Chapter 51: The Fall and Escape from the… (Part II)


"No, no…"


Pathetic sounds of despair are coming from our mouths. Even that No.1000's taking horrified steps backwards.

As that hand rose ever so slightly No.17 screamed and used the Blink magic she learned purely for evasion to use us as a shield.

"Damn it!"

Ahhh. Instructor, instructor! We are foolish the instructor was not a devil but an angel! When are you coming back!?

"Hoho, if you're going to stay so defensive then you'll have a hard time? And although I'm saying this again, even if this thing is barely guardable against, the moment you meet the metal bat even guarding is impossible, you know?" Even if he said that with a benevolent face that thing is still scary. Even if you try to block it with energy based weapons or barriers (qi, mana, spiritual, etc.) the pain still mysteriously creeps to your body and disrupts any form of defense.

Even now that the pain is slightly weaker, that thing still damn hurts. Even when I tried to destroy it using Lancer's spear somehow it felt like hitting a damn metal gate (Lancer quoted that it felt like hitting a divine construct). If that devil is right and there's a higher level weapon above that thing, then how the hell are you supposed to block that?!

"Kuurk, everyone dodge!" Cried out no. 1 who barely escaped. But the exhausted no. 17 who barely managed to stand up was left behind.

"Damn it Surtr, block it!" With those words of desperation, the one that was resummoned every time the cool down time on the summoning time refreshes, the one that was once an archdevil but was now a simple meat shield, Surtr, came out.

[Don't, don't come! Don't come near me you evil god's apostle!] But now that fire giant who brought fear to countless mortals and gods alike is shaking in fear. I can even see now his pale expression from the weak flames coming out of him. To think that thing brought a being like that to submission.

That thing already surpassed Ea at this point! If Ea will let you get a reprieve by just getting a glimpse of hell along an occurring pain by being disintegrated that thing won't even let you leave hell!

[If Sishou heard of this she would smack my head for lying…] Lancer said when he observed how Surtr was quickly desummoned from a single hit while screaming in pain. Nodding to his opinion I watched how the devil approached No. 17 with casual steps.

"…!!!" I suddenly noticed the ambient mana of the area around us suddenly displaced for a second targeting us males and I looked at the pale face of no. 17. Understanding her motive, I quickly let my Magic Resistance do its work cancelling the effects on me and when the spell kicked in…

"Coordinate Transfer!" She screamed the spells name and with a flash of light No. 1 who was beside me swapped places with her who was near the devil. Yamada who quickly jumped away from the area of effect by diving to his shadow suddenly re-appeared near me again.

"So today you're the sacrifice~…" The devil gleefuly smiled and raised the bat in the air. Realizing his predicament, he yelled at No. 17 in anger.

"Number Seventteeeeeeeeennn!"

"I still haven't forgotten about that day! So make it up with your body!" No. 17 retorted and I remembered the time at that desert so I turned my gaze to the paling Yamada and grinned.

"N-no! W-were bros right? Please anything but that!!!" He tried to escape but to restrain him was actually easy. By threatening to break his balls.

"Hmmmpph!!" Letting my spear emit blood lust alongside it's spear aura he noticed me starting to activate my personal Noble Phantasm so without a choice he relented with a face of despair. Heh, between his 'future' children and entering hell this guy can still be considered a decent person… barely. Having his permission, I used my spear tip piercing his clothes and thrown him to No. 1 at the same time the bat dropped on him.

"Justice served."

""Uiiiiiiik!"" Came the pig squealed scream of the two. We learned in accident before that the shock from the bat can pass to each other if we had any form of physical contact so to the two bastards who had a very 'intimate' contact hehe~…

But before a second strike arrived a sudden miracle dawned to the two idiots.

[Psheewwwwww. Bang!] A bright red flare suddenly exploded in the sky.

"Eh? If it's red, then that's a 1st Class emergency." Seeing the red lights lit in the sky, the devil's face hardened. He put his hand down and said.

"Training cancelled. We're all running away to the instructor's office."

The instructor's office? I tried to voice that thought first but No.1 beat me by a second and the strangely reasonable reply came as fast as lightning.

"I guarantee it. The instructor's office is the safest." Alongside the added explanation that it was "the unknown land which not even Sia (Intelligence Agency's vice-director) has managed to venture into."

Ah, come to think of it, me and No. 1 had broken into the instructor's personal quarters once, haven't we? I remembered the horror of entering that place just to get a pair of clothes.

"Are there similar installations to what are in the instructor's room?" No. 1 said that with a pale face as if remembering also those times.

"Ah, so you've been into the instructor's room? Then that makes it simpler. The instructor spends more time in his office than in his room, so the defenses in his office are stronger."

Wow. His room was bad enough but his office is worse. Just what the heck did the instructor do in his office? With those questions in mind, when we went into the office the devil started fiddling around the office. With a few movements that carried the ease of long practice, starting from metal shutters coming down over the windows, and I heard something click and lock with a screech.

"Now, this place is probably the safer than the room of the boss of the organization." The devil nodded satisfyingly.

"Have the functions been activated?"

"Indeed. And this space is filled with special dwarven-made traps. Now all we have to do is look for the escape route that the instructor made somewhere around here."

"Dwarven-made?! You mean that contraptions that might be used in the imperial palace are installed here?" Cried out no. 17 in shock. In this world the demi-human tribes seems to not trust the humans who are already reigning supreme in the continent so dwarven-made products are pretty scarce.

