Chapter 14: Waking up and changes

Opening my eyes with the sunlight hitting my face and the chirps of unfamiliar bird cries I stretched myself and arranged my long hair… Wait long hair?

"…!?" – William

Quickly taking out the small mirror I had with me in my bag I looked at the strangely familiar face that is reflected in the mirror. Slightly sharp - Red pupiled eyes that adorned my face instead of the usual gentle blue I had and a longer hair with blue strands here and there that got more pronounced near the tips of my black hair. Noticing that my soft cheeks are still there I looked at my body and quickly noticed the slightly toned muscles peeking out from the fats I had also gone a bit taller like a few inches at most but not too noticeable at a glance. While marveling at my changes Yamada waked up and had a shocked look when he saw me.

"Morning Wi– Oi that's too much a change right! Who are you and what did you do with our William!!" – Yamada

Chuckling at his antics I nudged Ruby that is inside me with surprising sense. Musing at the mystery of magecraft and the full physical change I had Ruby came out quickly complaining.

"Mou!!! Stupid Will can't you wake up a lady more gen–Oh my! Such drastic changes, hmm naruhodo~(I understand)" – Ruby

After floating around me once and thinking about itself I noticed that my voice is still mine but had a bit of strong tone in it. I felt more relaxed even so there might be small changes with my personality. Thinking about it will make a bit makes it more sensible knowing that a part of a Saint Graph of another person lest it a Heroic Spirit will surely makes some changes. After thinking for myself I looked at Ruby who already finished arranging her thoughts.

"*cough* First~ Congratulations for completing a trial Will-kun~ as much as I want to congratulate you a bit~ that stupid Zelretch restricted my party mode a bit~ Damn it! *cough* Aside from that I feel some sort of familiar Aura in you now Will-kun~ I think you need to look at your Status Screen a bit~." – Ruby

"Oh yeah wait… Status Screen" – William

Popping out from thin air my Status Screen appeared in front of me and I quickly noticed the changes.

Name: Mikado William

Class/Job: -- (Hero)

Status: Curious

Attribute & Origin: Fire, Earth, Heaven

Magic Circuits: 45(All First-class)

Capacity: 20 -> 22 times the average of an magus

Output: 1% -> 1.5% of the capacity

Alignment: Neutral Good

Level: 1 -> 4

Age: 16

Species: Demi - God(Otherworldly)

Strength: E + -> D –

Endurance: E+ -> E++

Defense: E + -> E++

Agility: E -> E++

Magic: E++ -> D

Luck: D –

Basic Skills:

Literacy Skills – Rank D –

Archery – Rank D

Blacksmithing – Rank D –

Parallel Thinking – Rank E -> E+ – [A skill based in how the user can quickly multi-task in any given situation. Rank based on how the user can quickly do multiple things the higher it goes. It is mostly manifest to those who are slightly smarter than normal in calculus]

Cooking – Rank D –

Parkour – Rank E+ -> E++ – [A sport from another world ingrained in the user's body, these military level of entertainment helps the user in navigating terrain and helps in quick decision making to quickly navigate the shortest possible route through sheer muscle memory and instinct.]

Light Magic – Rank E -> E++ – [Has the aptitude in using spells based on the subcategory – 'Light'. Skill does not include the necessary information to cast these types of spells.]

Spear Mastery – Rank E – (new!) – [Formed into a skill, Spear Masteries rank depends on how the user is skilled in the use of a spear.]

Blunt Weapons Mastery – Rank E – (new!) – [Formed into a skill, Blunt Masteries rank depends on how the user is skilled in using blunt weapons.]

Unique Skills:

Terradesia Language Translation(Temporary) – Rank EX

Class Cards – Rank ???

