Chapter 77: The Dragon rises from the Abyss!

"You know the drill, follow the plan and don't slip up." Yamada told the adventurers beside him. Apparently, it's not just him crazy enough to jump the band wagon but all 3 high level parties are really interested in doing this crazy stunt. The other's like the guild master and Van needs to stay due to the fact that they need to commandeer the soldiers and adventurers if the situation had gone bleak.

"Shut it brat, I know what to do." Laz grumpily said and raised his axe.

"We will follow you, so this plan of yours should better work." Axal said and unsheathed his sword.

"Then, shall we go?" Yamada said and with a signal, the gate's door was opened and they quickly crossed the other side at the gap.

After entering the battlefield, they swung their weapons and fired their spells. Yamada, who had asked to enhance his voice, stood up quickly in a mountain of corpses and said;

"HEY JACKASS, DADDY IS HERE!!!" His shout piercing through the battlefield suddenly silenced and made both sides suddenly look at him in shock. The black knight apparently, also noticed him and looked at him in silence.

"OH, ALSO REMEMBER HER?" Yamada pointed at Sake who was silently looking at the knight with a complicated expression. Looking at the armored corpse, Yamada noticed the hand that was holding it's sword shake a bit.

"HMMM? DO I HAVE TO SAY ABOUT YOUR INSIDE STORY HERE? REMEMBER THAT WOUND YOU GOT…?" Yamada kept shouting and roasting the guy with so many flowery words that came from the internet that the people accompanying him had already backed away in fear a bit.

"AND– [Shut up HUMAN!!!]" The knight suddenly in a flash, reappeared in front of him and swung his sword, dismembering 'Yamada' in half.

"Yamada!!!" His companions shouted in shock. Suddenly, a disembodied voice shouted behind the knight and they saw Yamada slowly reforming back from his shadow form.

[Damn that was close!] He shouted exaggeratedly and wiped a non-existent sweat. The spectators, shocked at the occurrence quickly attacked the knight with all they got.

*Bang* *Clang* "Arrghhh!!!" *Boom*

Countless flashes from swords and spears to spells struck the black knight yet no visible damage was dealt on it. Even Sake's strikes that had been repeatedly received by William can only do a nick at his armor that mysteriously regenerates back. The black substance covering his old wound is also sentient enough to parry their attacks like some sort of self-defense mechanism. The knight merely took the attacks completely and no visible wound nor scratches were apparent.

[Insects!!!] The knight as if tired of their drivels, made a mighty swing sending a powerful squall of black energy.

"Kyaaa!" "Guaaa!!" "Kurrrghh!"

The adventurers, except the party leaders along with Yamada and Sake were blown away by the sheer force of the swing. Yet the knight's attacks did not stop there, it lifted its mighty sword up and with a shout, stabbed it to the ground creating an artificial quake as him being the epicenter.

"Woah~!!" Yamada balanced his self amidst the shaky ground and he just glimpsed just in time for a blade approaching his neck.


"Fu–!!!" He cried out amidst the huge strain of the huge force slamming at his body. Annoyed, he forcefully parried the sword and with a smooth movement, he dematerialized his daggers and slammed both his palms at the chest of the knight forcefully injecting his internal qi in him and made them run amok.

[Guaaaaah!!] The knight shouted in pain and clutched his chest and wildly swing his sword around.

"Now!!" Yamada shouted amidst the shaking and another volley of attacks was forcefully jammed onto the knight, only for it to be angered and even cut the arm of one unlucky adventurer. The adventurer in question, cried out in pain while the stump was releasing a huge amount of blood and the veins visible at his arm quickly festered and slowly turned black.

"Cut the area he dismembered, quickly!" Yamada, who is sensitive to foreign energies noticed the danger and quickly barked an order which was swiftly dealt with. The victim, cried out amidst the pain while a mage besides him quickly froze the wound.

'Tch, so it's even bad news to us if he injures us.' Yamada silently thought while trying to recover his internal qi and observing the fight. While the adventurer's and him was disoriented, Sake was busy buying them time but it was clearly a one-sided fight even if Sake was familiar with the enemies' techniques.

'Aahh damn… do I really have to use it again?' Yamada thought while slowly activating a certain technique.

"Buy me some time for a bit!" Yamada cried out and closed his eyes quickly. Noticing that he is doing something, the adventurer's quickly rushed into fray and supported Sake in buying him some time.

"Kaahakk! Hurry up boy!!" Laz cried out painfully when he was slammed into the ground by the enemy.

"I'm done old man!" Yamada cried out and when his eyes snapped open, it had already turned into that of a draconic origin.

[Hmmm!? A dragon!] Finally, the enemy had finally noticed the standing up Yamada and kicked the other's away and rushed at Yamada's direction.

"Too late…" Yamada said and quickly vanished from his position and smashed the head of the undead over his head.

[Gahakk!] The knight roared in anger yet, even in its state it still swung its sword above him, forcing Yamada to retreat a bit.

"Hey there bastard~!" Yamada's frivolous voice echoed in the battlefield and then, a sudden squall suddenly appeared below the enemy and Yamada who reappeared below him is clad by a huge amount of his internal qi grinned maliciously.

"[The Heavenly Shadow Dragon Rises from the Abyss!]" With a cry, his fist slammed at the visible damage of the undead and a roar of a dragon echoed out of the battlefield while the monster was suddenly dragged by a huge black oriental dragon head that suddenly rose from the ground swallowed it whole.