Red Ketchum

The silence was palpable as Red, Raichu, Nemona and Lycanroc all stared at one another, each waiting for the slightest hint of movement.


"ACCELROCK!" Nemona shrieked suddenly, and Lycanroc shot forward in a brown blur.

"Volt Tackle." Red said calmly, and Raichu disappeared entirely amidst lightning.


A blinding light filled my vision as static filled the air, making the hair on my arms stand on end as the smell and taste of ozone filled my mouth and nose.



A physical concussive blast tore through the air and ripped at my clothes and hair from somewhere around the area of the arena, forcing me to brace myself while I also felt a sense of panic from the spectators.

Though it took a few minutes, I finally managed to blink the spots from my eyes to survey what had happened.

"Oh. My. Fucking. God..."

That was all I could utter as I gazed upon Raichu, poised and ready to do further battle in the middle of the arena, while Lycanroc was literally embedded in the arena wall behind Nemona.

"L-LYCANROC IS UNABLE TO BATTLE!" The referee declared hesitantly, as if he was unsure of what had just happened. To be fair, I'm pretty sure everyone else was in the same state of mind.

All I could think about though was all of the training Charizard went through just to BARELY manage victory against her Lycanroc, and here Red went and beat it in an instant with a Raichu. A MOTHERFUCKING RAICHU!

Said Raichu was still poised in the middle of the arena, electricity arcing all over it's body in anticipation of whoever it would face next.

"I can't believe it..." Nemona uttered, her voice being amplified through a microphone.

"THAT WAS AMAZING!" She cried out next, her expression one of utter joy from one of her pokemon being defeated in an instant.

"I can't remember the last time my pokemon and I ever faced an opponent that was able to win so one-sidedly! What other pokemon do you have?!" Nemona demanded, to which Red's face was put on the big screen as he smirked.

"If you want to see them, then you'll have to defeat Raichu first." Red stated confidently.

"RAI RAI!" Raichu cried out in agreement, not at all finished battling just yet.

"That's more like it!" Nemona declared as she returned Lycanroc to it's pokeball, her aura gushing deep reds of every hue from her raw passion. And I'm pretty sure she was eve aroused from the battle.

"Let's go, PAWMOT!"


A three foot tall pokemon that appeared to be a cross between a rodent and primape appeared in the arena in front of Raichu, it's body crackling with electric power just like it's opponent. And then because I hadn't had the chance when we faced Surge and his Pawmot, I pulled out my pokedex to check it out.


Pawmot- the Hands-On pokemon.

Type- Electric/Fighting

The final form of Pawmi and Pawmo, this pokemon is usually fairly slow to react to anything happening around it. Once it enters battle though, it will strike down it's opponents with lightning-quick movements. This pokemon has the Volt Absorb ability.


"Oh, this'll be fun." I said while looking between the two pokemon, curious as to how Red planned to beat an opponent with Volt Absorb with his Raichu.

"Pawmot, use Dig!" Nemona called out to begin the battle, prompting Pawmot to dive down into the ground like Chimchar had earlier.

"Hmph." Red smirked once more, seemingly unconcerned about Nemona and Pawmot.

"Now Raichu."


With an uncaring attitude, Raichu simply shifted to the side and avoided Pawmot's attack as it erupted from the gound with the explosive force equivalent to that of a Golem. At least.

"PAWMOT!" It roared out, even as Raichu easily avoided the attack.

"Now use Close Combat!" Nemona hurriedly ordered, now that Pawmot was right beside Raichu.





Explosions rocked the entire arena as Pawmot attacked Raichu, raining powerful, yet reckless, punches and kicks down onto it's opponent with no regard for it's own defense. Except none of the attacks seemed to be connecting as Raichu dodged, ducked, dipped, dived and dodged away from every single one with ease. And judging by the look on Raichu's face, it was borderline bored.

"Go ahead and finish this Raichu. Use Iron Tail." Red commanded after several minutes of this, which left the arena pock-marked from Pawmot's attacks.


Leaping back to put some distance between it and Pawmot, Raichu suddenly moved so fast that even I couldn't keep up, making it seem as though it had teleported from one side of the arena to the other, it's tail shimmering from using Iron Tail.


Pawmot uttered quietly, before it collapsed to the arena floor with only the whites of it's eyes showing.

"P-PAWMOT IS UNABLE TO BATTLE!" The referee declared, signaling the end of the second round.

"No way..." Nemona uttered in a quiet voice, which was contrasted by the massive smile on her face as she recalled Pawmot.

