Chapter 26: Rest Day

Lifting myself from the bed I waved at the group outside who was peaking and when they asked worriedly if I'm ok I merely waved it off and asked them some few questions. It seems we were quickly teleported here in the capital where the best healers reside in the kingdom and I practically slept for the whole day. They were shocked at how I survived while bleeding an amount where a normal person should had been shocked to death.

It seems today was a rest day that was scheduled to us by the Grand Commander due to being our first campaign. Later I learned that these kind of modern-like practice came from a senior of ours who worked and studied in the medical field that helps us not to have any mental disorder for seeing and experiencing a gruesome sight. Looking at the few people that talked with me it seems the others are either busy relaxing and strolling around or training.

When Veronica arrived with a trolley of food while smiling radiantly she arrived pushing it beside me. It seems they saw her drag the 'corpse' outside as they quickly gave excuses with pale faces and ran away. 'Jerks.' I muttered secretly while looking at the receding tide of people I clicked my tongue in annoyance. Looking at the busy girl beside me arranging the food...

"Thanks…" I murmured softly and it seems she heard that and smiled warmly.

"No, I think I should be the one thanking you. Without you we would either had been kidnapped at that time or killed in that dreary caverns." She said waving off what I said. To be honest that was really a tight situation and I just got lucky that the vampire's last attack did not hit me in the vital spots and he hesitated at the last moment. Thinking about the situation back then made me worried about those girls. It seems the worry surfaced also in my face and she asked me what I was thinking. After I asked her if those girls were ok she said.

"They are fine now, those who have homes or relatives to return to left by now after a quick check up. Those who have nowhere to go where either taken in as nuns in the local temples or recruited as housekeepers and maids by a few nobles and the King. By the way they especially asked a favor in giving you especially a huge amount of thanks when they heard the story and it seems they can remember fragmentary memories in that situation." She said while smiling making me sigh in relief.

I asked her what information was given and it seems she merely said to the guards that she waked up when the battle was over and saw a 'shining being', a pile of ashes and the vampirism of the girl receding due to a weird dagger made out of light. She did not mention any thing about me except me being the last man standing but when I heard the 'shining being' I smirked thinking about Lancer who acted smug in me. It seems the woman called Falna already returned into her family and she wanted to thank me personally but due to my fainted circumstances she did not get the chance.

When I was going to start to eat Veronica took the chance to take the spoon and after scooping out some food she said.

"Aaaa~" While having a bashful smile. Hearing the sneaky laugh of Lancer makes my eyebrow twitch but remembering the incident in the morning made me surrender to this kind of predicament.

[Oh my~! Oh my~! William-san it seems you keep on complaining but you are actually enjoying this aren't you~.] Ruby said in a small shady voice like how when the devil whisper in your ear making me reel back making the girl in front of me utterly confused. Shaking my head off and said to her it's nothing I ate in silence with only her who kept on feeding me making feel a weird sense of peace… Well except for the two voices inside of me who keeps trying to ruin the atmosphere…

After eating she arranged the empty plates and said to me.

"Well I will leave you a bit~. Rest well you need to have the energy to stand up tomorrow. It seems our personal trainers and delegations from allied kingdoms will arrive the tomorrow so be prepared~." She said while pushing the trolley out of the room. With the familiar silence I feel in the room I looked around a bit and when I felt it was clear I called out for Ruby and Sapphire to come out of my body.

[Kyaaah~ Such a cliché situation I though you would had pushed her down and do *omitted* this and *omitted* that to her with your burning passion~] What the hell is burning passion? I retorted to the floating book who kept on squirming and had already been breaking the laws of physics with how she floats and squeeze her body that is practically a thick book. Sighing at her antics Sapphire merely said.

[William-sama your status has already been updated. Feel free to look at the changes.] She said in her usual cool voice. Sighing I willed for my status to appear and noticed already the various changes.

Name: Mikado William

Class/Job: Magus (Hero)

Status: Curious

Attribute & Origin: Fire, Earth, Heaven

Magic Circuits: 45(All First-class)

Capacity: 22 times the average of a magus

Output: 1.5% of the capacity

Alignment: Neutral Good

Level: 4 –> 11(First Circle Magician Branch)

Age: 16

Species: Demi - God(Otherworldly)

Strength: D – –> D+

Endurance: E++ –> D

Defense: E++ –> D

Agility: E++ –> D+

Magic: D –> C –

Luck: D – –> D

Basic Skills:

Literacy Skills – Rank D –

Archery – Rank D

Blacksmithing – Rank D –

Parallel Thinking – Rank E+ –> D –

Cooking – Rank D –

Parkour – Rank E++ –> D –

Light Magic – Rank E++

Spear Mastery – Rank E –> D –

Blunt Weapons Mastery – Rank E –> E+

Sword Mastery – Rank E+ (new!) – [Formed into a skill, Sword Masteries rank depends on how the user is skilled in the use of a sword.]

