I have taken my time to center and calm my mind once more, but now I was once more ready to enjoy my pets to the fullest; though with a little change of plans, thanks to Richard.

I wasn't unprepared though, I had many ideas stored and time to put them to use, with two warm bodies to work with. I went inside my kinky closet, passing the tip of my fingers through leather, whips, metal and other toys that I would very much enjoy using.

I took some things here and there, and went back to the room, only to find them cuddling each other on the bed, passed out cold.

I start with Dylan, taking him in my arms and carrying him to the bathroom, taking off all his clothes and putting the ones I brought to him…

As for Richard… well, I took his clothes off as well, but instead of putting any back I brought some ropes and strips, firstly putting his arms up and tying them on the bed, them bringing into display his alluring points, passing a rope over his neck, then passing on the back to the front just to make space to his nipples, then his bellybutton, letting the rope in diamond shapes all at the front, and bellow curved it over his strong thighs, going even lower then locking his legs together in a tight knot.

The only thing free to move there was his member, and only up and down, hehe, there was something satisfying in seeing the big and strong Richard bound and tight, up to my wills and whims.

Oh, right, I almost forgot, the cherry on top of the cake. I quickly grab it on the other room, a pair of fluffy black wolf ears to put on top of his head, mixing perfectly with his hair, as well as a black leather collar on his neck with spikes in it and the tail, of course, but this one had a butt plug to put inside him with the tail coming off from the opposite side.

I take some lube off from the drawer and pass it over the plug, don't want to hurt him now would I? I bring his waist up and slowly plug it in his hole, feeling his muscles tense and a gasp escape his lips, as he was still unconscious.

With a smirk I plug it all the way in, and slowly start to move it inside him, first only circling, making his body react and his abdomen tense, but once I start to put it in and out we awakes, his member half hard from the little teasing.

"Good night wolfy, did you sleep well?"

With widening eyes he doesn't answer, instead he looks around, asserting the situation he was in, and once he does; not after testing my ropes for good measure; he goes back to staring me down, his eyes holding a glint of anger but, as always, he couldn't hide his arousal from me.

"So the big bad wolf likes to be tied down now doesn't him?"

I slap his cheeks, making his member thicken as he clenches his teeth, holding in his moans.

"Pity though, you are not going to play tonight, as punishment for hitting me with that chair."

He starts to protest but I cover his mouth with a gag, a leather strap with a ball in the middle, making him bite it down. Now, really, he was totally at my disposal, expose and locked down for my amusement.

"I wonder now… if I give Dylan a whip, would you enjoy having him stepping over you?"

His member twitches with the image, but as he can't say anything I just smile at him. His mind was trying to understand what was I up to as I stand, going in the direction of the bathroom to bring out the amusement of the night.

I knew Dylan had woken up far before I opened the door, finding him in the corner with a towel over him, hiding his body. I go close, making him tremble, and quickly I take off the towel, picking him up and bringing him inside the room.

I made him stand, all in a way that he didn't see Richard strapped on the bed, but on the contrary all of Dylan was expose to Richards view, well, at least the back… for now.

What he was wearing now was a masterpiece perfect for him, with pink high heels with puffy ribbons, as well as thin stocking going all over his legs to encounter a very small pink fluffy short, with the addition of a white bunny tail on the back, complemented with bunny ears on top of his head.

Let's not forget the bare torso, of course, his nipples been the only thing covered by two strings coming from the short and passing over the shoulders, with waves of fluffy cloth and ribbons all over.

All in all, he looked very petite and cute, ready to be shredded by the bad bat-kitty here, hehe.

"Did you like your clothes cupcake?"

He blushes, blabbering something when I pick him once more, making him embrace my waist with his legs. I go close to his face, brushing my tongue over his jawline until I could whisper close to his ear:

"Did you really think I wouldn't hear you two talking about me?"

He stiffens as a child caught doing bad things, and tries to back out of my embrace, but I hold him still, my eyes staring Richard down over Dylan's shoulder.

"But don't worry sweet Dylan, I'm only harvesting my part of the deal."

"W-what deal?"

"The one from last time, when we were interrupted by someone…" At that he sees me looking at something, finally crooking his neck back only to see a totally bound and very much naked Richard stretched at our disposal. I whisper to him: "Do you like what you see?"