"I can't even remember the last time I was cornered like this in a battle! Its REALLY firing me up!" Nemona declared excitedly as she reached for her final pokeball. "Its your turn, SKELEDIRGE!"


My eyes widened in awe as a flaming alligator appeared in the arena with several flaming birds circling it's head, which made the surrounding tempurature rise by several degrees.

"Now let's learn a bit more about you..." I said while pulling out my pokedex once more.


Skeledirge- the Singer pokemon.

Type- Fire/Ghost

The final form of Fuecoco and Crocalor, it evolves and gains the ghost typing when the fiery egg on it's head gains a soul and hatches into a bird. The more birds it has, the stronger the Skeledirge, and they change shape when Skeledirge sings. This pokemon has the Blaze ability.


"Wow..." I uttered as I looked between the Pokedex and the Skeledirge in front of me, before I realized something. "Isn't Fuecoco the fire type starter from Paldea?"

Seeing how cool Skeledirge was, as well as how poweful they were, made me want to get my own as well as soon as possible. AFTER I finished training all of my other new pokemon of course, like I told Giana previously.

"Skeledirge, start this battle with a Torch Song!" Nemona declared, before her command was followed by a hauntingly beautiful song.

"Phew..." I exclaimed while wiping my head as sweat poured down my face from the rapidly increasing heat, right as Skeledirge expelled a devestating torrent of fire from it's mouth that was guided and empowered further by the flaming birds.

"I think its time to bring this battle to a close, don't you Raichu?" Red suddenly spoke, looking as if he wasn't even fazed by the intense heat.


"Then give it an Electro Ball!" Red declared, prompting his little Raichu into action.


Raichu leapt up into the air while gathering a MASSIVE amount of electric power to it's tail, even as the Torch Song attack followed it from the guidance of the birds. Before the Torch Song could reach it though, Raichu finished preparing it's attack as a miniature 'sun' of electric power formed on it's tail that it sent directly at Skeledirge.


With the most effort we've seen from it yet, Raichu sent the Electro Ball flying directly into the Torch Song, electrifying all of the fiery birds that were guiding it before it traveled all the way into Skeledirge's open mouth.


Again, a blinding light filled my, and I assume everyone elses, vision as the Electro Ball exploded with electric type energy that engulfed Skeledirge.

Again, it took me several moments to see again as I had to blink the spots from my eyes, before I was greeted by the sight of Skeledirge, unconscious in the middle of the arena as Raichu stood a short ways away from it.

"SKELEDIRGE IS UNABLE TO BATTLE! RAICHU AND RED WIN THE FIRST ROUND!" The referee readily declared, apparently having gotten used to Raichu's unreasonable power.

"We actually lost?!" Nemona declared on the other side, though rather than appearing devestated after such a one-sided battle, she looked estatic as she recalled Skeledirge.

"That was excellent Raichu, come on back." Red stated as he called his own pokemon back, despite the fact that it took no damage throughout all three battles.

"That was amazing!" Nemona declared as she rushed across the arena at Red. "I've never been defeated like that before! We HAVE to have a rematch sometime!"

"I'm game. But I think there are certain restrictions about Champions battling one another." Red replied, even as Iris this time made her way out to the arena.

"I don't care! I can't just let go of the chance to battle someone that's SOOOO much stronger than I am!" Nemona declared in a manner that was like she was declaring her love, making me shake my head in exasperation.

"Well, we can discuss that later. I have another battle to fight right now." Red told her, apparently brushing the problem off for the future.

"Ok! I'll hold you to that!" Nemona stated, before hurrying back this way to make room for Red's battle against Iris.


"Let's go with you this time, Blastoise." Red said as he sent out his chosen pokemon.


I blinked as Red's Blastoise made its appearance, which looked like just any typical Blastoise at first glance, but radiated an aura rivaling even his Charizard's.

"Blastoise huh?" Iris commented as she grabbed one of her own pokeballs. "Then let's go Dragonite!"


The same Dragonite from our battle against Beedrill appeared in the arena opposite from Blastoise, flexing its arms and wings as it did so.

"Alright Dragonite, let's start by flying up into the air!" Iris declared as soon as the battle started.


Both Red and Blastoise watched passively as Dragonite spread it's wings and shot up into the air, creating a powerful downward blast of wind as it did so.

"Now give it your strongest THUNDER!"


A massive amount of electric type energy filled the air as storm clouds gathered around Dragonite, before it condensed into a powerful Thunder that descended right at Blastoise.

