat from the ground.

I could take him on fours just like that.

Or… no, even better, after I had my way with Dylan I could always propose that he could take Dylan's place… in everything.

I wonder how many nights he would be able to take in before Dylan screams sounded again in his ears?


I froze in place, caught by surprise by Dylan calling my name.

How long has it been that anyone called me by my name?

"Dylan! Darling, ha, what, what are you doing here?"

"I… I convinced Richard to stay."

"Oh, did you now?" Smart, very smart boy. He nods. "What for may I ask?"

He bites his lips, looking down and seeing very petite and delicious. Shit, now I have the image of him tied to the bed in my mind, patting underneath me.

"Y-you must be hungry now, Dylan, how about breakfast? And juice, of course, we need to replace that lost blood."

"Thank you Samael, you are too kind."

He smiles from ear to ear, a bright expression that stuns me for a second.



You wouldn't say that if you knew what passes through my mind, sweet, naïve Dylan…

But you will know.
