Richard, not letting go of my gaze, makes Dylan sit over my stomach as he stays knelled over my legs, my member dangerously trapped in between them but being ignored as I waited for what Richard had in mind.

With Dylan's back right in front of me and within my grasp I clench my teeth to not reach out, especially when Richard brings Dylan body up so he could have better access to him, only to take the already short tank top off from him, exposing his petite figure as Dy put his hands over his nipples, looking anywhere but us, embarrassed by suddenly being exposed.

How I wanted to embrace him, fuck.

And still they were on my lap the pricks!

Richard, seeing my discomfort, starts to pull Dylan short down together with his underwear, bringing to view his fine tiny ass and his member, which twitched with the exposition.

"Does it turn you on Dylan? Our eyes all over you…"

Richard whispers in Dylan's ear only to tease him, standing back and staring his body down with a hungry look in them, making Dylan bit his lower lip, his cheeks fully red as he tries to cover himself.

"Y-you two! S-Stop that!"

We chuckle, but my amusement stops when Richard reaches for the drawer and takes the lube out of it.

I crack my neck sideways to let some tension off, sure that this was going to be amazingly hard; in more ways than one, ha!

Dylan is still riding his orgasm when Richard cup his ass cheeks and massage them, having him all expose to me.

"Want a taste Sammy?"

"Yes… But I'll have the eternity to enjoy you both…"

He chuckles then quickly passes the lube on his fingers, making me have the full view of him teasing Dylan's entrance by pressing the tip of the finger over and putting a little pressure only to wiggle it right as it entered a little.

Dylan tried to move his body to get the finger off, but Richard embraced his waist and pushed in.

"Ah, ah! It-it feels weird, I-…!"

"Shh, you will get used to it, just relax…"

He wiggles his way in until his finger is all the way to the knuckles. The pre-cum from Dylan is making me have a low purr as I imagined myself devastating that tiny ass being prepared right in front of me.

Bringing the finger up and down, back and forth, finally Richard manages his second one inside, totally aware of my own arousal staying right between his legs and sometimes touching his own member.

He starts to open his two fingers to enlarge the hole, making Dylan shiver and hold Richard shoulder's tight.

After the long tease Richard lay Dylan over me, using me as a big pillow, and put Dy legs over his shoulders, leaving easy access to his entrance and letting his dick wiggle up.

"Is this revenge?" I ask, finally getting the similarity of this position to what I did to Richard back in the day; though tighten up.

The memory made the veins on my dick thicken, blood flowing, eager for some action.

Only that this time Richard had it as he put his member in Dylan, who grabbed back at me and forced his back on top of me, making me swallow dry.

I could feel my control slipping away from me.

It was a mess of grunts and moans as the pressure increases by the time Richard forces his dick deeper and faster in and out of Dylan, pushing his body down on mine and holding Dy thighs up to give him a deeper access, turning Dylan into a messy vamp with tears of pleasure running down his eyes, the bloody tears making me hiss at one more addictive smell added to the mixture.

Richard felt the same as he goes and lick them away, without stopping his rhythm, actually getting faster and faster, hitting Dy spot and melting him away.

By the time they came I was heavy breathing and my heart was beating fast, two human characteristics brought back by the excessive provocations of these two.

Even my incisors were swelling hard and eager, every part of mine screaming for release, to make them melt under me, to play them until exhaustion, to suck them dry.

I clench my fists hard on the side.

They both rest on top of me, Dylan embracing Richard and Richard embracing us both, his misty eyes turning towards me and giving me a deep kiss, squashing Dylan down between us.

"Ha, ha, ha, s-still holding on, S-Sammy?"

"Uhum…" I say on his lips as he bites down on my lower lip.

He keeps kissing me, giving Dylan time to recover, our bodies glued together but not sweaty, only dirtied up with Dy semen.

We calm our beating hearts, staying in a comfortable silence, my forehead on his, until Dylan calmes down.

"Ready for another one Dy?"

"Uhum…" He says, rather flustered. Funny how, even after coming twice, he still gets shy by directly talking about it or asking for it, how sweet.

"Then can you help me out this time…?" I frown at first, until I understand what he was going to do.

"Sneaky, naughty wolf…"

"I try my best." He smirks.

At that he passes the lube to Dylan, who starts to prepare him while his other hand massage his cheeks to relax him, at the same time that Richard keeps kissing me, his tongue brushing the back of my incisors and making me want to bite his lips down.

I could hear his lewd sounds as Dylan put the third finger, finally having him screeched out enough and ready for me.

Richard sits back up as I smirk back at him, crossing my arms over my head, rising a provocative eyebrow when he kneels back and holds my already hard dick, guiding it to his entrance.

There was something to this thing, of not being able to take control, like, like watching they fuck each other, that turned me on even more, knowing that he had to do all by himself, inclusive bring in my member piece by piece until I was ball deep inside him.

He grunts as I sigh, having his walls hugging my member deep, so tight, so good.


He doesn't move, instead he just lets it be there, provoking me to move it as he brings Dylan towards him, making him stay in all four on top of me, his tiny butt high and being guided by Richard, who manages to thrust once again inside him, this time giving me the view of the red lustful eyes of Dylan, so misty and lost in the pleasure that he seemed completely unaware of his surroundings, only being able to feel the pleasure explode inside him.

At that I grunt and growl, my member forgotten inside Richard, the only thrusting and grinding being secondary moves from Richard fucking Dylan; again.

I bite my lower lip, but cannot stop the annoyed grunts from coming out of my mouth, my hips wanting to go higher and move in and out of him, to destroy his prostate and make both beg under me.

And the smells… all those smells around me, the blood, the arousal, the smell of sex, semen, the lewd sounds… were becoming too much to bear.

At that Dylan starts to move his hand to his swollen member, with the intention of stroking himself, when I stop him by saying:

"Ah nah nah nah, cupcake, I want you to come untouched…" I grunt at the same time that Richard puts his whole height down on my own member, the muscles of his butt cheek embracing my dick as a very tight glove. "Uhm, that was a good one Richard, so tight for me, make me reach deeper in you…"

"You… You cannot talk!" Says him between his ups and downs as Dylan went back to biting his lip down and holding the sheets for his dear life.

"And you can't change the game in the middle, my toothy wolf." How could I have forgotten my ultimate weapon? My powerful tongue, sharper than many blades and quicker than many whips and…

And now I'm just bragging.

But I'm ashamed to admit that I had reached my limit… when both came at the same time, Dylan semen covering my chest up and bringing in the shameless smell at full power, but worst yet then Dylan's face when he came was how Richard cheeks gripped my member tight and he pushed in deep, but did not give me any release nor fun on that matter, only teased and teased and teased.

So I… Bucked my hips up a little, hitting a place right away, making Richard gap a moan, then chuckle, then laugh, then look at me with a smile on his lips as he says, pulling his black hair back and out of his eyes:

"Your lost."

"It is not."

"It is."

"I didn't touch neither of you."

"But you moved."

"I did-" He cut me short by ridding my dick a little, bringing it up then down, but not hitting his sweet spot and not increasing the speed, just teasing me out of words.

"Is that so?"

I bit my lower lip again, the slow motions annoying me, increasing my lust but not giving me my satisfaction not my release.

So I say fuck it.

I turn them around, now Richard been the one over the blankets as Dylans stood between us as I covered both with my body.

"Well, if you said that I lost, then I'm allowed to play now aren't I?"

He only smirks sideways, his black hair in a lovely bird mess as Dylan held my waist so not fall back entirely on Rich dicks.

"So… now is my turn… isn't?"