"Hmmm... Well we don't want to accidentally destroy the coliseum with Hydro Cannon.... So counter with an Ice Beam." I heard Red tell his Blastoise casually.


This time I felt the tempurature of the arena begin to plummet as Blastoise fired a powerful Ice Beam from it's mouth right up at the Thunder. Instead of a contest between the two attacks though, we all watched as Blastoise's Ice Beam FROZE the Thunder right as it was about to hit, all the way up the bolt to Dragonite itself.

"No way..." I uttered in disbelief as all of us gazed up at the pillar of frozen Thunder, starting at Blastoise and going all the way up to the frozen Dragonite at the top of it.


The ice surrounding Blastoise started fracturing, before it broke out and sent the entire pillar of frozen electricity crashing down around the water type pokemon, ending with the largest block of all that contained Dragonite.


"Blastoise's ice is practically impossible to break out of on your own, so I think its safe to say that Dragonite is done." Red told Iris with a noticeable smirk.

"Blaaast!" Blastoise declared in affirmation.

"Hurry up and get out of there Dragonite!" Iris cried out. And to her credit, I could feel Dragonite struggling to break free, but it's efforts weren't enough as the timer ran out.

"DRAGONITE IS UNABLE TO BATTLE!" The referee declared, signaling the end of the first round between Red and Iris.

"No way..." Iris mouthed quietly, before she recalled Dragonite to it's pokeball.

"You're up now, DRUDDIGON!"


This time Iris called out the other dragon type she used during our battle against Beedrill, who roared and flexed it's claws menacingly at Blastoise.

"Start with Draco Meteor!" Iris declared as soon as the battle started.


With a roar, Druddigon expelled a massive blast of draconic energy into the sky that exploded into a meteor shower that rained down onto Blastosie.




Dust concealed Blastoise as it was assaulted by the barrage of Draco Meteor, which it did nothing to defend against or avoid.

"Now give it a Thunder Punch!" Iris declared as soon as the Draco Meteor finished, seemingly intending to take advantage of the window where Blastoise would have it's guard down after the previous attack.


Druddigon literally leapt up into the air and came down like a meteor itself as electric energy covered it's body, increasing the power of it's attack as it brought it's fist down onto Blastoise.


The arena itself shook under my feet from the force of the impact, which cleared the air to reveal Blastoise and Druddigon.

The former was still standing in the exact same spot, while a crater had formed around it from the force of Druddigon's Thunder Punch. Except Blastoise was standing upon a pillar in the middle of the crater, and it was looking up at Druddigon with indifference on it's face despite taking BOTH attacks.

"I feel like I'm getting deja vu..." I said while recalling my battle against Calem. Except the pokemon involved this time were both on a completely different scale.

"Blastoise, hit it with a Mega Punch." Red ordered calmly.



"Get out of there Druddigon!" Iris hurriedly ordered, but it was too late as Blastoise moved faster that I would have thought possible, smashing it's fist into Druddigon's face with enough force that it created a shockwave as Druddigon was sent flying back to the other side of the arena, digging a trench through it as it did so.

"DRUDDIGON IS UNABLE TO BATTLE!" The referee declared as soon as the dust cleared, revealing Druddigon as it laid in the dirt, completely passed out.

"Druddigon too?!" Iris exclaimed with disbelief in her voice as she recalled it, leaving her with only one pokemon left.

"Looks like its all up to you, Haxorus!"


I blinked at yet another new pokemon that I hadn't seen before, which radiated an aura that far surpassed that of either Dragonite or Druddigon. So of course I decided to pull out my Pokedex to see what it had to say about it.


Haxorus- the Axe Jaw pokemon

Type- Dragon

The final form of Axew and Fraxure, the sturdy tusks it possesses can easily cut through entire trees, boulders, and even steel beams. They are known to be kind, but can be relentless when defending their own territory. This pokemon has the Rivalry ability.


"Interesting..." I said while looking over Haxorus' data, before looking up at Iris' in the arena. And judging by the way it's aura spiked slightly when it looked at Blastoise, it's Rivalry ability had activated as well.

"Haxorus, that Blastoise HAD to have already taken at least SOME damage. So use Giga Impact!" Iris commanded immediately.


The dragon type roared as it charge at Blastoise at full strength, apparently putting their full intent to battle into this one attack since Haxorus wouldn't be able to move for a short while afterwards.

"Steady Blastoise." Red said, cool as a Colbur berry.



