One Bomb After Another

"I am part of the Asahi house from the Land of the Rising Sun. The successor of Raijin."

Qi Xia: "....."

Ning Xie Zhi: "....."

Qin Jiran: "....."

Hong Zhen Yue looked cluelessly at Yan Qing Shan and then turned at the faces of his three brothers whick looked as if an atomic bomb has just exploded right smack in their faces. The incredulity in their expressions was so apparent that it made Hong Zhen Yue cringe hard.

Their jaws slacked so wide open that it wouldn't surprise him if an apple would fit snugly. Three pairs of eyes bulged out of their sockets completing a very comical scene. Their reactions were so extreme that it was about to get frustrating for him who didn't know anything. And can they seriously consider their images? They were three dashing men and yet they all but completely lost their composures. How embarrassing are these brothers of his?

"Successor? Raijin? Who's Raijin?" He asked when he couldn't handle the tensed and electrifying atmosphere anymore.

Qi Xia rapt his head in frustration. He then looked disdainfully at the battle maniac in front of him as if he was spouting dumb and obvious questions.

"This is what you get for only caring about fighting, fighting, and then more fighting. If you had accompanied your father a little bit more then you wouldn't be so clueless. Every higher up in every freaking military of any country knows who Raijin is and his successor."

Qi Xia reprimanded him in a single breath which Hong Zhen Yue only scoffed at loudly. Each to his own interest alright. So what if he prioritizes combat? It was his passion and something he cared deeply about. He never chided Qi Xia for being a sly profiteer and only ever thought of new ways to extort people out of their money, including him. Therefore, he had no say in his matter.

"Don't stray away from my questions and just answer it, will you?" Hong Zhen Yue replied in an annoyed tone.

Qi Jiran tsked and then sighed deeply. As he was the closest to the man, he put his arms on Hong Zhen Yue's shoulders before proceeding to explain in an attempted sagelike manner.

"Little Zhen Yue, any person who is involved or is aware about the underworld be it here in Hua Xia or any division, except for you it seems, they'd know the person who singlehandedly annihilated a third of Japan's number one yakuza family, the Yamaguchi." Qin Jiran paused shortly and then after a few seconds continued on dramatically.

"Who, by the way, with her predecessor the infamous Thunder and Lightning God Raijin and her four guardians, lifted up the Asahi family into firmly establishing itself as a hegemon of Japan's underworld. Anyone from the dark world is sensible enough to know the Goddess who dictates whether you'll live and be renewed or die without an intact corpse. The successor of Raijin and our current Ace Sovereign, Izanami. Got it?"

Qin Jiran's tone was patronizing but Hong Zhen Yue merely looked just as dumbfounded as they are after his lengthy explanation. He may not know about Raijin but he certainly heard about Izanami. Dang it! Even his father sang praises of her and lamented the fact that such a powerful person, and a woman at that, was part of the underworld.

"Y-you're Izanami? The Izanami who turned the tides of the entire underworld years ago? That Izanami?" Hong Zhen Yue said in disbelief. His tone rising a notch. He finally felt that his loss during their match was justified. A growing excitement bubbled in him. With her as an opponent, he'll be able to improve his combat skills.

"Wooo! My sister is actually Izanami. Lucky! I'm so overwhelmed right now. Jie, you really are ferocious!" Ning Xie Zhi's excited and fawning tone echoed within the study.

Qi Xia and Qin Jiran looked composed but deep inside their hearts was a growing turmoil mixed with pride. Looks like they made the right choice in pledging their loyalty to her. With Yan Qing Shan in the lead, they're bound for success in every way. Aside from never starving and eating the best of the best food ever.

Yan Qing Shan awkwardly coughed at the worshipping looks of these bunch of men. She waved her hand trying to dismiss their excitement.

"I trust that you know what to do with this information. You can inform the others, but avoid exaggerating. Moving on, I called all of you here not only about that. There's another thing."

The four men perked up once more and set aside their hype about their sovereign's identity. They waited for her to continue.

"My guests are actually my four guardians. However, I was planning on having them stay longer and train all of you. Qi Xia, do you think you can request that they temporarily reside here in the villa?"

Yan Qing Shan stated indifferently. However, the four men felt as if another atomic bomb exploded in their faces. It must be noted that Izanami may be famous in the underworld, but too much mystery surrounded her. As for the four guardians, they were not only famous, they are regarded as the superstars of the underworld.

The legendary guardians are coming here at the Ace Villa!

They were going to stay indefinitely!

They were going to train them!

Qi Xia: "....." Sovereign, are you for real?

Ning Xie Zhi: "....." My Jie is too OP!

Qin Jiran: "....." Am I dreaming?

Hong Zhen Yue: "....." Combat training!