
Just like every other year, I celebrated Christmas and New Year by attending mass in the church and then attended a  party in the evening which usually hosted by my Father's friends.

After our Christmas holidays, I started going to school and a few days later   our results were out. I barely passed my exams, while Rachel scored 86%.

I was wandering in the corridor, it was during lunch hour. I overheard  two  girls conversation about something and  was curious to know. If those girls belonged to any other class I wouldn't be curious  but then they were from Austin's class.

I heard one girl speak about  Justin that he  scored 96% and then about other guys. As expected from Justin but  why aren't they talking about Austin, I thought.

As I continued to listen to their conversation, her friend interrupted, "I only want to know  about our class crush, Austin Ames," she asked in excitement.

"He scored 99%," the girl who was telling about everyone's score replied with a wide smile on her face. I didn't listen to them after what she told, I felt my heart heavy. I left that place and started  walking slowly  towards my class.

'Just a few days ago I was able to talk to him looking into his eyes and now  after looking at our scores, I don't think I'll be able to look at him, forget about looking I don't even  think  I'll  be able to talk to him. But I cannot stop talking  to him, liking him just because our scores vary much.  I need to face him  and  I know even if I wanted to ignore him, I cannot . I wanted to be a person who is worthy to like him or talk to him' I said to myself. I felt I don't even deserve to like a person like him, I didnt have any confidence in me. I wanted him to recognise me not as Justin's cousin but as Jessica Olsen, I wanted to prove my self even though I knew that he would be least bothered about my life, I wanted it to happen.

I went to my class and sat beside Rachel. I was immersed in deep ocean of thoughts. My eyes were filled with tears but didn't let them fall.

" What's wrong Jess, did something happen?" Rachel asked me when she looked at my eyes, she pressed my hand softly to console me.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"I want to study and want my name to be in the top Fifty of  school academic list," I said with confidence after I opened my eyes.

I told Rachel that I would get into top list at any cost. She was surprised to what I  told her a few seconds ago. She didn't respond quickly, she looked at the blackboard and then at me. She asked if I was serious. To which I  nodded and said that I was really serious and wasn't joking.

"Okay, if that's the case then we'll start preparing for our final exams from next week," she said and gave a warm  smile.

I nodded.

She didn't laugh or crack a joke when I told that I wanted to study, but instead she supported. Rachel was  never a kind of person who would discourage someone.

"By the way, why did you want to get into the top list all of a sudden? there must be a reason. Tell me what happened when you went out," She asked me with a raised her eyebrow and sightly moved the corner her lips upwards. I told her that I overheard two girls conversation  about Austin and his score and then told  what I thought .

"Austin Ames .....So he is the reason that you want to study ....hhhmmm," she said in a teasing tone.

I said nothing,  my dimple appeared as I was smiling  to what she told.

She started to tickle me.

One day, I  was in the  library and was searching  for mathematics book while Rachel went to  search  other books. I went to the mathematics books section and saw  many books in the shelves. I searched but  couldn't find the book  I wanted.

I lost my patience as I was not able to find the book;  looking at the books over there, I thought that I would go mad if I stayed there even for a minute. Thinking that it would be better to call Rachel, I looked for Rachel and saw Austin holding a book in his hands.

My heart skipped a beat as I was surprised when I saw him all of a sudden. I became numb, I didn't know if I should talk to him or avoid him. It has been two months since I decided to study seriously and since  then I've been avoiding him.

I always hide whenever I saw him coming my way, I knew that I was being a coward but felt that was the best option at that time.

He saw me stand like a statue while I continued to look at him. She strode towards me and then he gave a bright smile which melted my heart.

"Hey !what are you doing here ? ..... I mean ..... Did you come to get the book or else  you came  to study in library?" he asked and slid one of his hand in his pocket and the other holding a book.

'What does he mean by, what are you doing here? Is he shocked to see me in the library. Looks like he thinks that don't come to library at all.. Well it is true that I don't come here at all, haha!!' I thought.

"I came to get mathematics text book and wasn't able to find it so thought of calling Rachel so that she could help me," I replied in a low voice.

"Come with me, I'll help you," he said. I gave a wide smile and followed him to the mathematics section. As soon a we went, he took  a book from the shelf  and handed it over  to me.

"Was  this the one you were looking for ?" he asked.

" "Yes yes, I was going mad since I couldn't find it, thankyou," I said and slightly bowed my head.

"Did you come alone?" I asked.

"No, Justin came with me, he went to physics section," he said calmly.

"Whattt!!! no way, we have to get there right now," I said  him  and grabbed  his hand without looking at him and hurried  towards physics section.


Jessica never thought  that those little time she  spent with him  would become a sweet memory today.

Today's Little moments are tomorrow's sweet memories, they say, it is apt in Jessica's life.

That was the time she  decided her  name to be in the  top fifty of school academic  list. She  didn't even think if it was possible for a person like her. She  just wanted to give her  best, so that she  could look at him and talk to him with confidence. And since then, her life changed little by little.