Haxorus hit Blastoise with enough force to put a freight train to shame, strong enough to even push it back by a few feet. But Blastoise didn't appear as if it took too much damage from the attack. Instead, it was readily able to follow the next order Red gave it.

"Hmmm... Haxorus seems pretty sturdy, so it should be able to tank most of the damage... Blastoise, go ahead and use Hydro Cannon."



My jaw dropped as I felt the amount of power Blastoise suddenly built up while simultaniously holding on to Haxorus, before it aimed it's cannons.



Blastoise's cannons exploded with more power than any attack I had ever seen before, at least from a non-Legendary, as they shot water with enough power that Haxorus was launched to the other side of the arena, and THROUGH the reinforced walls on the other side. It literally broke an arena designed to withstand Champion class battles with a single attack!

"Haxorus!" Iris called out in distress as she climbed through the hole in the wall to check on her pokemon.

"Oops..." Red uttered with obvious worry, and I recalled his earlier comment about breaking the arena...

"HAXORUS IS UNABLE TO BATTLE! RED AND BLASTOISE WIN!" The referee eventually declared, though at this point a part of me was more worried about if Haxorus was even alive after taking THAT attack...


Though the sudden announcement caught me by surprise, I couldn't say it was too much of a surprise given the state of the battlefield, after all of Erika's previous matches, including my own, and then finally all of the damage just from Red's two matches.

I watched as Red made his way to the other side of the arena after recalling Blastoise, where I'm sure he went to check on Haxorus after that last attack. As he did so, several teams of pokemon came out and began to work on the arena, with numerous Sandshrew Digging their way through the arena to level it, several Tauros going out afterwards to Stomp the dirt firmly into place, and even a team of Machoke and Ariados going to repair the wall.

As they continued working I turned to return to the VIP box where the others were waiting. There was no reason to stay out here when there was no battle to watch.

"But man.... That power..." I uttered quietly while recalling the strength both Raichu and Blastoise possessed. I knew that as THE og protagonist Red had to be strong, but he was on a completely different level. Or actually, it would probably be more accurate to say he was as strong as a Champion SHOULD be.

I was so lost in my thoughts, that I didn't even notice the person lying in wait for me until they pulled me into a side door, and closed it to trap me in with them.

"I NEED you NOW Ace!" My abductor declared in a husky voice full of need.



"That is amazing..." I uttered absentmindedly as Cynthia's second pokemon went down, which was her Spiritomb of all things after she had even started with her Milotic.

And Red had taken both down with an Espeon. A FUCKING ESPEON!

This was AFTER Red already faced Steven, who had used his Armaldo, Aggron and a Mega Evolved Metagross, only for them all to be swept by Red's Snorlax.

Now Cynthia was down to her last pokemon as well, and I'm pretty sure I knew which one after seeing the last two being so soundly defeated.

"Ngaaaah!" Nemona cried out right as Cynthia did exactly as I expected, and sent out her Garchomp.

"To think, someone like YOU is considered a Champion." I hissed in Nemona's ear as she came yet again, making it the tenth time already since we started after the break was called.

Of course we weren't actually fucking while also watching the battle. Instead I had my hand down front of her pants so that she could grind her pussy and clit against my palm, while I also furiously fingered her asshole.

Nemona was adamant about me not being able to 'use' her pussy until I defeated her in a REAL battle, so until then I was simply regulated to just using her ass for fun times. But with the hard battle against Red earlier, she NEEDED me to help her relieve the lingering tension and excitement from the battle.

Even if that meant that we were out here in one of the halls of the coliseum where anyone could find us, as there was NO WAY I was going to miss Red's next matches, and this place didn't have any private viewing rooms like the dressing room I had used on the SS. Anne.

"Let's do it Garchomp~!" I heard Cynthia declare as she brought out the same lip gloss she used in our battle back on the SS. Anne, the lip gloss that I knew contained her own Key Stone.

"Now this is interesting!" I exclaimed with all of my attention on the battlefield, even as I continued absentmindedly pumping my finger in and out of Nemona's backdoor.

As Cynthia glossed her lips, a shpere of multicolored light enveloped Garchomp momentarily, before shattering to reveal it's new form. Overall I'd say not much changed with Garchomp either with this transformation, aside from it's aura increasing exponentially, while the claws it had for hands were now a pair of menacing looking scythes, and it had numerous spikes protruding from the front of it's body.

"Now Garchomp, start us off with Dragon Dance, and then Dragon Rush!" Cynthia declared, prompting her pokemon to dance curiously before launching itself forward like a draconic meteor at a speed that I didn't think possible.

