"So this is the Celadon city coliseum..." I muttered while looking out the window from the VIP box, which was more than a little full from all of the big wigs that were currently in it.
"Ever been inside a coliseum before?" Red asked as he walked up beside me.
"Nope. The closest I've been was the stadium on the SS. Anne, but that had nothing on this." I said while looking around in awe. And this wasn't even one of the big coliseums either!
"Its always something to stand out in one for the first time. I still remember the first tournament I battled in, the roar of the crowds, the adrenaline pumping through my veins..."
"Looks like Ash and I will get to experience it today." I pointed out to him, and I felt my father's aura spike in elation at the thought.
Today we received the message that, instead of taking her challengers in her Gym like usual, Erika would be taking her challengers for the day in the Celadon city coliseum before Red's matches against the other Champions. Basically, she was going to be the opener for him with her challengers.
"Oh, this is so exciting!" Mom said behind us where she was sitting, with Joy, Chloe and Lillie all sitting on either side of her. In Lillie's lap was her bag like usual, which was unzipped slightly to allow Nebby to see out from within.
Also joining us, kinda, was a pair of inconspicuous Pidgy that were perched right outside the window.
"Do humans truly enjoy watching pokemon battle each other this much?" I heard Mewtwo's voice ask in my head, which I was sure he limitied to just me so as not to cause a scene.
'Pretty much. There are exceptions, or those who think its cruel to make pokemon battle. But this is what happens in nature as well. At least in battles like this, we have specially trained nurses and other pokemon, like Chansey, on standby in case anyone gets hurt.' I responded.
Even as I said that, we all watched as the trainer who was battling Erika right now lost from her having her Gloom cover the entire arena with a thick cloud of Sleep Powder.
"WIGGLYTUFF IS UNABLE TO BATTLE! GLOOM AND ERIKA WIN!" The referee anounced, declaring another victory for Erika as the guy dejectedly returned his Wigglytuff, and walked off the field.
"At least they're trying to expedite the process by having each battle just be a one-on-one." A new voice said, prompting me to turn to see Clair and Whitney approaching us.
"Clair! I thought you two would have gone back to Johto by now." I said in mild surprise.
"Falkner already left yesterday, and Whitney and I will be leaving tomorrow morning. We just wanted to stay and watch the exhibition matches between Red and the Champions today." Clair explained, looking at Red pointedly as she did so.
She wasn't alone with such intentions either, as the entire VIP box was filled with the Gym Leaders from other regions that had been stuck waiting on the SS. Anne, as well as the Kantonian Gym Leaders. The only ones not present were, of course, Erika, and Brock since he needed to return to Pewter.
"Once I check in with things at Blackthorn city, specifically my clan and the Gym, I plan to immediately turn around and make my way to the Indigo Plateau to watch the match between Lance and Red." Clair continued, her expression and aura turning complicated.
"Hm? What's up between you and Lance?" Red asked curiously, obviously noticing the way Clair's aura shifted.
"He's my cousin, and was basically my hero growing up..." She admitted after a second.
"I see..." Red said somewhat awkwardly.
Thankfully we were saved from further discussion as the announcer declared, "NEXT UP, WE HAVE DAWN OF SANDGEM TOWN IN THE SINNOH REGION!"
I immediately turned all of my attention towards the arena as Dawn walked out to face Erika, a smile on her face as she waved to her cheering fans.
"Looks like Dawn has become somewhat popular after the contest on the SS. Anne." I remarked with a smirk.
"She does contensts?" Red asked curiously.
"Only the one. Kanto doesn't have any contest halls just yet, but I've heard that Erika is building on here in Celadon." I quickly told him before returning all of my attention back to the arena as Dawn sent out her pokemon of choice, Beautifly.
Across from her, Erika replied by sending out a Vileplume, one of the two final forms possible for the Gloom she had used previously.
The battle then started as the two pokemon attacked at their trainer's command, though it felt more like we were watching an elegant and orchestrated dance.
Beautifly would dart through the air while using Gust and Silver Wind, and Vileplume would dance while spraying Acid and using the move Dazzling Gleam in retaliation. Soon the very air itself was swirling with bug and fairy type energies, driven by Beautifly's Gust attacks.
