You Wouldn't Stop Trying To Take Your Arm Away

(Athena's POV)

I listened to mother and took Storm to the guest house. When we got inside, we went into the kitchen and I put his arm under the sink and turned on the cold water. I ran to the bathroom and grabbed the first aid kit.

I went back to the kitchen and turned off the water and dried off his arm. "You dont need to wrap my arm. I'll be fine. Another one of my powers is that I can regenerate." he said to me. I looked at him and said "I don't care. I'm still gonna wrap so it can at least stop bleeding."

He tried to pull his arm away but I yanked it back and started to wrap it. When he tried to yank it again, I held his arm tight and kicked him in the shin. He went on one knee and was in pain. "What the hell dude." he said and I replied once I finished wrapping his arm "You wouldn't stop trying to take your arm away."

I put the stuff back into the first aid kit and went and put it away in the bathroom. When I went back to the kitchen, Storm was sitting at the table. I walked towards him and sat down in the seat next to him.

"Are you going to explain to me what the hell was the deal with those guys with guns." I asked. He looked up at me and said "They were hired by my father to kill me and take me to him. That's all you need to know." Realizing that it's something personal I said "It's ok if you don't want to tell me. You can tell me when you are ready."

He smiled at me and said "thank you". I nodded my head and got up and went to the kitchen. I got a bottle of water and started to drink from it. Storm got up sat at the counter. "You know that it's the third time you saved me."

I went confused and said "What?" "You saved me three times." he answered. I to the counter and asked "how?" "The first time was when I was younger, the second time was with the dudes with guns, and the third time was with your dad." He answered. I chuckled and said "I guess I did."

"Hey I'm guessing you are not going to be able to stay at your place since I guess your father is after you, so why don't you stay here." I said to him. He looked at me with a nervous look and said "hmm I don't know. I don't think your father will like that." "I don't care what he thinks. You are my mate and he can't keep us apart. He'll have to get you over my dead body."

He chuckled at my response and said "Okay why not, but first I actually have to go back to, my place and get some stuff. I have some important stuff that I definitely don't want to leave behind." I nodded and said "Okay I'll text my mom to have a couple of people from our pack to come with us just in case there are other people waiting at your place."

He agreed and I texted my mom saying 'mom going to Storm's place to get stuff. He's going to be staying in guest house with me. Need a couple of people from the pack for protection just in case.' Not even a minute later she texted back saying 'Okay sweetheart. I'll get Julian and Jered to come with you guys. I'll have a car waiting for you guys in front of the house.'

After reading the text, I turned to Storm and said "okay we are all set. Let's go. There is a car waiting for us." He nodded and we both walked out of the house and went in front of the house.

When we walked to the front of the house, Jered and Julian were leaning against a car. Julian saw us coming toward them and signalled Jered to look. They both had smiles on their face.

We stopped in front of them and they just kept staring at Storm. Storm looked uncomfortable. "Yo stop staring. It's creepy." I said to them as I hit both of their shoulders. "Sorry, but I thought we were meeting your mate, not Jack Frost." Jered said. "You guys say something about him like that again, you guys will be skinned alive. I warning you.".

Julian and Jered raised both their hands to surrender. "Okay. Anyways, guys this Storm, Storm this is two people that you will get to know a lot in our pack, Julian and Jered. They are like uncle's to me." I said to them. Storm nodded and shook hands with them.

"So are we going or what?" I asked and Julian replied "Let's go. I'm driving." I laughed at his answer. "Um I don't think so. I'm driving. Gracias." I said as I took the keys out of his hand.

I went to the driver's side of the car and got in. Jered sat next to me while Julian sat with Storm in the back. They were already interrogating him and told to stop. They did and I started the car and we drove off.