Chapter 45: When the instructor ‘got serious’ and clash of ideals

With the ongoing evaluation I decided to observed the four people who was called first. No. 17 who was the first one to came out had the expression of 'extreme fear and confusion'. No. 1 came out next with the expression of 'utter bewilderment' (Noting that he had the look of fear entering that room and cross-referencing the aura of the woman inside there's a huge chance she was the same person that made no. 1 pathetically scream at that time… (A/N: Chapter 41))

No. 1000 walked out with only a confused and blank look. Finally, Yamada later came out with the expression similar to No. 1 and without further ado I am in front of the smiling vice director.

"Ah you must be mister no. 950." She said while beckoning me to take the seat in the other side of the table.

"Yes, senior but I think you should not be polite with me too much." I said politely. Taking a seat, I looked at her taking a document from a stack of papers in the table and saw a picture of mine in it. Flipping some pages here and there she quickly skimmed reading it while talking with me in a casual yet pleasant manner till she suddenly stopped at one point.

"Oh? So you where the one they said to have the hero-class summon eh~? Is the hero perhaps someone who has imperial blood?" She said curiously. Denying and saying he was a hero from another world she nodded in understanding. From some information's the instructor sometimes drop the princess of the greatest Empire seems to have red eyes similar to the girl in front of mine and Lancer so I guess that's one of the things it does considering the rarity of this particular eye color even here.

"Well that might be just for my curiosity but let's start with the official one shall we?" She said and had eye contact with me. Gulping in nervousness I anticipated her question with a fidgety hear.

"Are you a spy?"

"No, ma'am!"

"Alright. Where done."

The hell!


After the trainee evaluation and ate our food, the instructor suddenly round us up and led us to the training ground.

"This time is real combat. No. 1 I need you to enter that room for a bit there is some task for you there." He said with that ever dead-pan face of his. Hearing such words, the battle-freaks in our blood suddenly boiled.

"First up is no. 950. No. 1 I need you to enter that room for a bit there is some task for you there." Stepping myself up I readied and brought forth my spear. Even if this guy in front of me does not possess a huge mana pool even by a kid's standard he is still the 'INSTRUCTOR' so I need to be careful. After No. 1 left us with a disappointed look the instructor suddenly pulled out a wooden baseball bat making me raise an eyebrow but the next thing I felt was strangely dangerous. A baleful aura suddenly erupted from his body, as someone who has a Heroic Spirit inside of me and inheriting his skills I already am sensitive to such weird sensations so I readied my spear in a much proper stance.

[Be careful bozu, that weapon of his is also not normal.] Hearing his remark, I directed my senses to that bat of his and noticed an incongruity. The bat itself have no 'symbol' or meaning (A/N: Akin to Saber of Fate/Stay Night's Excalibur that symbolizes 'Glory of Humanity) in its style but the thing is, that thing did not possess any mana signals making it look like an ordinary bat and for such an 'inconspicuous weapon' in the hands of the very INSTRUCTOR is dangerous and kept sending me danger signals. Then it truly happened.

I did not know how the bastard did it but with his dirt cheap tactics and skill in handling that 'thing' I did not take him down quickly even when I was already using rune reinforcements. Then when I blocked one of his blows it happened…

"[KUAARRGH!!]" PAIN, PAIN like no other suddenly assaulted me like no other. A sudden strange energy suddenly intruded my spear and flowed to my body and made me who survived those supposedly training of his felt pain like no other. Lancer who was even inside my Reality Marble felt the pain and dropped in the ground ignoring all of his defenses and dignity befitting of a Heroic Spirit.

"W-what the hell is that thing!" I quickly dodged the weapon by rolling myself away and retrieved my spear like how I summoned it. I sensed an attack overhead and instinctively tried to block it with spear causing me to writhe in pain again.

"As expected of a Demi-Servant you noticed and you have such tolerance... Well they said that students learn things faster through a more thorough 'physical' way…" The instructor replied after landing another hit on me and kept on hitting me while his mouth kept on explaining. Damn talk about multi-tasking but this is too painful! The thing is literally making all my nerves scream out 'PAIN' out loud but the strange thing is how it even makes Lancer cry out in pain.

"Urgh!" I ignored the instructor's words while I kept dodging the bat being swung. Somehow it can pass on the 'intent' it supposedly does akin to how Gae Bolg but through an unknown method that makes me baffled. Aside from those I can sense the strange energy affecting me is a strange almagation of some type of holy energy, a demonic type and a natural type of energy akin to the energy used in using Senjutsu (A/N: See Naruto or High School DxD). The thing that makes it shocking enough is that the energies somehow is not trying to destroy each other due to their conflicting nature that made me freak out.

[Arrhhh!! This thing is way more twisted than Gram!] Lancer said with frustration. True, even if Gram is considered the pinnacle of demonic swords the thing is way more evil that I would sure a certain perverted Beast will not even consider as a masochist tool. The bastard kept on hitting us one-sidedly while speaking gibberish words about the 'fairness' of the world making me somehow pissed and I can somehow even hear his words clearly as glass!!

[That does it!!] Lancer finally lost himself amidst the pain and voluntarily activated a Command Spell. Different from the Servant and Master relationship that mostly happen in the 'standard' Holy Grail Wars (ignoring the Ainsworth HGW) we are both using a single vessel and both are conscious of each other so him activating one is more akin to someone taking also a hand in the wheel to drive. Blasting the instructor from the outburst of mana I quickly changed in the form of Lancer and instinctively activated the Noble Phantasm.