"How beautiful..."
"It feels more like we're watching a contest than a Gym Battle."
Mom and Red commented beside me. And they weren't wrong, as Dawn stood like a princess amongst the shimmering Gusts as she commanded her pokemon with skill and grace.
"Now finish it, with Air Cutter!" She declared with a tone of finality as soon as Vileplume showed the slightest of openings.
With a trilling cry, Beautifly unleashed a blade of wind in an attack powerful enough that it split the swirling clouds of Dazzling Gleam and Silver Wind as it bore down onto Vileplume.
"Vileplume, defend with Moonblast." Erika declared in retaliation, prompting her pokemon to produce a mass of fairy type energy.
But it was for naught as Beautifly's Air Cutter sliced through that as well, and cut Vileplume down to finish it.
"VILEPLUME IS UNABLE TO BATTLE! BEAUTIFLY WINS!" The referee announced, declaring Dawn's victory.
"Yay! We did it!" Dawn cried out victoriously as Beautifly flitted around her happily.
"Indeed. And I am pleased to present you with the Rainbow Badge in recognition of your efforts." Erika said proudly, handing something over to Dawn before she returned to her place on the opposite end of the arena.
This time May stepped out in Dawn's place, the two girls high-fiving as they passed one another with Dawn returning to the waiting room that the rest of Erika's challengers were waiting in.
"Aren't YOU challenging her too?" Whitney asked me suddenly, right as May sent out her Swablu while Erika sent out a Sunflora.
"Yeah, but Ash I are both scheduled to battle her after everyone else. Its probably because everyone knows that we are Red's sons, so it'll build up excitement before his exhibition matches." I told her while glancing around at the stadium.
Though Erika had already started battling her challengers a while ago, people were still trickling into the stadium slowly as they prepared for the main event.
"Is he going to be before or after you?"
"Before. With me being the winner of the Inter-League Tournament, I'm probably the biggest challenger she'll have today, publicity-wise at least."
Even as we talked I made sure to keep a close eye on May's battle against Erika, in which Sunflora was using the move Petal Blizzard to both attack and defend itself against any attacks Swablu may try to use. Even Dragon Breath couldn't get through the thick whirlwind of petals.
Then, while Swablu was struggling to get an attack through Petal Blizzard, Sunflora attacked it from within with a powerful Solar Beam.
"Swablu!" May cried out from her spot worriedly as her pokemon was hit by the Solar Beam and knocked out of the sky. Right as it was about to hit the ground though...
Swablu began to shimmer before it's form began to grow noticeably, evolving mid-battle into the powerful dragon type Altaria.
Letting loose a melodic cry, Altaria fired a powerful Dragon Pulse from it's mouth that not only shattered the Petal Blizzard, but also engulfed Sunflora entirely to knock it unconscious.
Even more cheers than before tore through the air, both from more people occupying the stands and from how beautiful Altaria was, while Erika presented May with her newly earned badge.
"NEXT IS MISTY WILLIAMS, OF THE CERULEAN CITY GYM!" The referee declared, and Misty made her way out into the arena while she and May passed each other, giving each other another high-five like before.
"Misty will have a much harder time than May and Dawn, she only has water type pokemon after all." I muttered quietly.
"Really?" Red asked curiously.
"Yeah. She wants to become the world's greatest water specialist." I told him.
"I see... Its rare to see a trainer stick to a specialty instead of focusing on just types and such. I applaud her determination." He said in a tone of approval.
"Thats right! Our little sis will win them all!" Daisy declared as she, Lily and Violet all sported merchandise featuring Misty's face.
"Go, Poliwhirl!" Misty declared as she made her choice of who to use.
"I see, then I choose Victreebel!" Erika declared in response.
"Hmmm..." I hummed silently in contemplation.
"What is it Ace?" Joy asked me curiously.
"I was just thinking that I can help Misty evolve Poliwhirl once this is over. After all, I have plenty of water stones from winning the tournament, and I even got a King's Rock that's practically useless without a Poliwhirl or Slowpoke. So she would be able to take her pick between the two to evolve Poliwhirl into either Poliwrath and Politoed." I explained to her.
"Really?!" Daisy asked with interest, apparently having heard what I told Joy.
