
Dreamia 1st Visit

I was dreaming about flying around City Park, when all of a sudden, hear a sound. It sounds like a lock, but super loud. I land in front of the Conservatory Of The Two Sisters. There is a red dashed line leading away from the door. I know it leads away cause the dot beginning is right in the center white doors. I fly over the line which is over the lily pond, go down the grass lane, take a left over the bricks and go to the big tree. There is a wooden door at the trunk. I try the knob, but it's locked. I make a golden key, unlock the door, open it, and walk in.

It's a whole different world in here. The pathways look like that relativity painting shown to me by 4th grade teacher. I listen to what the others are saying. The conversations sound like what I could pick up at the mall. Which doesn't make sense. In my dreams recently, people I've come across can only respond to me. This dream feels too real. I've picked up the word Dreamia a lot. As I stay there, I see a family of three walk up to me.

"You look lost. First time here?"

"Yeah, name is David, and you are?"

"I'm Shuuya, this is my wife Audrey, and our daughter Selina."

"Hi, so what is Dreamia?"

"Dreamia is the dimension that humans can access only through dreams. The reason that the brain is active during certain cycles of sleep is because our consciousness is split between the physical world and Dreamia. Dreams are actually memories of what happens in Dreamia. Most of the time the will of this dimension dictates the dream. Humans can alter dreams with willpower. The stronger the will, the more you can change. This area of Dreamia is one of several areas which are called Public Dreams. Only people with strong wills can enter this area, unless you are let in by someone else who can naturally access this area. Our daughter doesn't quite yet have the willpower to enter alone, so we let her in."

"Huh, neat. What about comatose people or brain dead people?"

"Comatose people are those who split their consciousness badly, though not always the fault of the person entering Dreamia. The conscious bridge between Dreamia and the physical world is broken in some way and walls form around that person's dream, making it very difficult to enter the dream. Brain dead people are just dead, not in Dreamia. Be careful though. If attacked here, you can become brain dead".

"So damage here can kill you. Thanks for the information Miss Audrey. Now I'm worried."

"Most attacks happen when one is in a coma though, so you should be fine".

"I'd rather have some training to be able to defend myself. I assume that you will want to train your daughter as well Mr Shuuya. Can I be trained alongside her?"

"Didn't your mom tell you not to hang out with strangers?"

"I can see you and your family are not aiming to hurt me. There is no darkness in your hearts."

"My parents have been trying to teach me how to do that for two months now. You learned how to

do that by yourself?"

"Impressive. The DreamSeeker clan is always looking for promising recruits. Why don't you join the clan?"

"Any mortal enemies I need to know about?"

"The DreamStalkers clan has been fighting us for quite some time now. To be more accurate, they are tyrants that kill anyone that get in their way. Everyone joins a clan for protection."

"Now wait just a minute! It's been a while since someone as talented as this young lad has made it

to a Public Dream. Boy, I offer you a place within the NightLight clan."

"Theo, I was making my pitch. At least have the courtesy to wait until I finished with my pitch."

"You sounded done."

"I didn't even list the benefits of joining the clan yet!"

"A boy this good deserves to be in the NightLight clan!"

"No, the NightShade clan is better!"

"DreamStalkers incoming!!!" Everyone vanishes from sight. I really gotta learn how to do that. Three men come to sight.

"Well, look at this, a newcomer with no guide. So it's true. You got talent. Come join us. I can see the raw potential you have. With us, you can do whatever you want. If there is a girl you like, we can teach you to break into her dream and rape her, then wipe her memory of the dream and then do so all over again the next night or to some other girl. We can teach you to enter the dreams of bullies and show you how to alter their dream to their worst nightmare. We can show you how to murder your enemies in their dreams without any bad after effects."

"And if I don't want to?"

"No clan protects you. You are as good as dead."

"Violence breeds more violence. I'm going to say no."

"Shame to have to hurt someone with your kind of potential. Don't worry. We won't kill you...yet. For now reconsider what we say after we put you in a coma."

"Bring it." I summon a kitchen knife from thin air. They summon guns.

"You brought a knife to a gunfight? How stupid are you?"

"Not as stupid as you are for not firing the guns." The tip of my kitchen knife is glowing. I charge at them while they fire the guns.

"The bullets aren't working. Shoot the anti-barrier bullets."

"No dice boss. It's not a barrier."

"Anti-disintegration bullets also don't work. What's with this kid?"

"Who knows what's up with me. Thanks for the self defense ideas though." I slice through the neck of the first lacky.

"That hit my carotid."

"What's the carotid?" I send a wind slice from my knife and suddenly, he falls into perfectly sliced cubes.

"I got it, the bullets are being sliced! Anti-slicing barrier up!" He then shutters as he sees that I have dropped the knife and picked up the handgun. Two seconds later, he falls over with a bullet in his brain, a bullet in his stomach, and another in his heart. He points his gun at me. I snap my fingers. The bullets I willed to stay in his body explode like grenades.

"HaHaHaHa!!! Excellent. Your battle capabilities are so excellent for a newcomer. Now eat machine gun fire!" The machine gun promptly falls apart as perfectly cut cubes. "How did that happen?" He summons another machine gun and the knife I let go hits the new machine gun and it falls into cubes. I transform the gun into another kitchen knife and get behind him while he is flustered. Then I stab him in his heart.

"The fire!! It burns!!!" The fire from the knife rages on inside of him, not burning him outside. Then he falls over.

"Are they dead?" I kick the body of the boss to make sure.

"Based on the damage, Machine Gun Mack is comatose. The others, probably brain dead."

"Oh hey Shuuya, I can see you again. Where are the others?"

"Oh they left the second the warning went out. I'm really good at camouflage so I was the only one that stayed. So, you still want to join the DreamSeekers?"

"Seeing as you are the only one that stayed to make sure I was okay, sure."

"Alright then, I'll explain more to you as we indoctrinate you at base. Welcome to the clan." I get a brief history of Dreamia, join the DreemSeekers and wake up. I go to school, waiting to sleep. As I head to bed, my dad starts talking to my mom about how the police raided a criminal base today and found the criminals they were looking for. I pay extra attention when he says that one criminal was found comatose and the others were brain dead with no apparent cause. Let my adventures continue.