Banquet of Deceit (3)

Yan Qing Shan supressed the urge to roll her eyes and punched the woman who just spoke. Yan Xiaoyi's voice grated her ears irritatingly. Yan Qing Shan breathed in and out methodically.

"En." Yan Qing Shan grunted coldly. Yan Xiaoyi ignored this typical cold-shoulder of hers and amiably wrapped her fair arms to Yan Qing Shan's. The latter furrowed her brows but chose to play along. Yan Xiaoyi waded her way around the guests who were whispering around about them.

"Who is that lady walking with Miss Yan? They look intimate."

"Isn't that the Eldest Miss? Chairman Yan's eldest daughter with his first wife? Yan Qing... Ah, Yan Qing Shan!"

"Oh! Yes, it is her. Why is she here? I didn't know the two sisters were close. I seem to have heard rumors that the eldest miss hated the younger one to the bone."

"Really? Why is that? Yan Xiaoyi is known to be kind and gentle. She is elegance incarnate and has a lot of considerable achievements. Aside from her beauty, she is also intelligent having skipped grades in all levels of education. She got into Z University by her own capabilities."

"That's exactly why. Yan Qing Shan is a country bumpkin. She's jealous of her younger sister being capable and lavished with affection by the family. While she... aiyah, there's not one bit of redeeming quality."

"I have heard about that. Even her entry in Z University was done through the backdoor. Actually, it's surprising she even had the guts to go here. It's impossible that she was invited. She was already kicked out of the Yan family for being an embarrassment, resorting to clinging on to sugar daddies and various men for her needs. I heard she's even into drugs. Tsk. Such pretty face is a loss on her."

"Oh my! It's no wonder Chairman Yan kicked her out. Someone like her would just drag the good Yan Xiaoyi down. Even now, the kind miss is trying not to embarrass her. Aiyah, her mother must be squirming in her grave giving birth to such a wench."

Yan Qing Shan heard all of these murmurs and snide comments behind her back. Unfortunately for these people, she doesn't have a sliver of care about them at all. Although a trace of annoyance passed her eyes when she heard them involving her mother, Zhao Ming Yue. She reeled it in and scoffed internally at the gloating face of Yan Xiaoyi. Contrary to her expectations, her expression did not escape Yan Qing Shan's eyes.

'What an amateur. She's being so obvious, I kind of pity her.' Yan Qing Shan thought in disdain.

The two of them arrived at the forefront of the ballroom where Yan Tianyu and Zhao Ming Hua were talking with their peers. Yan Qing Shan gave her estranged father a once-over, complicated emotions arose from within her heart. The last time she had seen him, he was encased in a coffin. All that he left her were letters explaining everything and expressing the love he had failed to give her.

In truth, Yan Qing Shan couldn't blame Yan Tianyu. She didn't want to. He was merely a husband desperate to solve the murder of his one and only love. He was merely a father desperate to protect his children the best way he knows. He was just a man who was driven to a corner. It was already a great feat in itself, the things that he did. Even if there were better ways. Yan Qing Shan understood the complexities the situation, despite the fact that she was still trying to grasp unto the reasoning that her father had.

Besides, despite the other options that her father might have made; all of it involved him knowing her other identities. All of it involved him making the choice of informing her about his predicaments. A choice he didn't want to choose because he thought that ignorance of the circumstances would protect her better. She felt slightly bitter and resentful at this belief. Ignorance was merely a form of bliss. It wasn't salvation. In fact, not knowing would just lead to one stupid mistake after another. Just like what happened in her previous life.

Yan Qing Shan had to admit. She was angry with Yan Tianyu and his decisions. Despite her demeanor, she was just like any other daughter. She wanted to be doted upon and treated like a pearl in her father's eyes. That was why she came back even if she knew that it was all a trap to ruin her. Yan Qing Shan hoped to feel the warmth of her real family. She wanted to know what it felt like to have a mother, a father, a sister, and a brother. And his decisions took that all away from her. Though, she had a witch for a stepmother and stepsister the experience of having her father and brother back would have made up for it. Except, reality doesn't go according to one's wishes.

Now, Yan Qing Shan was more or less guarded. Though she still had the same yearning deep in her heart, she wasn't greedy for it to the point of oblivion. Yan Qing Shan could now appreciate the love of those who had acknowledged her. The love she had disregarded in the past. She was still determined to save her brother and father, however. Yan Qing Shan wouldn't let go of the chance to salvage what's left of her family despite her clashing emotions.

"Dad, Mom, Sister is here. She came to congratulate me and celebrate with us." Yan Xiaoyi said to the couple. A sweet and delighted smile bloomed in her face.

"Hi, dad." Yan Qing Shan smiled lightly at her father. Surprise colored his face along with a momentary joy. He recovered himself almost immediately and grumbled a perfunctory reply. Zhao Ming Hua had other plans, however not minding the fact that Yan Qing Shan purposedly ignored her. She greeted her warmly like a helpless and yearning mother meeting her wayward, prodigal child.

"Qing Shan, dear it's good that you could come. Don't be shy and enjoy yourself alright? There's no need to hold back. This is Xiaoyi's party, even if you made a mess somehow we can easily deal with it. It's so rare for you to spend time with us after all." Zhao Ming Hua's tone was indulgent and understanding. Yan Qing Shan narrowed her eyes at her. One might think that she was merely spoiling her out of affection but anyone with a few brain cells could detect the hint of insult and mockery within her words.

"Oh? Stepmother sure is generous. Then, I'll let loose and enjoy the festivites. No matter what happens I know you'll surely deal with it splendidly." Yan Qing Shan put on a delighted smile yet her eyes stared chillingly at the woman.