Richard stands, infuriated for what I could see, but masking it with a cold stone face, looking at his troop.

"What's the meaning of this Frank?" He says to the one leading the troop with a voice that gives no space to complaints. The other guy, Frank, however, didn't seem to be very bright at that, grimacing at Richard, his dirty appearance, unshaved bear, and the scar on his eyebrow complemented a mercenary look to him.

"Do you see this guys? I told you all! Our boss is playing house with the monster!"

The others laugh, looking at Richard's clothes up and down, then mocking Dylan's skirt, to which he hides behind Richard.

"So, now you took to be some monster's bitch?! Can't say I expected more now!"

"You dare talk to your commander like that!" Screams Dylan, for the first time ever raising his voice.

"Commander?! As if he cared about us! You two are all pompous up here, enjoying the hospitality, while we were dumbed downstairs, and you know what, we planned, and now were are going to take over this place!"

At that he points his gun at me, a pistol, while the others soldiers backed him off with their rifles.

I really, really dislike been threatened.

"Stop! You guys don't know what you are up to! Frank, stop this madness!"

"No! If you don't have the guts to do it, we will! This safe place, the resources, will be ours! Ours!"

That's when he made the greatest mistake of his life; and shot me.

He had a good aim, went right for the heart with a fucking smug expression brining his lips up, his eyes shining with a crazy greedy glim until time passed and I didn't fell down dead, staying casually with my body relaxed, to just then casually pass my fingers over the wound, painting the tip with a bit of red.

That takes any doubt they had that I was a vampire now, doesn't it? I think while playing with the squishy liquid.

And they dared to make a fucking hole in a fucking piece of ancient clothing, pieces of shit. When my face goes up, and my eyes encounter theirs, I can already feel my incisors throbbing, and my eyes turning bloody-red, a smirk of my own growing with the perspective of the imminent bloodbath.

"Fuck, shoot shoot shoot!" That Frank guy says, going back to his companions.

Cleaning dust from my shoulders, suddenly very irritated, I casually walk forward while they start shooting non-stop at me. Fuck, it hurts, but is far from deadly, only making my mood even worst as my vision turns red.

There was a slight amount of blood coating what was left of my clothes, my pale white skin been tattered by red, such an image it must have made, plus my eyes looking down on them and the smile that showed off my fangs.

Time for a feast.

I got close to the first one, unable to escape in such a enclosure place, and with a casual throw of my arm slapped his face with the back of my hand, a little too hard as his body spins midair before falling, his neck twisted backwards and his now dead eyes staring back at the soldiers who made this mess.

They realized the situation they were in a little too late, and once the first one got to reload his weapon they started to fall; a clean slice on the neck with my sword, making one drown in his own blood as his hands try futilely to stop the flow from the open wound on his neck, his eyes rolling back in his socks, the next one losing his heart before he could even react, the still beating organ soaking my hand in blood as I squish it until the annoying flow stopped.

The last ones I play with like a cat would do to a mouse, unconcerned at the obvious difference in power, drying one out with a strong bite on the neck, making me chew a piece of his meat just to spit it out later, looking straight in the eyes of the last one, the most annoying one of the flock, Frank, now in shock, not even trying to aim anymore.

I step in his direction, making him squeak like a little girl, basbuciating for me to stay back, but of course the next second I was suddenly up on his face, eyes wide open and a smirk on my face, as I simply say:


And he passes out. Wow, never knew that my face had such an effect on people, hehe. I slowly turnaround from the bloodshed, blood dripping off my chin and basking even more my now bare torso in red, as I start to walk towards the last 2 humans standing.

I run up at them, making them almost fall backward as they try to escape, to no use against my speed, having both their necks securely held by my hands, taking their bodies off the ground with fair easy, their tender skin squishy underneath my palm, their warm bodies inviting me in.

Humans… they are always so greedy, so selfish, so full of life pumping in their veins… I think, and squish their fragile necks a little more, my vision red and my mind clouded with bloodlust…


Then, as if remembering who they were at the last second, I let go, both Richard and Dylan gasping for air on the ground. I look at them for a few seconds as they start to recover, a cold facade in place as, with a clinical vision, I look around me.

