Chapter 71: The approaching danger

*Yamada's POV*

"Haaa~… might as well take a walk around town for a bit~." I heaved a sigh after collecting information from the girls. After getting a dangerous information, I started discreetly sending my incarnations around and collecting information while slowly walking to the location Rosa gave me.

"... My death flag sensor is really blaring nonstop damn it…" I said while observing a platoon of soldiers running towards the gate. I really hate it when things get awry especially if we are going to be dragged in it. No wonder that sensitive bastard, William had been trying to hide something. The guy might had felt something crazy is happening that he planned to do it tonight.

"Rumors is being slowly spread now huh… That means it may have a lot of validity… Tch, I need to sync with the patterns the soldiers are walking around if they plan to do a quick evacuation." I thought out loud while ordering my incarnations with a set of instructions.

"This is the place huh…" I looked up at the tavern in front of me and saw the sign 'Tasty Rakal' with a canine-like creature's head stabbed by a kitchen knife. Entering the establishment, I searched the various faces of the costumer's while politely talking with the waitress that approached me.

'Found him…' I mentally cheered when I saw a blond middle-aged man with a deep scar just below his lips busy drinking himself drunk. Finally finding who I am looking for, I approached his table and sat at the other side.

"Hey can I share the table?" I said to him when he looked up at me.


On the other hand, a meeting is undergoing at the Guild's second floor.

Guild master's office

"Is the report true?" A woman wearing robes asked another female standing in front of her. Clad, in red robes similar to a witch's garb that did not hid her well-endowed figure, she looks like a female in her mid-teens. This woman is the guild master of the guild branch in Raft village, Flama the 'Blaze Caller'.

"Yes, master. Information is currently being collected as we speak. The recent information that we got is that the monsters in the Dragon's Garden is strangely acting strangely… like they are organizing an army." The woman, whom the guild master's secretary replied. The Dragon's Garden as implied, is the gigantic forest in the south-east of the town where its name came from the fact that the Dragons living at the mountain ranges at the deeper area tend to collect their meals here thus a 'Dragon's Garden'.

"So an intelligent monster is leading a hoard and that of a large scale… Did any king class monster was born in the recent years in that place?" Flama asked her secretary.

"No, records we had collected in the past few decades show no such sightings. If it had, it may be a fairly cunning one." The secretary replied.

"Tch, did any of the contract scrolls from the dragons from those mountains broke?" Flama asked again. Seeing her secretary shake her head, she groaned in frustration and tussled her beautifully braided scarlet hair.

"Damn it, so it's a third-party huh… and one that is strong enough to mobilize 80% of the monster's in that damn place. Let me guess, the scouts being sent inside is also being taken down swiftly right!?" She cried out in anger, yet when she saw her secretary nod with a dumbfounded look.


"Damn it! For this abnormality to happen at this point of time, go and let the scouts retreat and prepare for fortifications. Gather the adventurer's and even those ones who are either sleeping or milking themselves dry at the red-light district. This is an emergency! Those starving bastards at that gloomy forest will only need a few hours to flatten this place up when they finished gathering." She called outside for the guard on standby and barked a lot of orders at him while rubbing her swollen arm.

"You, prepare to give a run down to those rascals and swiftly start an evacuation process to the fort. No civilians must be left behind and under any circumstances will there be anyone left behind. Also call that 'retired' two-faced bitch who just started to feel lovey-dovey at a 16-year-old brat. We need that stupid strength of hers this time." She ordered her secretary and donned a cloak she hanged at her chair.

"Roger, where are you perhaps going also, master?" The secretary bowed while trying to ignore the broken table.

"I'll go to the fort in advance and kick that muscle brained idiot to move quickly. The prick won't act till he had that stupid '100%' standard of his." Flama replied casually while opening a window at the office.

"Then, may you have a safe journey guild master." The secretary curtsied one final time and saw Flama grabbed a long staff and flew outside.

"…" Seeing that she finally left, she closed the window swiftly and rushed quickly outside while donning a serious look.


