Arrival of the Retainers

"So can anyone brief me about being the Ace Sovereign? If I'm going to take the job, I can't be clueless."

Yan Qing Shan asked skeptically at the children...erm... Aces. She was surprised at their transformation. This bunch of elite prodigies really acted this way when it comes to food? Her world view was distorted. Not that she could blame them, being a revived foodie herself she knew how joyous eating was.

Except, these bunch took it up another level. Her question was like a rock thrown into the ocean. It didn't even manage to break through the rhythmic tapping of chopticks.

Yan Qing Shan sighed resignedly. At this point, it was obvious she wouldn't be getting any answers. Helpless, she went back to eating.

Order and sanity was restored when all of the food she cooked was devoured. She figured she could finally ask her questions.

"So, as I was saying, can anyone tell me more about this Sovereign business?"

She asked as she looked at them one by one. Their satisfied faces were comical and the ocassional smacking of lips made her cringe a bit.

"You actually don't know about it?"

Hong Zhen Yue said, doubt in his face. Yan Qing Shan shook her head. Of course she was clueless about it. She didn't care about such things in the past. It was only until now that she even concerned herself with studying. Much less about the Aces. The information on the school website was not that elaborate and barely substantial so she had to ask them about it.

"Being the Ace Sovereign is kind of like being the Class President. Except it's on the level fitting for the cream of crop. We aren't an ordinary class after all. In order for us to graduate, we still need to create a big project. So troublesome, if you asked me. The Ace Sovereign is the one who oversees every aspect of this. Aside from ensuring the discipline and well-being of the other aces."

Yan Qing Shan nodded in understanding. But she suddenly stilled when she realized something. Based from what Zhen Yue said, not only will she become their boss she was also going to play the role of a mother to these grown up children. Going from the way they were acting right now, she had her work cut out for her. These kids needed a reeducation. Tsk.

"Oh right. Jie jie, after your status as Sovereign is filed at the administration. There is still another ceremony needed. Traditions, basically. Not ceremony per se. It's more like a party in honor of you."

Ning Xie Zhi added smilingly. His face had a fawning look and seemed as if asking for a praise.

"Is that really necessary? Can't we just have like a barbecue or something? That's a party too, right? I'm not really comfortable with crowds."

Yan Qing Shan said matter-of-factly. The aces looked at each other and nodded.

"Well, the rules didn't really elaborate about the ceremony. It's only that the previous aces all held a grand party or a ball, so the tradition stuck. But since you said you don't like balls, a barbecue would do I guess. You are the Sovereign after all. It's a ceremony on your honor. You make the call."

Qi Xia reasoned out. She sighed in relief and confirmed that they'll just have a barbecue. With her still the one cooking, of course. She also allowed them to invite a few of their close friends.

Just as they finished talking, Yan Qing Shan's phone rang. She furrowed her brows when she saw that familiar private number.


Z City Airport.

From amongst the crowd, four silhouettes slowly emerged. A tall, elegant man in a crisp suit with silky silver hair tied up into a ponytail was accompanied by three breathtaking women.

One was a voluptuous beauty with a sleek bob cut, and carried a certain primal sultry air around her. The other stood as tall as the man. She was dressed in a long, lacy, white frock making her look like a celestial maiden on Earth. The last girl was a cute and petite lolita who was every inch adorable in her bunny onesie.

The group looked odd with their different vibes but were strangely harmonious. The man took out a phone and dialed someone. He gestured for the three excited women to shush as he talked to the person on the line.

"Ojou-sama. We have arrived in City Z. What are your orders?"

The man spoke in fluent Japanese, his tone reverent. A hint of longing emerged in the four people's eyes as they listened to the voice on the phone.