Chapter 63: A carriage in distress

Author's Note(Because its a bit long!!!)

Sorry haven't sent a chapter yesterday, I collapsed in my bed suddenly and snoozed when I arrived ya see... Then I woke up at seven in the morning so I was writhing in tears due to the stupid embarasment again... The chapter for today will be sent in a few moments just wait :3


"Damn bugs!" Came the cry of frustration Yamada roared in the serene forest.

"Hey you told to just go to the shortest route." I replied while checking the map while avoiding a low lying tree branch…

It had been already a day since us leaving the capital and I can only say we left in incognito. No farewell parade, lines of maids 'saying take care master~' or crying childhood friend or princess dramatic hug. Aside from this friend of mine trying to scar my face with a knife from the ground when he finally appeared in front of me it was a silent yet lonely good bye I guess. Well I heard that the once going to the academy alongside the nobles will have a parade though, If I heard correctly it seems to be some sort of tradition being done by a lot of kingdoms.

Well ignoring the off topic, me and Yamada is currently deep in a forest trekking while going south-east. The guy wanted to take the 'straight' route because we might find something 'interesting' he said. Well as I am curious about this world, I also want to have that feel of 'adventure' also so I followed his suggestion and now where here being swarmed by bugs.

"Why does the insect repellent does not work!" He cried out of frustration.

"Beats me." I said also slightly peeved. The forest is so humid that swarms of this guys that it's too noisy that disturbed us. Well they are not approaching may be because from other factors (mainly me I guess) but all is well if this guys did not keep on pestering us.

"Ahhh… whatever I-hmm?" Before he can continue he suddenly stopped his horse and made a hand gesture.

"What is it?" I said to him and opened my palm, ready to pull out a weapon. Looking at him closing his eyes, it seems he snagged something in his senses.

To be honest the guy is a walking hive-mind sentry, the guy had sent his incarnations around us and patrols a radius big enough that the area I can sense will be considered lack luster. But if its sensing killing intent, a do- I mean a Heroic Spirit tends to be superior right?

[Oi, brat I felt like you were bad mouthing me for a bit.] Lancer cried out suddenly. Denying his accusations, I looked back at Yamada just in time to see him open his eyes but with a more serious look.

"We need to hurry, it's Situation Type A, Code Yan. Someone is shooting down my guys so be careful, it's a strong archer." Hearing his words, I jumped off Leonidas and chanted a spell. In the short interval I had, I suddenly remembered that once, we had rested in the same day given by our teachers and conversed idly. In our bland topics akin to the level of gossiping, we suddenly got the idea of making codes based in the common tropes that happen. In the end we slightly overdid it and made a small booklet the thickness of a notebook full of our ideas.

If we based it in our current situation in short, Situation Type A is the 'VIP person getting snapped by suspicious bandits in a forest' while Code Yan is basically going bad already. There are others but because its already a long list, I can only remember a few if I don't seek help or assistance with my other 'guys'.

Finishing my spell, I made a gesture at the two horses and a magic circle appeared below and above them. With a strong neigh, the horses suddenly vanished and turned into two orbs, one flying to the tree tops and the other absorbed in the back of my hand turning into some sort of tattoo.

[No matter how I see it it's always creepy.] Yamada's disembodied voice suddenly tickled my ears. The guy really tends to vanish in this moments and I still wonder why he changed his job when he totally does an assassin's workload.

[Say's someone who suddenly disappears and it's just a familiar contract anyways, so what's the situation?] I said telepathically, while rushing at the direction he vanished.

[It's bad… that archer is pinning down the escorts. I cannot count their numbers, because the guy had been busy shooting down my guys but if we don't hurry up they might turn into cold corpses by then.] He said with a hurried voice.

[Need me as a distraction?] I asked him.

[Yeah, make it flashy but it's much better if you can have a disguise also.] With those words, I noticed that the shadows above me suddenly got a bit thicker. Seeing him going full throttle, I grinned and a Class Card suddenly appeared in my hand.

"Of course~! Insta-!" My voice was suddenly muffled with the squall I produced when I kicked the ground and a bright 'golden shooting star' suddenly emitted in the silent forest flying to the direction of the battlefield.


Ophelia Ri-Ferrum's Pov:

'Ahhhh is this where I perish, my Dear father?' I thought seeing the bleak chance of us surviving this assault. For the daughter of the Barbed Iron Fredrick to die in this dark forest is one of the worst case scenario if you think. But being the daughter of such a personage, naturally there were countless times my life had been tried to be taken by those who held grudges to my father or due to political problems getting worse. But…


"Young miss, just please stay at the carriage!" My loyal attendant and childhood friend Alice cried out while defending from an assaulting 'bandit'. Honestly, from the escorts that I had. She is the only one alongside two of escorts out of the 15 men that I have currently alive. We were ambushed and the carriage driver was the first casualty from that powerful archer and one by one my men fell down from the repeated silent arrows that bastard fired.

The bastards had started their assault 20 minutes ago when we were going to the capital by passing this forest as usual when this premediated assault happened.

What shocked me is how their movements and tactics are mostly textbook military formations. Aside from their organized and planned assault which should had not deterred us, is actually a mage in the enemy camp alongside that skilled archer of theirs. The thing that baffled me is that this 'bandits' did not even do the usual lines those depraved bastards do and quickly moved for the kill.

