Chapter 16: The Duke of Barbed Iron and the Spar

Looking at the agape look of the people in the room made me feel strangely giddy while blaming the old man Zelretch for this stupid feeling I can somehow feel a sudden premonition of a huge headache.

It came through a few seconds later. Do you remember the times when you did something amazing in the eyes of children they flock at you like locust and bombard you with demands till you felt violated and licked clean of the burning tension of such cute lil' devils…? That's what I am currently feeling right now.

Before they started flocking me and bombarding me with questions I quickly raised my hands up to let them stop and said;

"Ok before I'm gonna get swallowed with questions I'll point to someone then I'll answer their question." – William

Quickly pointing at James who had raised his hand with shining eyes he asked me.

"Are you really a descendant of Lugh?" – James

"Beats me but the guy told me his blood flowed in me and the only thing that came to my head is a severe case of Atavism." – William

When the locals asked what atavism is the smart ars*d classmates of mine told them what is it which is a case a trait from your ancestors surface out and l waited for them to calm down and quickly pointed to a few classmates so we can get this over with.

"So you're a demi-god?" – Natasha

"Yep it says here in the Status Screen." – William

"Are you strong?" – Lee Hyun

"If you're asking me physically yes I am healthy and strong but mentally? I have a severe headache right now." – William

"Can you still make babies? – Yamada

"I sure can hell Yamada I'm just a fking mix breed!" – William

Pissing me off for no apparent reason Yamada pointed out if I'm still ok down there. But somehow that triggered a chain reaction of really scary stare… From Veronica, the supposed to be elf mage and the king… The hell this old man is looking at! I ain't gonna marry your daughter look at how dedicated she is with James! Oi don't sneak a peek on me lady! I'm starting to pity James there! D'mn you Yamada stop trying to hold that laughter so I can have a proper reason to beat yah!

"…!" – William

Wait this type of annoying stare looking around I quickly noticed that 3rd person classmate of mine who made a group back then at the room if I was not wrong… this fker looked at me with killing intent? If I remember correctly this dude also did not show all of his cards ehh...

[Yep I felt that even when he tried to quickly reined it in. Somehow you really have a jealous classmate there William~.] – Lancer

After having the guarantee that guy looked at me with bad intentions from the very Hound of Ulster (Well I'm a hound now also lol) I quickly ignored him who kept on avoiding my stare and clapped my hands to stop the weird atmosphere and asked them to stop with the staring. Well after I pointed them to stop staring the king eased the atmosphere and led us to a wide courtyard where a lot of soldiers where training, looking around I noticed the weapons rack in the left side. When the soldiers noticed us approaching they quickly stopped what they are doing and kneeled in one knee and bowed to the king.

When the king let them raise they quickly started training and we approached the huge man in the other end of the courtyard who was yelling at the soldiers while drinking from what I can smell… booze. When the king and princess saw him they made a collective sigh and smiled wryly to the bear(?) man.

"Grand Commander, may I have your time for a bit?" – Regis

"Hmm ohh, Regis 'sup" – Grand Commander

""[So casual…]"" – Lancer and Everybody

Looking at the king whose eyebrows are quickly twitching with huge annoyance I examined the huge man who is supposed to be the Grand Commander with Lancer's laughter as a BGM. The first thing you would notice from him is that he is huge like huge! It's an understatement to ask me how he is huge but just think of a Caucasian handsome old man with blazing red hair and supper ripped with muscles and especially taller than what seemed to be a tall western guy. But the thing that stands out from him is that metal arm holding the bottle. I don't want some Winter Soldier joke but that arm looks kinda cool with those veins and runes carved in it, they are not visible unless you looked closely but man those look amazing. When our group got nearer the king in his annoyance when he noticed the bottle which the guy was holding scolded him.

"You drank a bottle of Dwarven made drink again Fredrick! How many times where the doctors and priests told you to stop drinking when you are still recovering! Also how many times I told you that don't call me with my name in public that casually! It's your Majesty you idiot!" – King

"*blocks ears* Noisy~… I know my body more than some guys who just poke here and there I need my drink always~. Remember that I'm still currently on leave and the boys are family anyway so this is not technically public anyway~." Grand Commander

"*groan* I'm here for a task for you anyway so you should address me properly. Don't raise an eyebrow on me right now Grand Commander, the old men at the Council asked me to do this when they knew you just kept on drinking after you started recovering." – King

"Che~ those old foggey's only knew how to hide when it matters the most to save their skin… So what's the task your majesty?" – Grand Commander

"Train this kids for a week properly before the delegations from the temples arrive. I don't want our kingdom become a joke when those guys at Boutras enrolled their Heroes at that Academy." – King

Another group of Heroes? This is getting interesting…

"*raises eyebrow* Those twisted bastards summoned a group of Heroes? Tch they will try to expand again if left ignored for so long. Ok, I'll accept this task I need anyway that the people around my cute daughter will be strong enough so they won't get their ass whooped. I need to ask that old bastard to strengthen the boarder's security again dam*it" – Grand Commander

"Good, my daughter will also get to enroll there anyway next year so I'll leave the Heroes to you Grand Commander. I still have other matters to attend to." – King

Leaving us, the King left when an attendant arrived and whispered in his ear. Looking confusedly at the King who had a more serious face the Grand Commander looked at us and grinned widely.

