
Jessica looked through the window and saw that the rain was still pouring down  heavily. Taking her diary in her hand, she sat on the couch near the window, at one corner of her room.

"Rain and my  diary to read. What else do I need." she thought as she beamed with a smile.



Hello diary,

I am Jessica Olsen, I'm a fifteen year old girl. My date of birth 06-06-1994. I will be completing my tenth standard this year. I have black eyes,  long silky hair to my waist. I'm going to tell you a secret  and my secret is that I have a huge crush on Austin Ames since 8th standard. He is a very popular guy in my school for his looks and intelligence. I wish we were in same sections. There is a  water purifier which is near to their class, in order to see him at least  once a day, I empty my bottle on purpose and walk slowly while peeping through the windows of his class room to have a look at him. I don't know why but whenever I see him or talk to him my heart becomes out of control. I either stutter or run away from him.

I study in Mount  Carmel  school, we  celebrate our school's feast on sixteenth of July to honour our patron saint. Just like every other year, students participated in various programs in which they were interested. Rachel being an average student who was least interested in such competitions; and I being a dull student who has no confidence even if I was interested to participate, took a wise decision of not participating in any competition or any activities until I was in eighth standard.


It all began when I was in my early teen. I was in eighth standard at that time. It was around eleven past, Rachel and I were late  to the school and we headed directly to our school auditorium.  We chose to take seats in the middle row. By the time we came to the auditorium, our principal and our chief guest completed giving their speech. I was happy about it as I hated listening to speeches, they are very boring. Rachel and I enjoyed the program till the end and it was time for vote of thanks since the event had come to an end. I was least interested in it. We  both were about  to leave but the girls who sat behind,  yelled  at us. They said that  we were blocking their view, I was surprised and stared daggers at them. I mean which idiot would be excited to see the person who was giving vote of thanks? I didn't understand why  they behaved so desperately just for a  speech. Rachel grabbed  my hand and told me  to sit, when I was about to say something to her, I heard a voice. It was a  guy's voice, at that time I didn't know why, listening to his voice I felt an arrow struck right through my heart. I cocked my head to the dais, until then my eyes were at Rachel to talk to her. The guy was  tall  with thick black and light brown hair which was shining. Even though I was a little far away from the stage I could  tell  that he had a charismatic face. It was after looking at him, I  understood why those girls behaved were desperate. I was  surprised to see that the guy didn't have any paper in his hand but still he gave the speech confidently while he looked at people. It may not be something great for a  student to give a speech without looking at anything but for me it was a great thing because I could never dare something like that in front of the people even If I  had my speech written on a paper in my hand. When he was looking at my side, I felt as if he was looking at me, only me. Rachel told me something which I ignored as I was concentrating on his speech. For the first time I felt why was the speech very short. I continued to look at him till he went to the back stage.


After he left, I turned my head towards Rachel who was already looking at me with a wide smile on her face. "So, is that a love at first sight?" she asked me and wiggled her eyes brows and then with a giggle.

I denied and accepted that I just admired the way he gave his speech and   before I could  complete my explanation, she teased me, "admire and all, haahh?" she tickled me until I felt breathless.

A few minutes later, I heard someone calling us, it was Cindy.  She was our class representative back then, when we were in eighth standard. She was  Intelligent, good looking and a sweetheart too. She asked one of us to help her. I told Rachel that I would wait for her in the auditorium until she comes. That girl  misunderstood me, she thought that I wanted to stay back for that guy, Rachel was partly right but I was lazy at that time.


Everyone left and  only few people were in the auditorium and they were cleaning the mess. I was bored while I waited for Rachel and at the same time my eyes searched for the guy who gave the speech, I was so into him that I didn't even listen to his name when the anchors addressed his name. Fifteen  minutes had passed, Rachel was not yet back. A sigh eluded my lips and I got up from the seat and saw a few girls who looked at a  direction with an awe expression on their faces. It was then I caught a sight of a  guy  who held many things in his hands due to which he lost his balance and fell down on the floor.

I remember that I  laughed out loud till my stomach ached before lending a hand  to help him.


"Hey handsome, hope you are fine," I laughed  when I greeted him.

"Hey beautiful, I'd be fine if you give me  a hand and help me," he replied.

"Serves you right for showing off in front of those girls," I giggled.

His name was Justin Tyler Smith, my cousin who is of my age.

"Oh shutup Jess!! I wasn't showing off." He exclaimed and tried to prove his innocence, his words were true but I didn't tell him that I knew. Instead, I teased him.

"By the way, where is your tail ?" he asked me and looked around to find a certain someone about whom he mentioned.

"Stop saying that. She is my best friend," I said and pinched him so that he wouldn't repeat it again.

"OUCH!!! that hurts, I might die," Justin yelped as if he was in pain.

"Stop acting. Cindy  called Rachel for something,  so she went with her," I answered him.

"Thank god, she didn't see me in this state, she doesn't  leave a chance to tease me," Justin said and picked up the things which were on the floor.

"Haha!!! As if you don't tease her," I stated.


"I don't know jess, I just  like the way   she puts her face  whenever I tease her and it makes me want her to tease more and irritate her." Justin explained.

As my cousin Justin and I were talking, we heard someone ask me,

"What is this weird creature doing here Jessica?" it was Rachel.

"Haha!!!  you mean weirdly awesome? thankyou for the compliment though, Rach," Justin replied with a wink.

"Hhuuh!! think whatever you want, Justin," Rachel rolled her eyes.


"Ohhh!! so you like me?" Justin started to tease her.


"Whattt!! no way, not even in my dreams and stop thinking  whatever you want," said Rachel curtly, to which justin replied by raising his right eyebrow and in  a teasing tone, " someone just told me to think whatever I want  and I'm sure I heard it right."

"Jessica, let's leave before I kill your cousin," Rachel  left after delivering her thoughts to Justin, indirectly.

Justin and I started to laugh when we looked at Rachel's face which had turned red as she was angry. All of a sudden, he stopped laughing and told me about what I did on his birthday, which happened in the month of May. "Jessica, I still don't forgive you for stealing my  birthday cake on my birthday."

"Sorry Justin, I thought giving the cake to those poor kids would be better than you cutting the cake and I didn't steal, okay." I sounded apologetic for my actions though I never was.

On Justin's birthday, I took his birthday cake and distributed to the kids  who were playing before he cut the cake.

"By the way, how did you know that I took the cake, I saw that you were busy." I asked him.

"Ahh, you see. I'm very intelligent and I can guess what's happening around me," Justin boasted about himself while brushing his hair.

"No wonder Rachel scolds you," I said and pinched him hard.

"OUCH !!!" he yelped in pain for real this time.

"You deserve it, I'll see you later bye!" I said.

I   didn't notice that there were steps as  I was busy talking to Justin. I lost my balance and was about to fall on the floor  and then someone saved  me from falling down by holding my waist, everything happened in fraction of seconds but  still my heart started to beat fast when I saw him, the one whom my eyes searched before I met my cousin, that was the moment I fell in his arms.


Jessica started to laugh reading her  own diary, those were the days when she used to do  all sort of  silly things in order to see the guy she loved.  kudos to her  teenage brain!!

She   never expected anything from the guy who gave the speech on the dais because she  knew that she  doesn't  exist in his world but for her, he played a very important role in her little world. The fifteen year old girl at that time knew that the guy who caught her attention in the first sight, doesn't have any idea how much she loved  him at that time. First love always have memories which have a taste of bitter and sweet.