Chapter 54: The Fall and Escape from the… (Part V)

Shadow Army

A strange technique that is more akin to magic but is actually used by qi practitioners that has a strong shadow-affinity. Yamada's teacher Zero, also got his nickname because of this technique and can be considered a one-man army.

We saw him in action once in one of our training drills outside the capital in procuring food, healing herbs and antidotes when we accidentally stumbled into a huge goblin army. It was a huge carnage when their very own shadows 'rebelled' from their owners and he can even create those 'shadow soldiers' from inanimate objects.

'I feel like watching Hundred Face Hassan in action this time…' I smiled wryly when Yamada finished off the last of them. All of the black robed men are in the ground with just a single wound and paralyzed, it seems their swords are coated with a paralyzing agent and even the blades of their shadows mimicked that property.


"Sigh~, as expected of my juniors I guess…" Sia who we slightly ignored sighed ruefully, and at the same as if scripted, a big explosion suddenly rang out from a nearby place.

"But it seems like No. 50~ is now totally spent right~? I need to hurry also because it seems Master~ is also coming now~." Sia pointed at the Yamada who is now using one of his knee to not collapse in the ground. Laughing, she unsheathed her sword and lunged at Yamada to finish him off.


"Like hell I would let you!!!" With a burst of prana, the ground cracked when I launched myself and blocked the overhead slash that was threatening in hitting Yamada's neck. Ignoring the pain in my leg for forcefully doing a crazy reinforcement I clad my spear with the usual red spear aura and forcefully broke Sia's stance and kicked her away.

*Crash! Crack!*

Hitting the wall, she cried out in pain but quickly stood up like some undying being.

"HEeeee~ so its no. 950 this time Ehhh~" As if on cue her eyes slowly turned to have a weird Reninggan-like pattern. I did not recognize the unknown mana signature's owner that is emitting inside of her but I know what type of being is it.

'A god…' I murmured, I remembered that we had the assorted sandbag (Surtr) so it would be possible in this world to have a contract with a Divine Spirit also… but smelling the strong scent of death from her, it seems the enemy this time is someone with a divinity pertaining 'death'.

"You know~ I had the thought of living together with Master~ but because of you dogs of that bitch keeps on blocking me~ I had no choice but to use the contract I had gotten with the Goddess of hell, Styx~ If I can kill you both then commit suicide together with my beloved master~ Ahhh~ this annoyance!! I WANTED IT TOGETHER WITH ONLY MASTER!!!" This woman is scary!! To moan pervertedly like that then point a pointy thing at you is the epitome of sheer creepiness!

"SO… MY DEAR JUNIORS~ DI– *Kang!* [Kuuuaaaaaaaht!!] Ehh!?" Before she finished her sentence a sudden flash of a silver projectile hit her in the head, forcibly destroying the anchor of the Goddess to the mortal world in one hit. Realizing the identity of the object I rushed and grabbed it before it fell to the ground.

"Wh… is that cursed magic we…pon here!" Trying to voice out her anger and fear, she looked at the silver bat with a twisted expression.

"I used it when that rascal Rood and the Royal Army came." The instructor's voice suddenly was heard from the path we appeared from. Looking at him, I noticed his face had started to became paler.

"I a com..rade...Urk…" Clutching her head, she persevered from the mental pain of her connection with her contracted god being broken.

"Don't worry he is not dead and once you also wake up you would also be at your house." The instructor said while walking step by step towards us. I noticed Rein's doppelganger copy is also following him begrudgingly.

"..ster's…. Not wi…" Before she finished what her muttering is I hit her head with the bat making her pass out.

[Ahnn~ the spare owner's swing is also amazing~!!! Ne~ ne~ why don't you just became my 'owner' if Owner gets captured by the princess ahh wait! Wait! Owner you hurt this Aru's poor heart! Don't take me when a maiden is talking something important~! Noooo~!!!!] A voice of a cute little girl was echoing from the bat making some weird noises and copying some twisted K-drama stich. I did not know if it's because I traced it, I got a subsidiary contract with Arcadia after I copied it and can now hear the bat's voice. I thought it would had the voice of a perverted middle aged man but to think it's a little girl's…

Ignoring the protest of the bat, I looked at the pale face of the instructor and asked him what happened.

"Two of my ex-disciples was waiting at my office alongside a hundred of the emperor's shadows…" Nodding in understanding I signaled the other's to appear from where they hid. If it's these weird 'senpai's' is facing alongside the hidden blades of the emperor with the tired instructor it will still weaken him even if he is carrying Arcadia.

After ordering the others to act as bait and knocking down again the Sword Star who regained her consciousness alongside turning the bat into some sort of tentacle monster you can only see in a certain R+18 genre of a famous island country that pervertedly hit the 'paralyzed enemies we separated by going to another route when…

Boomm...boomm.. BANG!!!

"There you are sir Ast…Wait you.. where are you looking at pervert!!" A woman that is lacking in some 'departments' appeared!



Sir Reia, Sword Princess

The loyal aide of the 'Witch of the Royal Family' the youngest ever recorded to attain the status of a sword master. A childhood friend of the princess she serves; she is one of the most skilled practitioner of the sword even from her family the Areista Marquisate that is chuck full of swordmasters. Still… rumors said she lacks in the intelligent department and that she is too pure that has poor emotional control that the saying 'swordsmen must have a calm heart to become a master' is not applicable to her and even if she has a beauty that swooned other female knights she is not feminine enough in 'certain areas' that's why she is still single even when she was in her twenties.