Chapter 24: A little girl’s fantasy

I still remember the times when I was still a child. My lovable mother still stays with us at that time. Every time in the afternoon she would always tell me stories of heroes of old, from the boy who became the king when he pulled out a sword from the stone, the woman who became a fierce general for her empire and stayed loyal even when her husband was imprisoned due to false charges and to the oldest documented hero who had his journey filled with flare alongside his best friend.

I remember the times she told me the stories even when those heroes in their lowest moments. I would always cry at that time and she pet's my head saying.

"Veronica dear, why are you crying?" – ???

Telling her the reasons I had cried she merely laughed softly and caressed my head and always says.

"Dear, those heroes may had accomplished many amazing things, some we cannot even reproduce with our technology, but those failings they had still shows something. They are similar to us humans. We fail in stuff we had done but we still grow. That makes us normal people and heroes still have similarities. It shows that they and us are still persons with the same origin, that we are humans." – Veronica's mother

I still did not understand at that time the meaning of what my mother said. Time goes by and mother started her work. She was an archeologist and a huge assignment and project they and her team was given to them in the Middle East so she needed to leave. She still sent us some letters and calling us at those times making me and father worried. But one day she did not gave us a call, that one day turned into weeks then a month.

Worried my father asked around and he learned a cave in happened and her team got out… except her. We cried really hard at that time. Father ordered for that site to be dug up inside out and all they saw is a tattered booklet my mother always bring in her jobs and no traces of mother. In father's grief he focused in his job and left the booklet to me for safe keeping. He doted on me and spoiled me a bit, but I know every time he sees me he sees my mother and that hurts us both. I was 15 at that time when father enrolled me in some big school in London that was recently built. Disgruntled but without a choice I followed my father's arrangements and entered the schooling there…

I quickly blend in with the girl groups that my classmates had clicked with and waited for class to start when the last boy arrived in the room making all the seats full we waited for the teacher to arrive when the room was suddenly engulfed with light.

Waking up we found ourselves in a white place and the most beautiful woman I saw in my life except my mother was waiting for us. She told us that she is a goddess and implored us to save their world from some invaders. Agreeing we were given powers and abilities making me excited thinking about those heroes my mother used to tell.

When we arrived at the world Terradesia the place looked amazingly straight from the times where knights battling dragons and stuff going around making me feel giddy. Time quickly flew by and it was the next day we were eating breakfast when that boy came out of his room. He looked normal for me at first but when I looked at him something in me felt like waking up. I don't know the feeling I had with the changed look he had but I felt like I saw a cute puppy barking and acting like some big shot making me subconsciously wet my lips. It seems he noticed my gaze for he shuddered and look at my direction. Trying to ignore my gaze I laughed lightly at his antics thinking it's really cute.

After eating we were debriefed of what is really going on and were led to a room where our gifts will be shown and the gods will give us equipment compatible of said gifts. I was given the gift of changing my body's appearance and properties into the animals or creatures I befriend with making me a very versatile type the equipment that was given to me was in the form of a necklace which I hid quickly beneath my clothes that strengthens my overall mental faculties and gives me the power to communicate to animals or beings incapable of speech.

I was disappointed at first because I did not have the gift similar to James or Natasha but I was shocked speechless at what happened when that boy if I remember correctly is William stepped up. Different from what happened before us a booming voice shoved those whispering gods away.

Shuddering at the sheer might and presence of that god I felt like bowing down and prostrating myself. But the thing that shocked me to the core the most is the name of the god. It was Lugh!!! I knew that name for he was the father of one of the heroes my mother told me about the father of the Child of Light and a key figure to the Irish Gods, the Tuatha Dé Danann the pantheon he belonged! When the ceremony was over I looked at William with excitement and a bit of jealousy for being someone related to that God even if it was merely a coincidence, but for a demigod as a classmate makes me feel surreal.

When we were sent to the man called a Grand Commander I was observing William and when I saw him use a spear I felt him and the image I had with the Child of Light overlap a second there. When they sparred I saw him fight like a rabid dog, quick and following with straightforward attacks that seems to sublimate instinct and technique. I laughed a bit at the last moment when he raged and tried to stab the Grand Commander's groin but I was sure of it. I don't know if the Hound of Ulster had another child that was not written and documented but I feel he is related to that heroic figure.

A few days gone by and I just kept observing William and teased him here and there. He was a blunt and kind person making me warm in the heart. Thinking about teasing him more I tried to sneak into his room one night but when I heard the guards was looking for an escaped prisoner I paled and panicked that I was noticed by him outside his door. He let me inside and calmed me down till I slept in his bed. I felt his gentle pat felt like my mother's…

Five days later since the start of our training our last session was an expedition of sort and preparing us for the future. We need to clean a bandit camp that was stealing from villages. It seems they were using goblins as fodder also and we were tasked to kill those evil creatures. At the caverns we fought with such cruel and smart little beings and when one of those tried to molest a girl I lashed at it with my whip. Looking at such an ugly and perverted being we felt disgusted to the core and the boys was also riled up to erase them from the world, gone was our inhibition and hesitation in spilling blood and was replaced by burning fervor in erasing such vile creatures from the face of the planet.

