Eccentric Ace Class (1)

Yan Qing Shan stared down at the opulent door in front of her. A platinum plaque hovered on the top bearing gold stenciled calligraphy, exuding the very essence of what it represents.

Ace Class.

In the past Yan Qing Shan subdued herself to the maximum and ended up dropping school altogether. She was more than capable of getting into Ace class, but she found it tedious. But now, she wanted to be able to experience the most of it. High School wasn't much since she was homeschooled in Japan.

Only her grandpa Reo and her companions back in there knew how much of a genius Yan Qing Shan was. She had an eidetic memory and an IQ over 200, which has compromised her EQ.

This was a common occurence amongst intellectual people. They unconsciously suppress emotions for it clouded their judgement. Aside from the fact that they most often could predict the outcome of scenarios and situations. Because of the vast expanse of their knowledge, they disdain to dabble in what they think as trivial and fleeting aspects.

They don't see the point of dealing with these aspects when they already know what would happen. They fail to see the point of it all. And Yan Qing Shan had embodied this trait to the utmost and most precarious: apathy. It took death for her to be aware of what normal people treat as something common. If not for her rebirth, Yan Qing Shan would still have been indifferent to everything. Losing everything gave her the spark of life and to make use of her abilities.

She held on to the door's handle. Yan Qing Shan knew that it would be hard to deal with the people inside. After all, in a way they were all similar to her. They had pride equivalent to Olympus Mons. Though they still haven't reached Yan Qing Shan's apathetic state back then. She surmised it's because of the companionship that they had formed.

It seemed that Yan Qing Shan forgot that her social skills were not that efficient. And that just a week ago it was practically non-existent. But then again Yan Qing Shan was not easily intimidated, she would deal with them on her own somehow.

After a deep breath, she turned the knob and went inside. The original chatter within the room faded into silence when she walked in.

The room for Ace Class was not the typical classroom. Instead it is more like a luxurious conference room. There was an oval table which could seat around ten people. On the far right corner was a mini bar. Opposite it was a set of navy couches and consort chair around a glass coffee table. There was also a huge bookshelf and an LCD wall. Two doors were on the other end. Yan Qing Shan figured that it was probably a bathroom and the other a mini kitchen.

'Ace class really lives up to its name.'

She shook her head. Yan Qing Shan was used to the simplistic and understated Zi Jue and thus prefer it more.

This year's generation of Aces have eight people excluding Yan Qing Shan. She did some research about these classmates of hers. And most of them are from prominent families. There was two who came from middle class but had abilities beyond exceptional.

Eight pairs of eyes looked in her direction. Yan Qing Shan entered battle mode. If she wanted to conquer these group of people, her perpetually stoic, cold face came in handy. She walked to a chair at the back silently, but kept her head straight and unwavering. She chose the place where could covertly observe the people who went back to their own businesses.

She looked at them one by one assessing and cross-examining their actual characteristics as compared to the information she had gathered.

The first one she landed her eyes on was Chen Luo. The Ace of Law. The second young master of the Chen family. Having grown up in a family of lawyers and prosecutors, his nature leaned to strict and conforming. His simplistic silver-lined eyeglasses added sharpness to his serious face. Yan Qing Shan was not surprised to see him seating near the bookshelves. She saw a kindred spirit in him, as a fellow bibliophile.

Lounging at the sofa, on the other side, was the twins Jia Yi Lan and Jia Wei Ren. Their Jia family was a renowned family of doctors. They own the world-class Imperial Z Hospital and was the spearhead of innovative health care and medicine in the country. Jia Yi Lan, herself, was already a genius surgeon and a numerable specialization in her age. Her brother,

Jia Wei Ren was a scientist in his own right. He had a hand in the development and improvement of various medicines in the health community. Yan Qing Shan noticed the way Jia Wei Ran fussed over his sister. Seems like the guy was a bit of a siscon. Though she couldn't blame him. Jia Yi Lan was the epitome of gentleness. Her every move exuded grace.

Yan Qing Shan tapped her fingers lightly at the table. As expected, integrating herself to them was not an easy feat. She was brooding over this matter as she observed the others. When suddenly, a handsome, smiling visage blocked her eyes.

"Hi! You must be the new member. The Ace of Media right? I'm Xu Lei."