"Of course. Its not as if I have the need for all of them after all." I told her.
"Too bad for Misty that you'll have to wait until after the battle." Chloe remarked.
"I have faith in her. After all, Misty would know better than anyone that her pokemon would be weak to grass type pokemon." I told her, and Misty proved my faith true in the ensuing battle.
First she started by using several water type moves, saturating the entire arena and Victreebel in water, before she had Poliwhirl use Ice Beam to freeze it all solid.
"VICTREEBEL IS UNABLE TO BATTLE! POLIWHIRL WINS!" The referee declared, announcing the third win in a row as Misty exited the arena after receiving her new Badge.
"So what about you, Red?" Clair asked curiously as the next challenger was called forward.
"What about me?" He asked in confusion.
"Are you ready for your battles later? Its not every day that someone challenges a Champion, much less five in one day. Have you done your research about all of them?" Clair clarified.
"Nope. Not one bit!" Red declared confidently, stupifying not only Clair, but also everyone else in the VIP box.
"Uh, WHY?!" Iris demanded as she stomped over to where we were.
"Why would I?" Red asked her back.
"Because we're all CHAMPIONS!" She stated indignantly, which I couldn't help but to smile at in amusement.
"And?" Red asked, confusion evident on his face and in his tone.
"'AND'?! Don't you want to plan out how you're going to battle us?! The pokemon we have and our particular tactics?!" Iris specified.
"Not at all." Red said, all confusion gone from his bearing.
"Pokemon battles, no matter which level they happen at, are something that can't be planned and simulated before the battle even starts. If you want to try and rely on type advantages and stuff, then that's fine. But you will never be able to learn how to react to the unexpected, or overcome genuine challenges if you try to make your way relying only on them.
"A true trainer accepts any and all challenges, no matter the odds. If one moves forward while only fearing defeat, then they could never truly reach the heights of greatness. If my team and I win all the battles later, then that'll be great. If we lose, then that means we still have that much further to go, even after all this time."
Silence persisted in the VIP room after Red finished speaking, silence in which everyone was thinking hard on everything he had just said. And I was no exception.
I thought back to the team I had planned to use today, based entirely around what was strong type-wise against Erika's grass type pokemon. And as I was doing that...
I leaned forward as my little brother stepped out onto the arena, his ever faithful Pikachu by his side as always.
"Now we get to see what Ash is made of~!" Red declared excitedly, right as the door opened to admit Misty, May, Dawn, Goh, and Tracy into the already cramped room.
"Ace! Did you see?!" May asked excitedly as she held up her brand new Badge.
"I did. All of you did well." I said while looking the three girls over warmly.
"Maybe we should try a Gym next time as well Yamper?" Chloe said to the little pokemon on her lap.
"Yamper, YAMP!" It barked back energetically.
"Now its Ash's turn!" Goh declared excitedly over everyone else.
"Indeed. I wonder which pokemon he'll use, Charmeleon, Fearow and Beedrill will all have the advantage over Erika's grass type pokemon." Tracy said, right as Ash threw out his chosen pokemon.
"Typical Ash..." Tracy muttered dejectedly.
"An interesting choice!" Red declared in a completely different tone, obviously seeing nothing wrong with Ash sending a Squirtle to fight against a Grass type pokemon.
"In that case, I shall use Jumpluff." Erika stated as she threw out her own pokemon.
"I know, maybe Squirtle has ice type moves that Ash plans to use as well!" Misty stated hopefully, obviously referring to her own tactic.
"Nope... Squirtle doesn't know a single one that I know of..." Tracy said worriedy.
"Then Ash will just need to figure out another way to win." Red stated, not at all sounding concerned about my brother's chances.
What followed was an intense battle between Squirtle and Jumpluff, where Ash and the former charged forward without any regards for strategy or planning. Instead, they relied solely on guts and determination as Squirtle refused to go down despite the damage it had taken from Jumpluff's attacks.
It was easily the longest and most intense battle we had seen all day, and by the time it finally ended the stands were nearly completely full.
"Squirtle, use Water Gun!"
"Jumpluff, use Cotton Spore."
"Use Rapid Spin now!"
"Jumpluff, respond with Leech Seed."