"Ah, that's just because the instructor is an honorary elder among the dwarves so that's nothing to be surprised about."

"That's the thing we should be the most surprised about?!"

As No. 17 said horrified, I also stand dumbfounded. Majority of the settings is that some heroes tend to befriend non-human species like dragons, elves, and dwarves but to think a person working for an evil organization is an honorary elder from the famous craftsmen race called the dwarves!

[But if you think of it… that wooden club may be actually a dwarven-made product also…] Lancer suddenly said that out of the blue and with that realization, both of us suddenly gaped in shock. But the next shocking piece of news came from an unsuspecting being.

[Nee-san and me is also collaborated created by the Black Anvil dwarves, the elves of this world and sir instructor.] Sapphire suddenly barged in our conversation making us suddenly pause in shock, as if she wants to be noticed also Ruby barged in our talk and made the finishing blow.

[Oh~ oh~ I heard at that time that the shitty old man suddenly appeared in front of them and said he wanted to make some magical girl sticks.] She said excitedly. With the weird tidbit I finally realized how that old man can make something strange as magical girl sticks successfully without getting some weird contract by a black cat or a white demon.

But it seemed that my horror was of no cause for concern to the devil and No.1000.

Pretending to listen to the other's conversation I who snapped in my stupor saw the devil searching the bookshelves, pushing the buttons beneath the desk, and sometimes jumping up and down on the floor, No.17 broke out of her shock and asked.

"Dev… no, temporary instructor, what do you think has happened?"


"Oh, sorry. For the record, some traps could activate so be sure to dodge them."

No.17's immediately ducked down away from the arrows that were shot at her without warning, and at the same time the floor underneath no. 1 vanished.

"Wait, isn't it dangerous?"

"I said that something had happened earlier, didn't I? The signal flare we saw was a code red, if it's code red then that means the empire's army has invaded. If we don't run away as soon as possible then our lives are in danger."

Confused at first I finally realized that this is an attack from the big bad wolf called the Empire. But as someone who does not live here I can't somehow get a form of empathy or fear about something as big as that so I along with Yamada just followed their pace from activating dubious and dangerous security measures that sometimes target us.

From daggers dropping from the ceiling when no. 1 opened the drawers or a fireball suddenly being spitted on my face when I opened a book, let's not care about that.It's that instructor that made all this anyway, and in that case these things would be all the more natural.

The moment I thought that I heard a boom and very anxiety-inducing sound coming from under our feet.


"What's that sound?"

"Is it the empire's army already?"

"No, even if it was the empire they can't break through the dwarven-made magic coating on the room that easily."

But unlike the devil's words, the thumping sound started getting closer and closer to us. I secretly sent a signal to Yamada and he merely raised one finger signifying a single enemy. Shocked for such an individual to have this strength I let my magic circuits sprang into action and prepared my spear.

In the end at the sound that were only seconds apart from each other the others had already drawn their weapons.


"Ah damn it, is this the hidden boss's safe house or something? Why is it so damn hard to get through?"

In a tense state we looked at the person that entered. The person that came in in a grump was a beauty that seemed slightly older than us. The beautiful nee-san with green hair and slim face looked like someone around her mid-twenties. But ignoring those I can notice that her sword is not normal so I braced myself for a dangerous battle but suddenly the devil and No.1 cried out in shock together.

"Sword Star?!" – No. 1

"Host club regular?!" – Bat-possessed devil

Eh? Ignoring the title comparable to a Sword Saint (A/N: In cannon instead of Saint the author used Star instead) but Host Club Regular? Is this woman so strong that nobody wants to marry her so she loiters in clubs?


A bloodthirst nearing to the level of Gae Bolg's activation suddenly spread out around the room. In the center of it all is the woman whose beautiful face suddenly chilled with silent anger. If Natasha whose aura as a Sword Saint was considered to be a seed who just germinated, this woman had already bloomed into a beautiful flower and stood proud from its other peers.

"Do. I. Have. To. Kill. You?" What the hell for?! Because no. 1 said she was the Sword Star? Or the host regular?! Or both?

I quickly estimated our chances of victory and the only plan I can concoct is either by hitting her repeatedly with that demonic weapon or successfully activating Gae Bolg.

"Wa, wait!" No. 1 tried to voice out something but the woman seems determined and started to let her bloodthirst focus on the two.

"I'm, the Raina…"


The moment no. 1 tried to confess something, the bookshelf beside the desk started making a weird noise.

What was that?

"Was there still some remaining?" As she said that sword aura started forming on the Sword Star's sword as if it was perfectly natural. With those words alongside a drrr sfx. the bookshelf swung open and a pale faced instructor appeared.

"…!" With a sudden silver light, he casually blocked the incoming sword strike and…

Started beating up the Sword Star.



Black Anvil Dwarves

One of the most secretive dwarven tribes in the world of 'Running Away From the Hero!'. Information stated that they made countless dangerous and powerful weapons that it made them depressed in making stuff again when they discovered how their products was used for countless atrocities. Then the instructor suddenly appeared as salvation(?) and proposed to make a tool that will not kill in the future that will be called the 'Bat Series' making them change from skilled weaponsmiths to dwarves who makes tools that guaranty 100% security, durability and no casualties. Pain and suffering may happen as a side effect to their products but will still guaranty you will not die.