Magecraft – Rank E+ (new!) – [The artificial reenactment of Mystery, which is ordinarily possible only by inhuman beings.]

Unique Skills:

Terradesia Language Translation(Temporary) – Rank EX

Class Cards – Rank ???

• Install: Phantasm Summon – Rank ??? (Sealed)

• Include: Limit Expand – Rank E –> E+

Inheritor – E++

Item Box – Rank D

Dead Count Shapeshifter – Rank ???

• Hound of Ulster's Revelation – Rank ???

Divinity – Rank B

Protection from Arrows – Rank E –> D –

Battle Continuation – Rank D – (new!) – [A skill that allows for the continuation of combat after sustaining mortal wounds. Slightly similar to the acquisition of how the Child of Light got the skill, the Inheritor who survived being turned into a living kebab through sheer tenacious will and the intent to shove his weapon to the talkative enemy gained the Battle Continuation Skill when all conditions was finally met.]

Hidden Attributes:

Regression to the Age of the Gods

• Quality: C+

• Quantity: B

• Regression Composition: End of the Dark Ages to the 21st Century





Blessing of the Goddess of Light and Heroes

Blessing of the Goddess of Magic and Knowledge

Blessing of the God of Adventure and Curiosity

Blessing of the 4th Ranked Dead Apostle Ancestor

Blessing of the Sun God

Affinity & Resistance

Fire – E+: E+

Earth – E+: E+

Water – E: E

Air/Wind – E: E

Light – E++ : E++

Darkness – E–: E–

Space – E+: E+

Time – E+: E+

Magic Resistance(new!) – Rank C –> C+


Person from another world

Hero(Beginner) – (update!) – [Ye who finally walked his first step in the path of a hero bring forth and go out to the world and seek for valor and greatness. Very small increase in the parameters part but gives the owner of this title a warm aura that slightly increases morale and calms the surroundings]

A Class-less Being (turned into a temporary buff)



First Magus

Are you an Elemental~?

Adopted Grandson of the Wizard Marshall


Hound of Ulster

Child of Light

Ruby's Comment: "First milestone get~! Keep up the good work William-san~ there's no reward though~."

Looking at the various changes I felt giddy and smiled. I already knew I will get the Battle Continuation Skill due to being skewered and that sheer pain. The thing that made me happy more is my level. In the world of Terradesia all jobs or classes tend to follow one single rule that is every ten levels is a stepping point.

Due to the fact that I follow the magic branch I will gain a magic circle inside of me that is located in the heart. Each tenth level it would increase and give me a boost in strength and gain new abilities. So a difference of stage can really change the status quo. I remember Yamada mentioned that the Qi Branch have a Low-Mid-High and Perfection segments but I won't mention it much.

To sum it up these paths tend to copy an end result of a powerful species living in the planet. Like how the magic branch is said to follow the path of dragons where they said in the later stages a literal organ similar to a dragon heart grows inside a magician's body and how the Qi Branch follow the path of Immortals and Devils. So those in these members of these species tend to have a huge advantage at the start. In those 5 days of training when I am not busy I secretly practiced in magecraft but only at the level of infancy with only a basic understanding of Bounded Fields and Reinforcement to boot but due to the high mystery around me and the 'truth' that is already there it quickly grew in rank.

The sword mastery was practically drilled on me when I tried to swing a sword then the Grand Commander suddenly lunged at me and made me a training dummy of sort while fending myself desperately. I somehow managed to survive those attacks in one piece. I asked some advice a bit from the 3 people in me in my training path and when I felt it was already ok it was already night time so I asked Yamada who just returned from the living to get me some grub and after eating I quickly tuck into the bed and slept for tomorrow is the time we will finally meet our personal instructors.

Thinking it through I wished to find a normal instructor tomorrow.



When Fate is sensed from miles away

"Someone blessed by the fae~!? For a human to have such fate! I must search for that person!" – ???

"Nnnn!! For the ancestral spirits to feel this restless? Is it a strong mate? I must find this mate…" – ???

"Hmm! *flinches* I suddenly felt a strong feeling in this task the old man told me about! Gahaha~ I might finally get the perfect disciple~!" – ???

A not so good Undercurrent

In a dreary mansion in an unknown location

"Strange~ strange~ I feel strange today~" – ???

"W-what is it milady?" – ???

"I already heard that Alfonse failed and I sensed it through our connection that he already died but there was one strange feeling~. Wanna know~. – ???

"This loyal servant is curious milady." – ???

"Ara~ ara~ ara~ such a curious child~. Mah I won't kill you for being such a considerate child~ well when that girl~ Falna was it? The way her connection was severed felt weird~ It felt like everything I gave to the girl returned to me~! Like how a bridge slowly got disassembled and the materials was returned to the very nature~! Such a curious sensation indeed~! This 'shining being' I feel like wanting to meet him now~! Fufufu~…" – ???