Turning the Tables (1)

"What... What was that? I feel so lost right now." Jia Wei Ren who was quiet the whole time murmured to himself.

Hong Zhen Yue turned to Qi Xia and eyed him incredulously.

"Is this what you mean with what you said a while ago, you sly fox? How'd you know?" He asked with an unbelieving tone.

Qi Xia merely sighed at Hong Zhen Yue's words. He pondered about the sudden turn of events. Qi Xia didn't know what to make of it. At this point, they can't choose a course of action and move immediately for damage control. It seems like they'd have to confront Yan Qing Shan about it.

"There was something wrong with Jie's smile at the last photo." Ning Xie Zhi blurted out of nowhere.

"What do you mean, Xiao Zhi?" Jia Yi Lan turned to him in confusion. All she saw was that beautiful yet rare smile of Yan Qing Shan. Ah, even in this situation her beauty could divert attention.

Ning Xie Zhi stood up and walked to Qin Jiran's side. He gestured for the latter to allow him the controls of the laptop to which Qin Jiran obliged. Ning Xie Zhi selected the last picture.

Yan Qing Shan stood at the floor to ceiling french windows looking ethereally beautiful as her hands hovered at the side of the windows. She had a smirk on her petal like lips but her eyes glinted sharp as they stared head on at the camera.


The Aces gasped consecutively as they realized a fact that was staring at them in the face. It must be said that these geniuses were worthy of their name. They were able to process this information quicker than others. It would have been faster had they not been preoccupied with their emotions. Yes. These usually uncaring and apathetic people let their emotions get ahead of them for the first time.

"Qing Shan Jie knew. She knew that she was being tailed and taken photographs of." Ning Xie Zhi voiced out the obvious.

Qi Xia felt the hairs on his skin rising. It seems Yan Qing Shan has already predicted everything. It was even possible that she already has a counter plan laid out. Such a thing... Qi Xia couldn't help but admire this Sovereign of theirs even more.

"It would be best if we wait for Yan Qing Shan to reach out to us. Let's not be drastic lest we might derail whatever the Sovereign is planning." Qi Xia advised them.

Jia Wei Ren shrugged and spoke in a bitter tone. "Do you think she'll reach out to us? I mean, Yan Qing Shan has the guardians on her side. What would she need us for?"

The others froze up at this. Even the unconcerned Chen Luo snapped his head at Jia Wei Ren, his brows furrowed deeply.

That's right. Yan Qing Shan was Izanami. And Izanami had lots of capable people, including the guardians at her side. There was even Hades who could solve everything for her with just a snap of his fingers. Then, what are they, the Aces for?

The intelligent lot couldn't help but recall the past few days where they did nothing except their assigned chores. They even relied on Yan Qing Shan to cook and feed them.

Ah, what a shame!

"No. This can't be. We can't let ourselves be useless." Xu Lei lamented.

Ning Xie Zhi and Chen Luo nodded vigorously. "Qing Shan Jie might not cook us food anymore. I'm already at the point where my picky palate prefer her cooking over anything else. If we become useless, she might drive us out."

"Right." Chen Luo seconded the foul-mouthed bishounen.

"I feel like you're focusing at the wrong things here." Qi Xia commented but was ignored by the worried lot.

"I'll lose the chance to beat her or fight with those guardians of her. That can't happen. I only got this opportunity." Hong Zhen Yue the fighting maniac complained.

"No! I won't allow myself to become the only lady around here. I'll go crazy." Jia Yi Lan added.

Qin Jiran shook his head. Qi Xia was right. These people were really focusing on the wrong aspect of the situation.

"Hey, stop your chatter. It's not helping." Qin Jiran reprimanded them.

Except, instead of grateful looks Qin Jiran found himself on the receiving of bright, hungry glares. He crouched on his spot at this.

'What's with them? Why are they suddenly looking at me like some rabid and starved dogs and I'm their designated food?' Qin Jiran shuddered at this thought. He turned to Qi Xia in confusion, imploring for clarification. The latter just raised a brow at him and acted dead.

The complaining Aces suddenly surrounded Qin Jiran.

"Jiran, ah. You're the expert in computers and hacking here. Why don't you make yourself useful huh?" Jia Yi Lan uttered slowly, with her eyes shining that peculiar light whenever she was about to get violent.

Qin Jiran blanked out. He was taken out of stupor when he heard the cracking of Jia Yi Lan's knuckles.

'Damn you, Qi Xia!' He cursed the fox in his mind before facing the rabid dogs... erhm Aces.