Phone Call

Seeing that Zi Jue was about to smother in an embrace, Yan Qing Shan held up her hand to stop him.

"Before you cuddle me to death, I brought you a drink and snacks. Why not appreciate my efforts and partake in them, no?" She muttered with an exasperated huff. As their relationship progressed, Yan Qing Shan was able to confirm one thing. Zi Jue love skinship so much that it was annoying sometimes. Well, she didn't hate it. But it won't hurt for him to learn appropriate timings for it. Like, can he not be sweet and cuddly while she was in the middle of a prank? Yan Qing Shan was close to fessing up due to the rising guilt in her gut.

"Oh, right. I was just happy. I didn't expect that you'd be home tonight." Zi Jue replied with a sheepish laugh. Ugh, seriously this guy. Now her guilt was growing even more.