Fuck, this place is a mess now, do you know who is going to have to clean that up?

As they start to stand I turn around, my eyes back to normal but with a cold icy glint on them.

"Samael, you…" Starts Dylan, but I approach them, making him stop, a reaper dressed as man, my fingers clothed in blood, my ragged clothes showing off my muscles painted in blood, but the worst thing was that my always present smirk was gone, replaced by cold indifference as I went and dragged both to my room, dropped them on the bed, and locked the door behind me, ignoring their protests.

And, alone in my living room, surrounded by our little war, I sigh, passing my hand through my hair and keeping it over my forehead, massaging the area.

Well, I guess playtime is over, and the cat is finally out of the bag uhm…

That left a bitter taste in my mouth.

Or was it the blood of the filthy human?


Cleaning blood from the carpet was a bitch, so I ended up throwing it away. Thinking about all the wasted meat of the bodies lying in the side, I thought it was a good time as ever to have that dog/wolf.

It wasn't difficult to find the pack, even more in my territory, and for once I was glad to see young ones among them.

They were flourishing well, good, good.

I was having difficulties in choosing which one I wanted as a pet, but once I lock eyes on one of them, I knew that was it.

The creature was marvelous, one of the kind.

He had a golden-white fluffy fur, big paws and a very bright pair of blue eyes, an icy piercing gaze staring down the horizon.

Making sure he wasn't the alpha or of supreme importance for the pack, I decided to take him. I jump off from the tree I was hanging out and soundlessly step down over the grass, pacing casually and only being seen once I was very close to the pack.

They instinctively knew not to try fight me, but were too shocked to react quickly enough as I approach the golden wolf, staring him down into submission as he lay his ears flat back on top of his head, avoiding eye contact.

"Hm… What should I name you now…? Ah, I know, Luka! How does that sound?"

The wolf didn't even whimper, as scared as it was, knowing that his only chance of survival was by an act of mercy.

Smarter than humans for sure, knowing his place so quickly.

"Come on now Luka, you have some bodies to get rid of for me." I said, not before dropping two on the ground for the pack, scooping Luka up by his neck with only one hand, as one would do with a pup.

Good, already have the wall and the wolf, I just need to wait for winter to come.

Snicker, got into series lately, pity that most of them did not have the last chapter, making me curse immensely the human who did not bought them all before the apocalypse.

Once in my apartment I put Luka on the floor who, trembling, run to find a place to hide. I shrugged, he would get out once he was hungry enough.


Time passes… differently for vampires. Sometimes weeks seem like years, sometimes was the opposite, as tuned out of timeline as we were, almost in a mocking way.

So it wasn't really difficult nor even intentional to give them the cold indifferent treatment, but it worked out somehow as the screams and swearing coming from my room had stopped two days ago since a long time has passed since the confront, unsure on how many days.

Not that I forgot to fed them nor Luka, just got used to their complains.

I discovered as well that, beyond Frank, there were 2 other scientists downstairs, left out from the battle, waiting to celebrate the conquer of a new base.

Humf, my ass they would steal my home, all three went to the cells, slowly been dried out by me and only eating what was left from Dylan and Richard's food.

Once the bodies were gone, however, not even that as the leftover went to Luka, who started to get used to his new reality, still very wary of me.

As time passes and I interacted less and less with them, my cold heart seems to freeze more and more, making me look at the closed door with a strange emptiness, of thought, of emotion, of anything, just a strange buzzing sensation in an empty void.


So sad, buhuu.

Don't worry, that will change hehe

BTW one of you commented about the clothes and I thought; heck, why not make them participate in the creation as well?

So~~~I taking in requests/ideas of clothes and poses *cough cough* that you guys would want to see!

As this series are made to explore different stuff (as ménage, furry, ace (in the future)) don't be shy to ask!

Now I'm going, by-bye!

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