"Latch onto it with Bite!"
"Use Acrobatics to dislodge it Jumpluff."
Back and forth the two pokemon went, trading blow after blow until Jumpluff rained a particularly hard Seed Bomb down onto Squirtle from above.
"Squirtle, use Withdraw!" Ash cried out hurriedly, but something else happened instead.
Squirtle did infact Withdraw it's head and limbs into it's shell, but then it hurled itself at Jumpluff like a bullet.
"Is that...?"
"I think it is."
We all watched as Squirlte hurtled through the air at jumpluff at full speed in what was unmistakenably a Skull Bash attack.
"When did Squirtle learn that move?" I asked Tracy.
"Squirtle doesn't know Skull Bash..." Tracy responded in disbelief.
"I believe you meant to say it 'didn't' know Skull Bash." I corrected him, as Squirtle hit Jumpluff with enough force that the grass/flying type was sent flying through the air before coming to a stop at Erika's feet.
"Well that was surprising." I said, having felt that the battle was getting a bit dicy towards the end. Good thing Squirtle managed to pull that win out of it's ass.
And that wasn't the only thing either.
As it's win was declared, before Ash could return it to it's pokeball for some rest, Squirtle suddenly began to glow.
"Oh my~!" I exclaimed in surprise as Squirtle began to evolve.
"Well no wonder, after putting in all that effort." Red commented, unaware of WHY exactly I was surprised.
I may not have followed the anime as faithfully as other people, but I DO recall that Charizard was one of the only pokemon Ash had that evolved. Or at least it was out of his original starters. Neither Squirtle nor Bulbasaur ever evolved past their first forms from what I remembered.
Things were already different for Ash from the original series, in that he got a Spearow, now Fearow, instead of Pidgeotto, and a Weedle, now Beedrill, instead of a Caterpie, as well as his Riolu. But I was still surprised to see that one of his original pokemon actually evolved.
Now, Ash had himself what looked to be quite the dependable little Wartortle on his team, and unlike Charmeleon it still appeared to be loyal to him.
"Ash really made out like a bandit in this match." I said as he received his Badge.
"Of course he did." Red said as if it were obvious. "One can only benefit from the hardest of battles, regardless of if they win or lose."
I was silent as I thought about what he said, right as they called out my name for the final match that Erika would be having today.
"Good luck son." Red said as I turned to leave.
"Good luck sweetie!" Mom called out to me after him.
"Thanks." I replied, before leaving the VIP box and heading down to the arena.
"Aniki!" Ash called out when he saw me.
"Check it out! I got the Rainbow Badge!" He declared while opening his jacket to show me his fourth shiny Badge.
"Congrats." I replied, high-fiving him as we passed each other.
After doing so I walked out onto the arena where Erika was waiting for me, and by now the majority of the place was full enough that there was a low rumble.
"I hope you are prepared." Erika said as I took my place across from her. I couldn't help noticing that her pristine smile didn't reach her eyes.
"I am. One on one, right?" I asked her, my hand dancing over my pokeballs as I determined which one to choose. My carry limit was still lifted for the moment, so I had them all with me.
"Actually, no." Erika said, surprising me for a moment as she produced six pokeballs from within the sleeves of her kimono.
"Typically we Gym Leaders only use pokemon from our home regions, so as to be fair to the challengers who are unfamiliar with pokemon from other regions. We also scale our pokemon to suit the number of Badges our challengers possess.
"However, today I would like to dispense with such restrictions. How would you, the eldest son of the man who intends to become our new Champion, and the winner of the first ever Inter-League Tournament, like to challenge the whole team of pokemon that I have carefully cultivated? A team comprised of pokemon from regions around the world?"
I felt the edges of my lips curl upwards at her offer.
"I would be most pleased." I replied, mimicking her 'proper' way of speaking.
"Excellent. Please set the pace for us, Tsareena." Erika declared elegantly as she sent out her first pokemon, one that I had certainly never seen before as it appeared from it's pokeball. Despite that, I could tell with a glance that it possessed incredible physical capabilities.
"Sorry, but I don't think you'll like the pace your pokemon is going to set." I told her, before readily grabbing a specific pokeball.
"Show them we mean business, Chimchar!"