When we reached the end of the cavern we saw a humongous creature. I felt a huge amount of fear when I saw it. It seems to be called an ogre a powerful creature of pure physical force. We fought it while distracting the shaman who seems to be the one who tamed such creature and when it was down we celebrated a short reprieve but an applause stopped our giddy and happy atmosphere.

When we found the source of that applause I quickly paled when I saw the characteristics of a very famous creature even by modern standard. A vampire was standing in front of us all the giddy feeling I had was replaced by primal fear and I tried to back off but we were blocked by some sort of barrier. James and William tried to talk it through but the vampire won't budge so the only thing we could do is try to regain the lost stamina we had and delaying while wishing for the reinforcements to arrive.

The vampire offered us to survive by turning into one of them but as it may be synonymous to betrayal we battled it out with him. William changed his armor from some clothing but I felt the change in atmosphere in him and when I saw how the clothing is stronger than the armor he used before so I quickly ignored it. It seems the other vampire that arrived had a relationship with the Knight Captain that was protecting us and hearing that she was controlled by the vampire in front of me makes me pissed off.

When the vampire called Alfonse noticed he was in a disadvantage he used a powerful mental attack making us all fall down and faint. I did not faint as the other people around the room except William because of the divine equipment the Gods gave me I somehow did not faint. In fear I pretended to faint and saw how William quickly became bloody because he kept defending us. I tried to stand up but my body won't move from the fear I felt.

'Please! Move! I need to help him!!' I demanded to my body who is paralyzed there repeatedly.

I screamed internally when I saw him skewered and lifted off from the ground. I closed my eyes in resignation and in fear of our impending demise but when I heard him say something strange and a red light engulfed him that made my closed eyes open for a second time I was speechless in his second transformation.

There clad in the same clothing but with more armor and a red spear I had the hallucination of hearing horses gallop and flags flying with the sound of war cries in a wide grassland the smell of blood is thick in the air. I saw how his red eyes and long blue hair flap with a different kind of atmosphere. I was bewildered how the blood he had turned into particles. The vampire also felt and seen the change and when the boy I knew was William speak in a different style and tone I knew.

'This is not William.' Came my internal monologue but alas the vampire did not hear what I said. He quickly formed the stance William always use but with more solid and stronger disciplinary air. He quickly disappeared and I saw him attempting to stab him with the red spear he panicked.

I saw how their battle progressed. Even with my inexperienced eyes I saw the difference in how he and William wield the spear. If William is like an unruly dog but has hesitation in his actions this man in William's body is like how a trained hound will round up the sheep. Disciplined and has the actions of protecting the flock I saw him slowly guide away the battlefield from us and how a spear that is mostly renown in breaking the formations of soldiers and charging cavalries in the battlefield was changed into the sturdiest shield.

When the vampire started to use cowardly tactics and flung away his false noble air I saw him rage like how the Grand Commander reprimand the squires during our training. When I saw him write a rune in the air I sensed the age and statelessness of the rune. When the vampire died and turned into ashes I saw him disappear again and carried that vampire girl gently in a princess carry. I felt a pang of jealousy in me but it quickly turned into worry when I saw her wince and squirm in pain. When I heard she was cursed to die along with the vampire I felt myself cursing at the late Alfonse. But the next words he said carrying conviction and humor broke the tragic atmosphere when he lifted his hand and a white globe of light appeared in it.

It quickly changed into an ornate dagger similar to the daggers I saw in the museums I kept visiting in my free time but more gaudy and mysterious. I nearly lifted myself and beat the s#it out of him when I saw him stab it into the girl's neck but the next phenomenon made me reel in shock. The girl's breathing stabilized and I saw her red eyes and fangs recede and replaced by gentle blue eyes and clean pair of teeth. Her pale skin changed into a ruddy and flushed similar to how a living human should be.

I felt happy when I saw her cried in tears and joy when her curse and vampirism gone. Those feelings nearly vanished when she tried to kiss him though. But when I saw him tease the girl and pointed at Sir Felix I quickly recomposed myself and reprimanded myself for being weirdly spiteful. When he joked at himself and looked at me and called me little girl I was not surprised anymore that he noticed me being awake.

When a flash of light came from him and I saw a bloody William fainting with still his black hair I knew he already left. Trying hard to lift myself I remember him calling William his little brother and when I pieced together the information I had alongside that weird illusion I first saw. I knew that the Child of Light just graced us with his presence. Calming my boiling blood and excitement that made my face flush I slowly walked to the fainted William and promised to myself.

'I must get stronger so that I can walk beside William…' – Veronica

I heard the clanking armor and saw Sir Julius and heard his question I merely laughed and said.

"Sir all I saw was a radiant light" – Veronica


A small heart's desire

Opening my eyes, I saw myself in a soft bed. I smiled lovingly at the shadow outside the window practicing his spear. When I heard a cute and lovable voice besides me.

"Mama~ morning~" – ???

"Morning dear~. Want to take a bath~" – Veronica

"Un~ but first Mama should wake up first and get papa~" – ???

"Ehh~?" – Veronica

Waking up hearing the sound of training in the courtyard Veronica opened the window and quickly zoomed into William who was sweating from fatigue. Getting an eye contact with him making him flinch, she smiled and though.

'Don't worry dear~.' – Veronica