"So you're the Heroes ehh~ by the way who was the guy who made that huge lightshow that it even leaked out from the roof." – Grand Commander

Twitching my lips when they directed my stare on me the bear man just bellowed in laughter.

"Hahaha~ so you some sort of dragon incarnate? Even when a Brave gets checked their not that flashy." – Grand Commander

"…demigod." – William

"Hmm? What God? Is it the God of War? No even if that guy is a pervert he won't let a mortal get pregnant because his wife will make them suffer way harder than normal. Is it the God of Beast? No, his mating season was just 10 years ago..." – Grand Commander

"*groan* He is a God from our world…" – William

"Hmm another god from your world ehh? Well let's leave it that I still need to finish this bottle anyway. Get some practice weapons in that rack over there and come to me when you already choose one. Brats training is over! I need to check this kids of what they can do." – Grand Commander

Pointing at the weapon rack the Grand Commander yelled at the soldiers who were training and made them rest. Looking at the various weapons that was placed in the rack I noticed the diversity of the weapon that I even saw katars, katana's and a nagitana placed here. Ignoring those I chose a spear that had a similar length with Gae Bolg if it's in my size and swung it around to get it's feel while conversing with Lancer.

[You gonna choose a spear? I though your one of those guys who love swords?] – Lancer

[Well I am, but I read an article once that a spear is good for beginners due to its reach and if I got trained with your Teacher I need to have even the basic understanding of spears in me or I will get trashed quickly] – William

[Let me tell you quickly bozu, Sishou will still trash you even if you are a master in using spears even when I started training with her I was already good in one. She still twisted my bones. By the way you doing the trial tonight?] – Lancer

[*shudder* scary… Oh no, Sapphire will wake up tonight so I'll start practicing my control when I have the Mystic Code ready and I planned to go to the first world Zelretch told me about before I take my trial. I plan to take a trial though from another Heroic Spirit…] – William

[*raises eyebrow*Who?] – Lancer

[Secret~…] – William

Smirking at Lancer who got peeved I approached the Grand Commander with my fellow classmates who are nervous for the first time holding their weapons, well Yamada and Natasha are somehow cool with holding one. When all of us gathered properly the Grand Commander raised his arm and said.

"Ok I will test first your individual capabilities, so it's one on one first. Don't get scared of me I will only block your attacks and those weapon's edges are removed anyway so you can swing freely~."

Looking with each other the first one approached the Grand Commander and started the sparring match alongside the spectating solders…

…The conclusion? We were owned, totally. The Grand Commander just stood there and blocked our attacks till we were tired. The only one who made him move was Yamada who nearly poked his ass with a dagger that came out from the Commander's shadow rewarding him with a bitch slap, Natasha who blew him with her rapier and a strong squall for a few inches, William who got a lucky punch in the face which made him stagger and that 3rd Guy who I still can't remember his name who secretly did a combo of overhead slash while pulling a knee with a hand that grew from the ground. Looking at Commander Fredrick (he made us call that…) who was closing his eyes and busily tapping his fingers in his arm he earned a praise from Lancer even from how hard he is similar to that guy who loved women too much.

When he stopped tapping we looked at the Commander who opened his eyes, but somehow he focused his stare on me…

"You, why were you holding back?" – Commander Fredrick

"…?" – William

Looking at him confusedly he only made a sigh and told me.

"You were pulling your punches… It's like you were expecting something to come and when it's not, your posture and stance weakens more you even became slower." – Commander Fredrick

When he said that I remember once my conversation with Lancer about the effects of me having a part of his Saint Graph. I answered him truthfully(?) this time with some certainty.

"Well… I believe it's because I haven't got an experience of a fight when the enemy does not hit back…?" – William

"*raises eyebrow* Continue? "– Commander Fredrick

"Well my first fight was a rampaging animal when I was a kid and I nearly died at that time, and most of the time I got into a fight is one against the many or I fight consecutively by bullies from another school so I trained myself from a famous instructor but she still break's my legs every time I did not execute properly what I was ordered to. After that bullies still visited our school but every time they fight me they still try to beat me with numbers so I still fight tired and weary. The few times I had fought only a single conflict in the day was a direct relative of mine who was actually trained from the same instructor." – William

Making a story out of Lancer's life was really hard for me to think of. Yamada who realized that is secretly snickering while the females looked me with pity and the soldiers somehow started to look at me with admiration. The Command after listening to me told me.

"So… you can fight 100% if I will hit back?" – Commander Fredrick

"Yes, I believe so…" – William

"You might die accidentally you know…" – Commander Fredrick

Looking at the serious look Commander Fredrick had and the nodding soldiers I merely took a deep breath and said while grinning teasingly…

"People die when they are killed anyway~ What's the point of telling me that…" – William

Looking at the dumbfounded Commander Fredrick and Yamada who laughed his ass off till his in the ground made my stomach churn. Especially you Lancer don't laugh!




"Ohh, you can drink a lot of booze there William~ *hick*" – Grand Commander

"Hahahaha~!!! Naturally for you who can keep up with me in drinking you can call me with my real name Iskandar!!! Gahahahaha~ - William(?)

"Yess~… Iskandar Aniki!!" – Grand Commander

Hey that's hell you're going to…

"You can't save her! It's too late…" – ???

"I can sense she is still alive! I must go!" – ???

"But that's hell you're are going to…" – ???

Smirking the shadow grabbed his sword and marched into the portal.