• Install: Phantasm Summon – Rank ??? (Sealed)

• Include: Limit Expand – Rank E

Inheritor – Rank E -> E++

Item Box – Rank D

Dead Count Shapeshifter(new!) – Rank ??? – [A unique set of Command Spells given voluntarily by a Heroic Spirit. Due to having been given by the 'original' and in a world that is still in the Age of the Gods where Mystery is more strongly pronounced than the 'Rules of Man' the Command Spells recharges themselves naturally and can also be recharged through 'terminals'. It can house also the Heroic Spirit if conditions are met. There was a homoculus who gained this ability due to a Hero who wished to act as befitting of a typical one but that is another story…]

• Hound of Ulster's Revelation(new!) – Rank ??? – [Using a Command Spell the magus can transform into Cú Chulainn in a set of time depending on the parameters of the user pertaining more to the magical aptitude of the user. Due to having the Regression to the Age of the Gods and the strange Inheritor Skill the 'state of existence' of the user and the Heroic Spirit does not clash for supremacy.]

Divinity – Rank B(new!) – [Divinity is the measure of whether one has Divine Spirit aptitude or not. At high levels, one is treated as a mixed race of a Divine Spirit(God). Gains increase in innate parameters and aptitude pertaining the ancestor's divine authority.]

Protection from Arrows – Rank E – (new!) – [An ability innately born of the Hound of Ulster. Having a part of his Saint Graph is synonymous as having a part of his existence. Gains an increase of sensing incoming projectiles. Due to the low rank can only sense the projectile in an arm's length. Rank can increase through training.]

Hidden Attributes:

Regression to the Age of the Gods

• Quality: C+

• Quantity: B

• Regression Composition: End of the Dark Ages to the 21st Century





Blessing of the Goddess of Light and Heroes

Blessing of the Goddess of Magic and Knowledge

Blessing of the God of Adventure and Curiosity

Blessing of the 4th Ranked Dead Apostle Ancestor

Blessing of the Sun God(new!) –> [As the descendant of the Sun God Lugh, the sun's light temporarily increases the owner's parameters by a small stage, weakened due to being in another world, Lugh's whisper may be heard in small chances]

Affinity & Resistance

Fire – E+: E+

Earth – E+: E+

Water – E: E

Air/Wind – E: E

Light – E+ -> E++ : E+ -> E++

Darkness – E–: E–

Space – E+: E+

Time – E+: E+

Magic Resistance(new!) – Rank C


Person from another world


A Class-less Being



First Magus

Are you an Elemental~?

Adopted Grandson of the Wizard Marshall

Demi-God(new!) – [Automatically given to those beings who have the blood of a God. Appears if the bearer's Divinity Skill is Rank B or higher.]

Hound of Ulster(new!) – [Title given to the one who killed Cullan's guard dog, due to being the 'first kill' of the title holder and bathed in it's blood the owner of this title gains a bestial ferocity in the battlefield especially 'if it's a battle to protect' something dear to the bearer.]

Child of Light(new!) – [As a descendant of the Sun God Lugh of Irish Mythology title is granted gains a blessing depending of the blood of Lugh flowing in the owner's body, has an increase in overall abilities pertaining to 'Light']

Ruby's Comment: "Uwaaah~ don't turn me a chew toy in your sleep~ (^w^'')."

Looking at my status screen which had a lot of changes various thoughts and theories came abound in head somehow the two curious people(?) around me can see the status screen and when I was going to reprimand them for being too noisy…

[Ho~ you got a fancy room there bozu(kid)] – Lancer

"The hell! Aniki!?" – William

""Aniki!?"" – Yamada & Ruby

Calming the outburst of the other two I communicated a bit with Lancer and with a quick conversation I learned that he currently resides in the Command Seal at my back and can somehow see through using my eyes. He can somehow also borrow my body if I'm unconscious in a temporary way before getting kicked out due to my natural mental defenses. He can also somehow communicate also by borrowing my mouth or by using a rune he wrote internally seeing him conversing with Yamada who had a look of admiration and Ruby who is being examined by my hand… Oi!

