An Invitation

It has been a week since the scandal surrounding Lan Jing Er and Yan Qing Shan first erupted. Strangely so, the issue is still hot as ever. The passing days didn't calm the fires of gossip but somehow made it even grow bigger. Countless discussions littered the web, even in articles at news sites, entertainment columns, and entertainment shows caught wind to it.

At a marble gazebo within a spectacular garden somewhere in the outskirts of Z City, a stunningly, gorgeous woman tittered bemusedly as she browsed the articles on her mobile phone. Aside from that, countless newspapers with its entertainment columns face up were laid out beside a stack of books. The scenery painted quite a pretty picture of leisure.

"Aiyah! This is so disappointing. Why are they being so dreadfully obvious in fanning the flames of the issue? Anyone with a properly functioning logical mind would figure out that someone was fueling the scandal secretly."

"I take it back. It's not a secret anymore since it's too apparent. Aiyayay."

"Haven't they realized that this will merely make it easier for me to deal with them?" The woman's titter was replaced with a frown bordering on a scowl as she mumbled to herself.

"At this rate, my retaliation is going to hurt them so bad already. And this is only the beginning. Their suffering won't be enough to fill the gaps of my teeth. Tsk. Tsk. Ugh, how frustratingly stupid." Yan Qing Shan huffed in annoyance.

A light shuffle of feet snapped her from her reverie followed by the sweet voice of Meili, the maid she befriended on the day of her rebirth. "You seem irrititated, Miss. Have some tea, it'll cheer you right up."

Yan Qing Shan smiled gratefully at the little woman and proceeded to partake to the refreshments she had set down.


Whilst Yan Qing Shan ate happily, Meili observed the former discreetly. Ever since the miss had woken from that time, she had changed. When they were first introduced to her, Yan Qing Shan looked out of sorts. The first thing that Meili thought of was a doll. Like that strange little stringed puppets that are moved through strings. A marionette.

Yan Qing Shan exuded an empty feeling, as if she was there but not entirely. Somehow, she was even more frightening than their master, especially the void that were her eyes. Even here struggle to escape, it was all merely like an instinct to fight against the fact that she was taken against her will.

The night of her last escape was a horrible one. They had never seen their master so enraged, so desperate, and so...broken. Meili was strongly against the actions of her master that night. Yet, she couldn't meddle nor could she justify the reasoning behind the situation.

Still, Meili was over the moon with how the circumstances are today. Their master and the young miss get along quite well. The whole of Ying Yue Garden was harmonious.

'I sincerely hope for you happiness, Miss.' Meili silently prayed as she gazed at Yan Qing Shan.


"Hey there, beautiful." Yan Qing Shan almost blew out the tea she just sipped in her mouth at the sudden greeting of the one and only smiling devil. She rolled her eyes at him and composed herself. Yan Qing Shan was normally vigilant with her surroundings. It was just that Ying Yue Garden gave her a semblance of security that she finds herself unconsciously relaxing. Hence, Zi Jue's arrival caught her unaware.

Soft, warm lips landed on the apple of her cheek. Yan Qing Shan couldn't help her smile. At this point, Meili had excused herself to give them some privacy which Yan Qing Shan was grateful for. If Meili stays, she might witness the image of their great master crumbling to bits. Zi Jue could care less, but Yan Qing Shan prefer to spare the people a bout of heart attack.

"You're home early." Yan Qing Shan raised a brow at the man who sat in front of her. He held his head in his palm as he stared at her.

Zi Jue grinned like a kid on Christmas at her words. "I knew you were here. The earlier I go home, the more time I have with you. Besides, I'm the boss. I can go home whenever I want."

Yan Qing Shan scoffed at his overbearing words before she took a bite of the almond cake that Meili served a while ago.

"You're probably the only one audacious enough to say such words, Ah Jue."

Zi Jue smirked naughtily. Contentment evident in his whole being. The glaring scandal dragging Yan Qing Shan's name through the mud during this time was like a punch through cotton. It couldn't break their little bubble of bliss.

As the days progressed, their relationship was pretty much the same. Except it was firmer, sturdier. The trust that they had with each other was stronger, aside from the little gestures of intimacies. Zi Jue didn't want to rush Yan Qing Shan. He wanted her to free herself first from all her worries. It wasn't as if he's leaving anyway. That was probably the last thing that he'll ever do.

"Your father sent me an invitation." Zi Jue started slowly, checking for subtle changes that might register in that exquisite face of hers.

"He did? Invitation to what exactly?" Yan Qing Shan asked, curiosity obvious in her tone.

Zi Jue pouted when he remembered the contents of the invitation. Liu Ying had kindly read it out loud for him. Zi Jue didn't have the time for such trifles.

"Apparently, it's for a party in honor of your sister." Zi Jue spat out the last word like it was acid. Yan Qing Shan couldn't help but giggle at such childishness. Despite her thinking that way, she still liked Zi Jue's action.

Yet, she furrowed her brows as she went through with his answer.

'A party? In honor of Yan Xiaoyi? How ominous.'

Yan Qing Shan tried to remember if there was such a party in her past life. It was only her father's party that retained itself into her mind. It led to her marriage, after all.

'Ah. Yes, there seem to have been a party like that. Except, I wasn't invited.'

"Am I invited to?" Yan Qing Shan asked after a short pause, to which Zi Jue took out an elaborate invitation. He pushed it in her direction, his eyes never leaving her face.

"Are you going?" Zi Jue tilted his head towards her, his fingers reaching out to the stray strands of hair in her countenance. He twirled it playfully as he waited for her answer.

Yan Qing Shan's face bloomed with a smile of mischief. She leaned her head towards him, closing in their distance.

"Of course. It is unsightly manner if we decline such a precious invitation, wouldn't you say, my love?" Yan Qing Shan stated in a shushed, oddly appealing voice.