Yep, even if I used Lucario or Charizard, this thing would whoop our asses.

Red however appeared completely calm as Garchomp shot at him and Espeon, waiting until it was RIGHT on them before he calmly said, "Protect."


Espeon cried out as a shimmering wall of light appeared between it and Garchomp, stopping the dragon type's attack in its tracks without any discernable effort.

"Now counter with Psybeam."


This time the jewel in Espeon's forehead glowed brightly as it fired a concentrated beam of psychic type energy at Garchomp from point blank, sending it flying backwards and carving a trench through the arena like Haxorus earlier.

"Then hold it with Psychic, and finish it with Dazzling Gleam." Red ordered as soon as Garchomp came to a stop, before Espeon sealed all of it's movements right as the air around it was filled with twinkling lights.

"Garchomp, use Crunch to get away!" Cynthia cried out urgently, since Espeon's Dazzling Gleam was also what eliminated her Spiritomb earlier. And while Garchomp managed to escape the Psychic hold through the dark type move, it was too late for it to escape the Dazzling Gleam.


The powerful dragon type cried out in pain as it was mercilessly attacked, before it collapsed to the ground unconscious.

"GARCHOMP IS UNABLE TO BATTLE! RED AND ESPEON WIN!" The refereee announced, declaring Red's fourth straight win.

"Ngh!" Nemona groaned at the same time, cumming yet again as her asshole tightened and spasmed around my finger, while my palm was flooded with juices from her cunt.

Other than slowing the movement of my finger as she rode the waves of her climax, momentarily, I never paid her any attention as I focused on the arena below.

I still couldn't believe that Cynthia was taken down by an Espeon, but here we were as she exited the arena after recalling her Garchomp, and Red did the same with his Espeon. And now it was time for the final match.



As the speaker declared so, we all watched as a man literally leapt from the seats to the arena below, his cape billowing behind him to mark his status as the Galarian Champion.

"NOW LET'S ALL HAVE A CHAMPION TIME!" Leon declared dramatically as he took his place across from Red, pointing a finger skyward as he did so for extra flare.

"I knew Leon was considered to be a big deal, but not like this..." I muttered as the coliseum around us erupted into cheers at the entrance of the man who was considered to be one of, if not THE strongest trainer in the entire world.

Even as the cheers continued, I watched as Leon held up a singular pokeball for everyone to see.


As he declared such, Leon tossed out the pokeball so that the pokemon inside was released.


An intense heat filled the arena as Leon's infamous Charizard appeared, the same Charizard that many claimed was undefeated.


The coliseum thundered in response to Leon's offer, which everyone obviously wanted to see.

"Well, if that's what they want." Red stated while shrugging his shoulders, before tossing out his own pokeball.


Yet ANOTHER Charizard entered the arena opposite Leon's, one that I recognized and immediately saw had a stronger aura than the former.

"I've heard your Charizard has never been defeated... Is that true?" Red asked Leon over the roaring of the crowd.

"I wish I could say it was so, but unfortunately not." Leon declared, to the shock of those around us.

"In our very first battle together, Charizard lost as a Charmander. But ever since then we have worked hard, and have never seen defeat since!"

I rolled my eyes at the dramatics of Leon's story, which stirred the hearts and emotions of the audience around me despite the fact that just about every single trainer had felt defeat AT LEAST once. Even Lucario and I, when he was still a Riolu, had been defeated more than a few times at the Viridian city Pokemon Center before we started our journey.

"Well let's see if we can make that TWO losses!" Red declared confidently to Leon, and the match began.

The battle that took place then was one unlike anything I had ever seen before.

I had to admit, if Leon had been battling anyone else then this battle would have been another victory under his belt. But his opponent this time was a Ketchum.

The two Charizards traded flaming blow after flaming blow as they battled it out, neither one backing down in the face of the other. Their efforts left the entire arena scorched and marked by their intense flames. There were even swaths of molten earth, stone and metal from their flames melting their surroundings, to the point that even the first several rows needed to be evacuated.

They were flames so intense, that it would take MY Charizard activating Blaze to even come close to what they were putting out. And even then he wouldn't be able to match them for long.

I would have even brought him, and my other fire type pokemon, out to watch this if I weren't two knuckles deep in a certain SOMEONE'S asshole.


Suffice it to say that Leon lasted the longest against Red out of all the Champions he had battled against today, but I would be lying if I said I expected a different outcome than the other matches. And I was not disappointed.