"Oi! Please don't casually use my body like that Aniki!" – William

[Hey I'm just examining your Mystic Code for a bit~! By the way who made you? Such a highly advanced Mystic Code is pretty rare even by my era and your even sentient! Your design is also pretty much old fashioned even for me.] – Lancer

"Nah some stupid Dead Apostle Emperor who had a severe addiction to magical girls made me. I was once actually a magical stick but he modified me to this grimoire type due to the fear that Heroic Spirits will forcefully descend from the Throne of Heroes to personally kill him but most of it is due to him feeling not to embarrass William~." – Ruby

[Hmm magical girls? *checks stock knowledge* Hou~ he is lucky to made the changes cause I would pretty much skewer that bloodsucker personally with my spear!] – Lancer

'Ahhh~ ignorance is bliss…' – William & Yamada

While giving a mental prayer to the old man I noticed that there is someone knocking the door. Mentioning the three to quiet down I answered the door where a maid was already waiting.

"Hero-sama's breakfast is already prepared in the dining room can you please follow me downstairs?" – Maid

"Ahhh wait just a second and can you do me a favor?" – William

Closing the door, I quickly tidied my bed and mentioned to Yamada who somehow quickly finished a morning exercise. After opening the door, the maid gave me a blue piece of cloth similar in shade to the clothing Lancer wore and tied my long hair in a ponytail in front of the blushing maid. We followed the maid and was led to the dining room we ate last night and boy the shocked looked of my classmates was a bit priceless. Noticing the awkward silence, I coughed a bit snapping them of their reverie.

"Oh morning Tenryuu-san, William-san here let's eat." – James

Mentioning the two empty seats prepared for us we quickly sat on it and began eating… Somehow it felt awkward being stared a bit too much so I addressed them for a bit.

"So… Why the looking." – William

"Ahhh well we were shocked a bit from your huge changes you know?" – James

"Hey it's not much different from the few of us here ya know I just tweaked a bit with my new abilities." – William

My answer was kinda normal for some of my classmates like Natasha who gained a bit of sky-blue strands of hair and had sharper prominent eyes. Heck there are even some who had more drastic changes like golden beast-like eyes, scales growing a part of their body. There is even one right now heating his steak with flames coming from his fingers. I felt like the people around me are bragging their new abilities and just the minority of us who have a bit of a normal change. Well if they knew about what happened to me fundamentally they would be shocked.

"Well it's not that! It's more like your more relaxed and carefree than normal? Also you have those eyes like… uhh." – James

"…You killed someone." – Natasha

Looking stunned at Natasha who had a dangerous look and the strange atmosphere around us I quickly pacified them by telling that I had a strangely real dream about killing a huge dog. It eased their expression a bit but Natasha was still looking to me but every time I look at her, she avoids my gaze...

"…" – William

Somehow, I felt a strange gaze being directed to me since entering the dining room and when I looked at owner of the gaze.

"…*shudder*" - William

"…" – Veronica

Shivering at the somehow predatory look, she was looking at me I quickly focused on eating my food in a quicker pace. When I had the time to think and ignore the gaze that strangely kept on increasing in intensity I heard Lancer talking to me through my head.

[Ahhh this is bad~…] – Lancer

[What do you mean Aniki?] – William

[I know that type of gaze; it was directed to me a lot…] – Lancer

[Hmm really? From who then?] – William

[Medb.] – Lancer

[Geh…] – William

Hearing that infamous name of the woman who is the primary reason that the Heroic Spirit inside me died made me double take a bit. When I verified to him if he is 100% sure he merely stated.

[If you will always get gazed with that look even in the middle of the battlefield you will surely get to be familiar with it. Well Sishou sometimes look at me like that back in the day…] – Lancer

[*groan* Don't mention your romantic accomplishments a bit Aniki...] – William

Ignoring the teasing of Lancer in head we finished breakfast and was quickly guided into the familiar throne room. Looking around the only one who are around yesterday is the King and Princess Leticia. I have gotten a surprised look by the King and some of the knights we had passed by before.