Seeing them in action, it seems that not just they have knowledge of the route we will take, but they want to dispose of the young miss and daughter of the Grand Commander itself. So without a choice, we tried to break the encirclement but the bastards block the paths with logs and stones.

While I may be just a frail woman, I am still a skilled mage attending the prestigious school of Terrasia Academy for a year now. With my magical skills, I also had struck down 12 out of the 20 'bandits' that are visible. I had first killed that mage of theirs, but that archer seems to know when I tried to target him so he kept on avoiding my sight till I had no energy to muster in casting my magic.

"He he~, 'young missy' I think you should just surrender your neck right~ Look at your poor attendant, her smooth skin is starting to get exposed ya know~" One of the snarling 'bandits' wretchedly stated. Annoyed, I took one of the short knives hidden in my carriage and threw it at one of the holes they made at my carriage.


"Tch, that woman's knife throwing is as annoying as her mother's." Cried out the imbecile. But I know that it's just sooner than later that my attendants will succumb to fatigue and that will sentence our ending.

'Ohhh what will be the end of us Goddess Lumos?' I secretly thought, my father may had taught me not to pray at the middle of the battlefield but sometimes its ok to question the Gods if were in the losing end. I still do not know what my stupid father meant from such a thinking that will surely brand me into a heretic if words get out, but I instinctively did it out of the growing fear I had.


Thud, thud, thud…

"…!!!" Out of the sudden dread I felt, I instinctively kicked the table in my carriage to the direction in my left when five arrows consecutively punctured a hole in my carriage. Seeing the still vibrating arrows brought a cold chill in my spine. That archer kept on firing those powerful arrows of his akin to an elf every time I fought back.

"Show yourself you cowardly wretch! How dare you kept in targeting the young miss!" Alice, cry of rage was heard outside. Ahhh what to do…


Hmmm? Is it just me or the carriage seems to be shaking…

No, the ground is shaking!!! Feeling the slowly intensing tremor, a new fear had sprouted in my heart. Is it a pack of Garagas, an army of powerful monsters or… a gigantic monster? What do I… Eh? The rumbling stopped?


"Awawawa~!!!" Panicked, I grab hold to my carriage when a powerful rumble and a squall nearly tumbled the carriage down. After a few seconds, the rumbling stopped yet the usual clash of metal outside did not continue. Curious, I slightly peeked outside and saw a crater with a cloud of dust blocking what may had landed there when suddenly…

"*gasps*!!!" A strong wind erased the cloud of dust letting us see what may had landed yet an unbelievable sight had befallen us… Bathed in the sunlight blocked by the trees, a beautiful white horse clad in white silver armor stood proudly. It's rider, a knight wearing a beautiful silver armor alongside his tunic which is colored in blue. The knight's face is not visible due to the lion-like helmet he wore alongside what seems to be a mane. But what is shocking is what is held by his right hand, a silver lance that is akin to be weaved by silver and not forged by a blacksmith's hand.

"But… without a doubt. That lance origin is surely extraordinary." I secretly murmured. I felt that the lance aura is restrained by an unknown force, but without a doubt it held power countless times than the strongest magic weapon I knew.

"Who the hell are you bastard!!!" Cried out one of the 'bandits' and swung his sword at the strange knight.

"Watch out!" Cried not just me but also my escorts. But the knight proved himself skilled. With a swing of his lance, he easily disarmed the bandit and in our shocked gaze broke the sword to pieces.

"Tch, you bastard! What kingdom sent you!" Another one jumped behind him and tried to stab his head. Tilting his head, he merely grabbed the sword's tip with three fingers and swung it to the ground alongside its wielder.

"Such strength!" One of my guards cried out. True, alongside being skilled the knight had the strength to back it up. But wait…

"Watch out! There's a powerful archer hiding around here!" Alice cried out what I worried. The knight hearing what she said merely shook his head and pointed above. Following where he pointed, we saw black shadow moving around and what seems to be bodies started to repeatedly fall in the ground.

Seeing such a startling sight, we stood there mouth agape as all the enemies both the once that had appeared and hidden was took down easily. After a few minutes a small black bird perched at his shoulder. Seeing the bird, he opened his palm and let it land there. Seeing the bird suddenly turned into a piece of paper did not startle me one bit due to noticing it's aura similar to the temple of death.

The knight was suddenly startled at what may had been written and spurned his horse away from us. Seeing him leaving, I panicked and got outside my carriage. Ignoring my startled escorts, I shouted at the knight…

"Sir knight! May this young lady ask what your name and what kingdom you hail from!" I cried out with a slightly embarrassed look. The knight looked at us for a bit and with a shake of the reins he held, ordered his horse to gallop away. Seeing his back, I felt a sense of disappointment in my heart and turned back to my carriage when…

"Arthur... Arthur of Camelot young lady." An unknown yet gentle voice of an adult male suddenly whispered in my ear. Startled, I looked back in shock but what merely greeted me was the sight of an empty forest. Holding my hands to my chest, I smiled and wished for our next meeting to happen in the near future…

(A/N: If you're wondering if he got an older look in his rider form. Yes, yes he did.)



What if…(3)

"Who are you bastard!" – Bandit 1

"Sorry... for the intrusion bandit-san… and sorry for this." – William

"Huh? – Bandit 1

"CALIBURNN!!!" – William

"…you monster." – Bandit 1