The next day, while a certain mercenary and a certain king are nursing their respected headaches, Tonja, Brokk, Ethen, and Sindri are assembling in a small study two drawing boards. To both Tonja and Ethen's surprise, everything in the study is human-sized, two drawing boards to the crude looking but soft recliners.
''Please, please take a seat...'' Says Sindri, showing his guest to their seats on the crude looking sofa, while his size noticeably shrinks down to that of a human child. Seeing Ethen and Tonjas disbelieving gazes, he explains. ''... Oh, that is one of our dwarfen races inherent trades. Aside from adjusting our size, we are also to phase through matter and...''
''Less word more work...'' Says Brook crudely interrupting his brother. ''... You can use your fancy words on the lady here. Prosthetics are your line of work anyway...'' Looking at Ethen the blue dwarf explains. ''... Too delicate for my taste. I am more the umpf before aesthetics kind of dwarf if you Know hat I mean.''
Nodding Ethen tells him. ''Naturally.''
Approvingly nodding Brokk tells his brother. ''I take this one. You work on the ladies prosthetics and then we work together on the armor designs...'' Seeing his brother and in agreement, the dwarf asks Ethen. ''... Eitri said you had a specific material in mind for your armor?''
''Yes, I do. It is called 'Primordial Symbiotic Metal', I got it from...'' Ethen wants to explain, but Brokk already holds out his hand saying. ''Give me. I don't care where you got it from. As long as it is metal, I can forge it.''
Following the dwarf outside, Ethen takes out the dark orb from his storage space inside his ring and hands it to the dwarf, who instantly sniffs, bites and licks it like a fine delicacy. Remembering that he had pucked the orb out, Ethen's belly revolts seeing the dwarfs actions.
''Do you have more of this stuff?...'' Brokk asks Ethen excited his eyes half mad before explaining his excitement. ''... If we could get more of that stuff no dwarf would want to touch Uru, Adamantium or Vibranium ever again. This stuff is living metal!...''
Seeing Brokk suddenly realize something, Ethen asks the dwarf. ''I know and...?''
''I don't know how to forge it...'' Confesses Brokk more to himself than Ethen. ''... I don't even know if the furnaces can reach temperatures high enough to melt this metal.''
''If it is just melting, I might know a way...'' Says Ethen smirking, as his eyes glow devilishly red.
While Ethen and Brook have gone outside to the furnaces, Sindri starts taking all kinds of measurements from Tonjas body. ''Where shall we start?
Seeing the dwarf honest concern for her well being, she tells him. ''My eye. I can't wait to see fully again. This whole one-eyed situation makes me nauseous.''
''As you wish...'' Says Sindri taking out a measuring tool and goes to work. ''... Any preferences when it comes to your new eye?''
Smiling, Tonja tells the dwarf sarcastic. ''I would like to see through it!''
''That's a given...'' States the dwarf, poking into her eye socket. ''... That will hurt a bit...'' Feeling some pressure build up her eye socket, Tonja endures, while listening to Sindri's voice. ''... Any additional features like night vision, hyper vision, a scanner, or maybe something offensive like a laser beam?''
Shocked by all the options the dwarf tells her about, Tonja gulps hard before asking. ''How about all of the above and it matches my other eyes eye color?''
Smiling Sindri removes his measuring tool from her saying. ''I had hoped that you would say that!...'' That said the dwarf unveils a shockingly accurately looking eyeball, that is a perfect replica of Tonjas missing one. ''... I have included hyper-, night- and thermal- vision, as well as a scanner. As for a laser beam, Eitri wouldn't sign off on that, saying that we are not allowed to make weapons for non-Asgardians, because of some treaty still being in effect.''
Not fully listening to Sindri's apology, Tonja tells him. ''That's okay this eye is already more than I expected to begin with.''
''Then that's good...'' Says the dwarf, taking the synthetic eyeball with some kind of tool. ''... Now hold still this will hurt a bit.''
Nodding Tonja holds still, while Sindri implants her new eye in the empty eye socket. A burning sensation hits her nervous system, as she suddenly hears Little Black's voice.
(Little Black) ''Little Black helps big sis by raising her pain tolerance!''
-Thanks!- Tonja mentally tells the symbiote, as the burning sensation subsides.
''There all done!...'' Announces Sindri as Tonja instinctively closes her left eye to shield it from the bright light. ''... Give it a second to calibrate.''
Noticing the brightness vanish, Tonja is hocked how greate her new eye is working. Not only is her view through it greatly enhanced, but also can she instinctively switch in between its modes.
Tearing up a bit, Tonja is speechless for a few seconds before she tries hugging the dwarf, happy to see clearly again. ''Thank you!''
Shaking his head while smiling Sindri tells her. ''Don't thank me just yet. We still have to get you a new arm and leg. I am sure you're by then former handicaps will come in handy when we design your new armor!''
While Sindri and Tonja are working inside on her prosthetics, Brokk and Ethen are finally able to liquify the Primordial Symbiotic Metal by simultaneously using the heat of the dying neutron star and Ethen's heat vision.
''Finally!...'' Shouts Brokk, ecstatic to the black orb finally melting. ''... I guess we will be making your and your girls armor together with uncle Eitri, but I can't keep myself from wanting to smith something out of this metal...''
The blue dwarf tells Ethen while throwing all kinds of metals into the melting pot to the black orb. Seeing Ethen's curious stair, Brook explains. ''... Your Primordial metal might just be the greatest metal ever since it can perfectly melt with other metals. I just added Uru, Adamantium, and Vibranium.''
Surprised Ethen asks. ''Didn't you just say that they are inferior metals?!''
''Compared to yours they sure are, but that doesn't mean they are bad. All the Asgardian weapons are made out of Uru, just like Thors Hammer Mjolnir, Heras Necroswords or Odin Sword Ragnarok. So please don't underestimate these metals just because they are inferior to your Primordial Symbiotic Metal... Any idea what your armors helmet should look like?''
''I would prefer it to be less like a helmet and more like a mask. The mask should be modeled after a human skull...''
''Sounds like you have a clear idea of what you want.''
''I had a mask just like that. I created it myself. Its design was inspired by a dream I had, in which I saw 'Death smiling down at me'.''
''Sounds spooky...'' Says Brokk shuddering a bit before asking. ''... Any fancy function?''
''Shifting lenses that are for different uses like identify suspect's identities, as well as their weak points, infrared-, night-, and ultraviolet vision as well as some that allow me to control better the size of my heat vision.''
''Fancy, fancy and here I was hoping for something simple like Thor's helmet or that enchanted Asgardian automaton.''
Talking just like this more than three hours have gone by unnoticed before Ethen knows it and once again made hole Tonja steps outside with Sindri in tow. Having intimate experience with her body, Ethen is impressed by Sindri's skill, since not only can Ethen not see any difference between the prostheses and their natural counterparts but they also feel identical to the real deal.