Ignoring those minor things, the King quickly got into the matter quickly and told us about the situation and status quo before how the locals made a plan together with the fourth generation heroes by making a lot of decoyed Hero Summoning, yesterday how the Daemon Clan now the Demon Clan(They erased the 'a' due to a lot of meaning but I believe they fundamentally brand them something evil, typical…) tried to stop the Hero Summoning Ritual but failed in the last minute the typical scenario where the king bowed and asked for help where Yamada and I secretly clicked our tongue of how cliché it is while James quickly pulled up the king and making a speech and one-sidedly accepting the request without even asking for our opinion, even if majority had been nodding in agreement about it irks me a bit, heck some of the females in the room had a shining look even that princess started to mark the competitions.

After having the 'feels event' came the fundamental thing. They quickly 'dragged us' into a room with a solemn platform where a shiny orb is nested in a pedestal, there is also a big assed crystal practically stuck in the whole ceiling making it the only thing that occupies it alongside the crisscrossed veins and runes carved reaching the orb. Looking around I noticed the robed people I saw yesterday fiddling here and there alongside a young pale faced woman who is wearing a slightly gaudier robe than them I noticed the slightly pointed tip ears peeking out from her golden and greenish hair earning the intense look of Yamada. Ignoring the idiot who repeatedly interchanged a staple race name with something erotic I noticed the king address her as the royal mage denoting the high standing of the person in the kingdom after noticing. Notifying the king that everything is ready, the king signaled us to approach him.

"Heroes as some of you may already know but some of you arrived on this world without what we call a class. Class are fundamentally and necessary in our world's existence for every sentient species needed one to live properly. Class gives you bonus pertaining the thing you chose and fundamentally there are rankings from different class starting from E to EX. You can upgrade your class every time you reach level 20, 40, 60 and 80. There were few recorded people who reached higher but fundamentally, you cannot reach EX rank unless you are a Hero or those with special and specific class you started on or the class should start at B rank. That orb you can see that is nestled in the center of the room will help you choose your specific class or change your class for the thing you needed. The Gods from the Heavens also promised to lend guidance in you choosing your class and even helping you by bestowing some divine equipment as protection." – King

Hearing the things, the King information the classmates I had started talking with each other while me and Yamada had a quick eye contact. Talking with Ruby and Lancer mentally eased my tension for they already hid and protected some of my sensitive information. While conversing with them I nodded to Yamada who sighed in relief. Information is truly dangerous to spread around especially with how mine is way too sensitive, Yamada was safe due to the guaranty of the two in me and even that old man did not outright erased him or tamper with his memories, even I don't want to be left alone in this foreign world without someone I can truly trust.

Looking around it seems James volunteered himself and solemnly walked into the pedestal, touching the orb the runes and veins around the room pulsated with power and a fog slowly appeared around him while whispers echoed in the room which may be the Gods talking to him, after a few moments a shadow slowly formed slightly behind him which when I squinted my eyes is an armored silhouette slightly taller than him holding what could be a long sword with a scarf around his neck and also 3 pairs of sharp wings similarly shaped to those laser wings scene in sci-fi movies. When the fog cleared up he was there holding that sword I saw at that time when we were first called and now with a white headband and a red scarf around his neck while smiling brightly.

Going down he was quickly surrounded by my classmates and me with Yamada followed them to hear what he experienced. We learned that he talked with three Gods, which seems to be a tired Goddess Lumos a gruff and prideful God who called himself the God of War and Chivalry and a playful toned God of Adventure and Curiosity. It seems he chose the class Brave that was strangely the only option he had, which earned the praise of the King. The headband and scarf he had was the divine equipment given to him after the discussion of the three gods. It even earned a praise from Lancer inside of me and it seems they were comparable to Noble Phantasms and were growth type that grows along with the user even.

After his opening, which led to the high tension of my classmates, get higher volunteers started popping out quickly but Natasha quickly stepped to the pedestal silently with a huge amount of competitive air. After the familiar fog and light show with the whispers around her, a shadow similar to what happened to James rose behind her.

Her shadow is also an armored one with a rapier and a scarf with a pair of what seemed to be a cape emulating styled to the wings beneath it that is truly a pair of wings similar to James. Coming out of the fog is her also holding that rapier with a silver scarf and a red cloth tying her hair into a ponytail. After a series of questions, it seems she talked with 4 Gods and the other three where the familiar Gods that talked with James except this time a Goddess called the Goddess of Winds and Saints joined them and gave her things slightly similar to James.