"Wha-N-no! Release him now!"

"You are in no situation to demand anything now, Dylan…And this is punishment for the chair, though I could think of other ways of punishing him if you will, maybe a finger or two would sufficient…"

He pales at that, wide eyes staring me down as I smile back at him. "Then tied it is!" I say innocently.

I walk to the bed, still holding Dylan in a tight embrace as I stretch him on top of Richard, using him as a bed. "Or you don't want to finish this… mission of yours?"

"But you already… you had your part of the deal."

"Tsk tsk, that was with you and before your little soldiers pissed me off, now I demand it double. Besides… what choice do you have?"

He stiffs as I let him lay over Richards's body, with some interesting parts touching each other.

"At least release him, please."

I lick my lips, looking down at his moisty plumps, and say: " I can let him participate later… if I'm satisfied."

At that I cover his body with mine, pressing him down against me and Richard, as I lick and bite his lips until they are swollen, finally prying his mouth open and invading it with my tongue.

I heavy down more over him, pressing until his body matched Richard's like two bowls put on top of each other. I go to his ears, breathing in them and making him shudder, passing the sensation over Richard's body, until I start to bite his earlobe, licking and teasing, eyes locked with Richard as the mixed hate and excitement shine in his eyes.

I nimble Dylan's neck, now focusing on making him tremble, which he did quite often, not as contain and used as Richard, pure for the harvest.

"Such an honest boy, so different from some…" I whisper in his ear, looking at Richard.

"N-no, wait, slow down-!" Dylan says as I take the straps off his nipple out and put his nipple in my mouth, cupping it with it, sucking then licking the tip, making him try to arch his back but as he was locked in my embrace all he could do was force his body up and down on top of Richard, making this a good torture for him, hehe.

After the one I played with was swollen and hard I went to the other pink plump, ignoring his pleas for me to slow down as my hand didn't let the other nipple alone, pinching it and making circles around it, taunting.

By now Dylan was a mess under me, his moans and gasps mixing with uncompressible words. Hm… should I start slow, mama-papa style? It was his first after all…

Yeah, let's do that, don't want to scare him now... though I may already have, hehe.

I pass my nails on his back, almost breaking the skin, pushing his waist up and moving it until the front touched my member and the back touched Richard's member, making him gasp and widen his eyes, realizing that he would not pass from this day.

"I-Wh- I can't-"

"Oh you can and you will, cupcake, but not right now, I'll enjoy you first, then maybe, only maybe, I will let Richard join in."

"Wait, I- I can do that muc-"

I silence him by opening the buttons of his short, making an audible sound with the zipper, then looking up at his face while I slowly take his shorts off, making with blush even more.

"Do you like my choices on underwear wolfy?"

At that Richard looks down, only to find Dylan's member been covered by a pink mini lingerie filled with laces and ribbons, almost unable to contain his male member in.

Being very aware that Richard was looking, I suddenly push it down and take it off, bringing the vision of Dylan's naked body to the bound Richard.

Dylan looks away in shame as his member comes to view, making him very delicious and submissive, giving me good ideas… After all, I should share more of the view right?

I suddenly turn Dylan around, earning a surprised squeak as I made him stay in all fours, his legs and arms spread on the bed beside Richard, while his face was up close to him, making him blush even more.

I cup his body with mine on top of him, whispering in his ear: "Do you like him?"

"…Yes" He whispers, starting at Richard's jawline as his eyes filled with lust were too much for him.

"Do you want him to fuck you?"

"Wh-what! I-I…!"

"If you are honest and a good boy I'll let you take the gag off…"

He tenses up to which I drop my weight over him, making him lay down on top of Richard's naked body, as I cup his hips and in sync with my movement bring our bodies up and down, rasping against our victim.

With both trapped under me the only thing they could do was wiggle sideways and moan, or in Richards's case try not to droll more as he couldn't swallow it, making it drip over his chin.

"Y-yes…" I hear Dylan say, weakly, making my own member twist at how obedient he was, in contrast to someone…

"That's a good boy, now you can take it off."

I take my weight off a little so he can support himself with only his knees as his hands reach out for the back of Richard's head, freeing his mouth and making him lick his lips.

