Convention of the Prodigies

While Yan Qing Shan was busy beating up a scheming leeche and eating a sumptuous lunch with Zi Jue. Eight people convened at the grandiose dining table of the Ace Villa.

They were surrounding a suspicious exquisite lunch set, all the while arguing with one another. Complaints such as the food not being enough, or one of the other was guzzling the food down too quickly echoed one after the other.

Yes. These glorious prodigies were busy fighting over the left overs from the dishes that Yan Qing Shan made for her and Zi Jue's lunch. Reputations were trampled. Dignities were dismantled to nothingness. The Aces that Z University boasted of, have been transformed into shameless gluttons by Yan Qing Shan's cooking.

"Chen Luo, you fiend! Leave some for us."

The perpetually calm and collected Ace of Law ignored Xu Lei who reprimanded him. His chopsticks not even faltering a bit. Despite the fast movement, he still looked graceful as he stuffed his mouth with food.

"Damn it! F*ck these cocky bastards, if this is how you're going to play then so be it."

Another pair of chopticks moved lighting fast, not caring whether it be vegetable or meat all of it went straight to his dainty lips. Everyone else looked at the innocent angel that was Ning Xie Zhi. However, they weren't really surprised with how colorful the words coming out from his mouth were. This was what they call the gap moe*. He may look like a teenage cherub with his fair face, puppy eyes, and cute pout. But beneath that misleading exterior is a notorious male-version of a shrew who is well-versed in cursing than a sailor.

Jia Yi Lan sighed loudly. Why does she even stay aound these children? Oh right, because they ARE children. She shook her head lightly. She should have just invited Yan Qing Shan out. Despite her cold and indifferent manner, she was actually quite adorkable. Jia Yi Lan smiled when she remembered the look on her face when she was having her hair done.

"Sis, you're not eating anymore?"

She glared at Jia Wei Ren before gesturing at the devoured dishes at the table. Not even a speck was left. Her twin smiled sheepishly.

"Now that you're done being gluttons, what do you plan to do regarding Yan Qing Shan's test?"

Jia Yi Lan inquired. She was worried about Yan Qing Shan but she was also aware that gaining the acknowledgement of these men would be more beneficial.

"Well, I plan to challenge her to a shooting duel. Then some hand to hand combat. Pretty much fighting. If she's able to hit me even just once, I'll acknowledge her. The usual."

Hong Zhen Yue answered directly. Everyone in the room facepalmed. There was no helping this combat maniac. All of them, even the frail Jia Yi Lan suffered his challenge. It was a good thing that they all had some fighting capabilities and was able to land a blow on him.

"Why don't we make it a bit more interesting?"

Qi Xia, this devious profiteer had his signature sly smile. Being the Ace of Business, he was always like this. No one would disagree if someone said that he was, in reality an old, wily fox. His schemes and strategies were top-notch. That includes his pranks. They couldn't help but silently light incense for the poor girl.

"How do you plan to do that, Qi Xia?"

It was Qin Jiran who asked. Qi Xia's smile grew wider.

"Since it's for gaining our acknowledgement, why would it be only Zhen Yue testing her. Why don't we all test her?"

Jia Wei Ren frowned at him. Do they really need to go through so much trouble? Oh well, all of them has experienced being played with by Qi Xia. Naturally, since Yan Qing Shan was new she was the subject of the fox' pranks. But somehow he felt that Qi Xia's suggestion was a bit over the top.

"Wouldn't that be unfair? After all, we have different specialties. Testing her through that would be one-sided pummeling."

The aces fell into silence. Jia Wei Ren's words did make sense.

"Consider it as gauging the extent of her potentials. Who knows she might be good at some of the other specialties. We'll get to know her better that way too. Besides, it is up to you how you want to test her. My suggestion doesn't necessarily mean that you should challenge her through your expertise."

Qi Xia justified. The other aces finally agreed with that arrangement.

"Well, you f**kers can do all you want. I'll just have her cook me something delicious."

Ning Xie Zhi's mouth had taken the stage once again. The others looked at him in question.

"What? You wondering why? Maggot heads. Haven't you realized that the food you just ate were cooked by her? She already moved in here. None of you bastards can even brew tea much less cook. Yi Lan's kitchen skills are pretty much non-existent. Who bloody else would have been able to cook what you just ate?"

The Aces were slackjawed. Ning Xie Zhi, the ultimate glutton...erm...foodie had hit the nail. They were too taken by the food to even think of who cooked it. Until he pointed it out. Now all of them are secretly hoping that she passes their challenges. For the future of their stomachs.