In addition, her Class is Sword Saint (Otherworldly); I also learned from the King that the current holder of the localized Class Sword Saint is the Guardian of the knight kingdom somewhere in the south-west. The third guy who if I remember correctly is a prince from some sultan in Egypt walked in the platform confidently, he seemed to have already a class which sadly he did not disclose aside that it is something that overpowers his enemies with an energy called 'aura energy' which was a combination of mental strength and energy. He also only disclosed that he can manipulate the ground but works better in the sands, which made the king, had a devious smirk that earned him a suspicious look from me and the two friends I have.

After that, many of my classmates got their class or stayed with their innately given one. Lee Hyun seemed to already have the Martial Artist class and it seemed that every time you reach the necessary level to class change or advance you need to face a trial where a master of your art as the witness aside from the more special jobs which had other conditions. Yamada also changed his class from Shadow Thief from an Eastern Type Class called Shadow Internal Qi Practitioner. It seems he can freely break through the class advance alone but he needs to go to some mysterious Eastern Empire so he can cross reference his abilities from the other practitioners there, due to the fact that here in the western side in the continent there were few people who are users of this type of class aside from travelers or those whose ancestors or themselves that settled down. He jokingly called that 2 particular Gods that were persistently trying to let him stick with his old class.

After conversing a bit with Yamada I noticed that I am already the only one who haven't climbed the pedestal. Honestly I actually don't need to go up due to the huge implications that will befell me if I use the 'terminal' here as Ruby said but I need to collect the necessary information and the proper quality time to train peacefully for the future. Lancer even advised me to not go up because I will be marked by different individuals but I digress. As they said if you want to peek at the enemies cards, you must show some of yours. I don't want to be also marked early but I plan to quietly vanish dragging along Yamada with me after the things I need to do. As I walked into the pedestal with my trembling heart Lancer calmed me a bit by giving me some encouragement.

[This is the choice you picked kid so straighten that back of yours and if you truly wanna reveal yourself let's make it flashy~!] – Lancer

Imagining him grinning made my blood boil and made me walk with a more confident gait than before.

Approaching the orb, I placed my hands into it and felt the probing gaze from above. However, before the fog completely cover me and the lightshow with whispers as BGM started a pillar of light descended from above that can even be seen from afar. Enveloping me I noticed how the various aura's surrounding me got shoved away quickly and all is left a powerful and majestic voice that resonated somewhere deeply in me, like it called from deep in my blood. That voice so powerful and strangely familiar called out to the world.

"WHY IS MY SON HERE!!! – ???


What if…(2)

Reaching the pedestal, I put my hands on the orb while secretly placing the Saber Class Card on it. When the light show started instead of a fog and the usual whispering a blast of air burst through behind me throwing me off balance and hitting the ground. When the dust cleared out there in where the shadow should be a woman of short stature clad in armor reminiscent of knights straight out of the times where chivalry, honor was more abound.

When she opened her eyes, and I felt a searing heat in the back of my right arm she spoke in a regal and strong tone.

"I ask of you… Are you my Master?" – ???

As much as I want to answer, I am struck with the sheer beauty and the strange background where all of the people in the room are prostrating reverently. Even Yamada is prostrating himself while crying tears of joy and slowly crawling towards us.

'Oi! Decide quickly if you wanna smile or cry you pervert!' – William

Divine Equipments

"So what gift the Gods let you use Yamada" – William

"He he~ I'm glad you asked Will-kun~ look at this!!" – Yamada

*shows a huge white piece of cloth*

"What? It's just a piece of cloth?" – William

"It's not just a piece of cloth!! It helps me blend in with the environment and hides my presence more! With this guhehehehe~" – Yamada

"*backs away* Sorry Yamada I will miss you…" – William

"*snaps back* Huh why? *William points at the angry females* Oh s#it…" – Yamada