"Shit, Samael, what the fu-"

"Ah-nah-nah-nah! Start complaining and I'll put it right back uhm?"

He shushes them, glaring at me. "Good wolfy. Now cupcake, let's give the big wolf here a great show uhm?"

I make Dylan stay over Richard again, up only enough to make eye contact with him, as I hold his hips and bring his butt up in the air, exposing his entrance and making him even more flustered, and before he could keep complaining I push his cheeks out so I can start licking him there, passing my tongue over the entrance and dipping it down a little.

It was too much for his virgin ass so he automatically tried to pry out of the constant attacks from my tongue, but my firm grip makes him take it all in, even when I bite down his cheeks, leaving a path of marks all over.

I kept penetrating him with my tongue until he almost felt down over Richard, his body trembling in pleasure, my hands cupping his butt cheeks and circling them around, squishing and enjoying the touch.

I take the lube out then and pass it over my fingers, still giving little kisses, as I pass my finger over the entrance without warning, making him look up, trying to see, making me pass it once more but letting the tip over the entrance.

"Turn around, don't you want to give Richard a good view?"

"N-no I neve-!"

I'm making this a habit, interrupting them as they speak, hehe, I think as I wiggle my finger in, bringing my body up and pressing him down with my weight as his heart races with his breath.

I explore his insides with my finger, leaving kisses on his back, stealing looks at Richard, who couldn't pry his eyes out from the scene, already hard as wood down there.

"Hey cupcake, why don't you share some love with Richard uhm? He is a little tied up to do on his own."

He just moans something as I bring his body up with the force of my finger inside him, putting him nose to nose with Richard.

He couldn't think straight, so in the end Richard was the one who started kissing him, then biting his lips, the restriction of his body making him more eager for the kiss.

I put a second finger in, feeling his tight entrance, exploring his insides by going deep, then passing my fingers over his warm walls on the way out, forcing the way for my third finger.

At that Dylan was lost in his pleasure, unable to form words anymore as he moans were suffocated by a hungry wolf.

He was too occupied with that to realize when I stopped moving my finger right at the edge of his entrance, preparing my member to substitute them, making a quick change.

With only the tip in he finally realizes the difference, his teary eyes accompanied by heavy gasping.

"I-it hurts!"

"Shh, it's alright. Once you get used to it it will get better."

I massage his cheeks as my hands slid down, at the same time that my body goes straight, pushing my member in until the base.

Once I was totally inside him I stop moving, giving him time to adjust, and to distract him from the pain my hands went down to his member, my strong arms cupping his waist as my hand embraced his hard member.

He shivered, his muscles visibly contracting, words lost in his throat. I start moving my hand, going up and down, making him lose strength of his legs and arms, his sweaty body glued to Richards.

With one hand I kept his butt up, with the other I stroke him down, teasing his tip with my finger as I bumped up and down. I felt his member tense, filled with his seed, but then I held his base strongly, making him hiss in pain.

"Oh no, cupcake, you are not to come yet, not without me."

"P-please I-I, I- need to c-cum!"

"Only when I allow you too."

That was my cue to start moving inside him, making him try to wiggle his member free, which only made me hornier as I bounced in and out of him, the image of my dick disappearing inside his tight entrance making me almost lose control and simply destroying him from the inside.

I kept a steady pace though, increasing more and more as Dylan strongly embraced Richard, scratching his shoulders, lewd sounds coming from his mouth and from the skin to skin contact.

Once I was getting close to my climax I start stroking him again, earning screams of pleasure, still holding tight not to let him cum, but teasing the already swollen member even further.

At last I went deep inside him, the tip pressing against his prostate as I came, letting him do the same as his screams mixed with my growls and Richard heavy breathing, as I filled Dylan up to the brim, making his insides moisty with my cum, at the same time that Richard's was covered by Dylan's cum.

Once Dylan was done he flopped down, tired, with my member still inside him. Uff, that was a good start for a great night, hehe.

But then I looked down only to see that my sweet cupcake… had fell asleep.

…Really Dylan, we need to work on your stamina now baby, I had so many good ideas for you! What I'm supposed to do with those now?

I mischievous grim curves my lips up as my hungry eyes encounter Richards, who still had a big straight problem under there.

Poor Richard, who told you to be so overprotective? Now you will have to take the blow for him… all the blows…