*Sakeyuki's POV*

Just a few minutes since Flama left to the fort, Sake is currently at the market place a few streets from the inn she stayed currently, 'Ogre's Reprieve'.

"Fu~ Fu~ better get this done so I can go back to his side quickly~ ehehehe~" Sake cheerfully and swiftly bought the things the inn owner listed.

"Annnd~ that's that~" After a few minutes had swiftly gone by, the long list of 40 item's was strangely and completely finished. Carrying, a huge sack bigger, she hummed a local tune and happily walked back to the inn.

"Hmmm~?" She paused suddenly and noticed that some of the villager's was whispering something in a hushed voice.

"Yo, Lors doing fine there?" Curious she approached one group and greeted them.

"Ahh… Theresa, doing another errand?" Lors said while trying to ignore the big baggage being balanced at her head.

"Yes~, so what's goin' on you seemed pretty pale there. Did your wife caught you cheating again or something?" She teased the man eliciting an embarrassed laugh from him.

"Ahahaha~ that was a very long time ago and just a whim of my youthful mistake so please don't spread that please…" Lors whispered at her in embarrassment.

"Yes, yes~ so hurry up and tell me already, seems what news is spreading around town made even a stone-faced prick like you that only looks good as a decoration made a worried look." She said and pushed him away with an annoyed look.

"Fine, you see it's because of…" Lors talked about the weird rumors being spread around lately and the strange phenomenon's happening in the forest. After listening to him and his opinions about the matter, she quickly left and discreetly talked to other people on her way back.

'Based on what information that I can piece, it seems there is a sign of a beast hoard is incoming. But it's still nine years early for it to happen… did some unknown variables perhaps that had appeared? Also… for this rumors to spread around quickly that means that muscle head at the fort found some validity to let this dangerous element spread around.' Sake thought swiftly while her stride slowly had constantly increased in speed.

"The–*Ommmmmmmmmmm*" She tried to say something out loud when a huge bugle sound came from the direction at the south-east.

"That was the warning alarm from the Temple of Beasts! That means a hoard is really coming and we only have a few hours left! S#it, William!" In her panic, she dropped the sack she is carrying and rushed back at the inn while avoiding the panicking populace.

'Why did a beast hoard happened at this point of time!!' She cried out mentally while rushing back at the inn.


*William's POV*

[You, your really acting like a cowardly magus now aren't ya~] Lancer complained seeing how countless traps and overlayed Bounded Fields was placed in the room.

"Hey, it's much better to be prepared right? The instructor said to have always different solutions prepared in everything we might face right?" William retorted back after doing the finishing touches at the last Bounded Field.

"You have me ya know~ I can easily finish threats easily if they approach swiftly and skewer them with my spear." Lancer boastfully said while materializing himself.

"I had lost trust at mythological figures and gods a bit after seeing Surtr getting easily trashed." William annoyingly replied.

"Geh, you do know that those things don't exist here and Surtr can only pull a bit of his power based on the strength of that little girl that strangely smell like a certain shitty priest." Lancer shuddered suddenly when a dark memory suddenly popped at his head.

"Yeah, yeah I need to start now~ if you said about trusting about what I am feeling is true, I need to finish the upcoming trial as swiftly and quickly." William said and pulled out a Class Card from his item box.

"Tch, You don't trust your aniki for a single bit? I really need to have a piece of that vampire to put a fellow Heroic Spirit from the War I participated at Fuyuki on those cards and they would surely tag along unlike Saber who is busy on her retirement at Avalon. And to think it's one of the two people I will not get along from those six guys except that Golden bastard." Lancer complained.

"Well, can't help that right~?" William teased him a bit and finally rested his body at the bed.

"Then… shall I begin?" William smiled in anticipation and sensed Lancer returning back in him.

« "I call! I reach! I beg!"

"I use this medium to call the one bound by its karma!"

"Ye who's true name, [******] I beseech!"

"To earn the right through trials and your wish!"

"All the culmination of your knowledge, skill and fate!"

"Let the Scales of Fate decide upon my qualification!"

"The trial by fire for the [Inheritance] shall begin!"»

With the final verse, William's consciousness swiftly blacked out.