"[You bastard! I tolerated enough of your ramblings about the fairness and shades of color in the World while training the kid but you had gone too far! I'll take your heart instead!]" Clad in red bloodthirsty aura Lancer/me rushed to the Instructor who readied the bat and thrusted to the instructor's defenseless shoulder.

"…!" The instructor widened his eyes a bit when he saw my changes and prepared to block it.

"[Gae Bolg!!]" With its true name invoked the spear of death suddenly elongated and twisted here and there while approaching the instructor. If someone powerful enough or have a great understanding with 'certain laws' the spear whose trajectory is already confirmed alongside it's intended target suddenly as if a video is rewinding itself returned to it's deactivated state and resumed the motion again but the target was changed hitting the…

"[Kuarrrrrgghhhh!!!!!!]" Lancer's voice mixed with mine suddenly cried out of pain and dropped the red spear in the ground dematerializing it.

"Gae Bolg. The red barbed spear of death given by the Queen of the Land of Shadows to her disciple, Ireland's Child of Light. Invoking its true name reverses the laws of casualty making it target the heart of its enemy. It's unblock able they said for 'the heart is already pierced'. But they did not say that you can 'prepare to block it' before the laws are reversed itself." The instructor said explaining to the groveling body in the ground. Tch, I had my suspicion before when he seems to be an acquaintance with Zelretch but this guy knew…

"You said that you do not care for the colors and fairness of the world but I digress that. For a 'hero' of your caliber I know you felt the atrocity that happened in your homeland, for a single man to deter a whole army is praiseworthy itself but deep down you are cursing such strange fate that befell in your time." He said while bashing my head with the bat.

"[Ha! Cursing my fate? I armed myself in that fateful day even when I know I would die that time but I won't let the people I love and care about to suffer!]" Lancer said amidst the pain. Shut up you two! I don't want this shit!!

"That's the thing you're no hero, your just someone with a biased state of mind. You care for your family but ignored the soldiers you cut and stabbed yourself. You might had not even know at that time their main purpose of invasion. Countries invade others for multiple reasons such as resources, grudges, land, fear of oppression, etc. Even the Emperor of the greatest Empire in this continent knows this." He said while hitting me. Damn it! I don't care about those stupid politics and such.

"Protecting your people is an honorable thing and you know you would die at that time. But you are merely a coward, for someone who screams courage and a knight's honor you ran to the battlefield in fear of 'seeing again' the people you cared to die for you again. You are merely called a hero due to the fact that you who died 'heroically' from the invading army and had been used as a tool to propaganda for the crowd by the nobles and the king itself." The instructor kept on hitting us amidst the pain and ignoring mine and Lancer's cries.

"[Shut up!]" Detonating a rune, he secretly wrote we are flung away from the instructor from the resulting shockwave. Readying his spear and looking at the standing up instructor I finally noticed. I did not know when and thought he/me was merely irritated by the dust but the Hound of Ulster… is crying?

"[Those brats died a pathetic death just because I had rested for a bit, it was my damned fault I slept at that time but you dare to say that in front of the one who waked up refreshingly but was greeted with the cold corpses of those fools who jumped in that battlefield fearlessly! They should be even the one to be crowned as Heroic Spirits instead of me who merely did his duty!]" Lancer said and attacked again the instructor amidst the pain me and him is feeling in our heart. For him that is connected to me in a very strong bond I can feel the turbulent emotions going on in his heart right now.

In his lifetime while defending Ulster against Medb's relentless attacks due to his strength and valor they changed the war into a one on one duel and due to the curse affecting also the people of Ulster weakening them he was forced to take part those duels between the greatest and skilled invading individuals every day. It was merely one occasion he slept for a whole day due to fatigue and the price for it was the death of a group of trainees from the Red Branch Knights (the knight order Lancer belongs)

The instructor really hit's where it is painful and I already know it's not my 'fight' but to two men who represents 'reality' and someone who danced with reality and lost all of his unfulfilled wishes. After a long bout that is mostly a one-sided beating from the instructor Lancer who's starting to lose his connection to mine from the familiar blue glow looked at the instructor and said.

"[…You bastard, I did not felt it before…but your similar to a bastard I know. He is someone like you who cynically views reality because of his experience.]" He said with a tired grin.

"…I'll take that as a compliment." The instructor said with a raised eyebrow. Seems he knows what Lancer is referring to. (A/N: To those who does not know it's Archer)

"[Take care of the kid for me… I'm tired from that thing you are holding. To be honest I would feel that's comparable to the King of Heroes 'favorite' treasure that is of EX Rank.]" He said amidst the foggy consciousness.

"Don't worry… it's merely an A-Ranked one." He said with a mischievous glint passing in his eyes. With Lancer who had a dumbfounded expression separated again from our [Install]-like state I appeared and with the protection given to me as the 'vessel' gone the fatigue and pain kicked in and dropped myself to the ground.

Amidst my slipping consciousness I realized something.

Wait… so there's actually an EX ranked one!!!



A certain organization's evaluation

No. 1: Ordinary overall.

No. 17: Great belief in the organization. A trustworthy asset.

No. 50: Ordinary in some aspects. Suggests to search for his 'master' to be recruited.

No 950: Confirmed that his summon is non-imperial descent. A descent talent that can be sent as replacement to a 'certain' employee in one of the capital's host clubs.

No. 1000: Cannot tell her thoughts at all. Caution Advised.