Broken Promises

When the class was going on, a girl came to my class and spoke to our ma'am, we had  biology class in the morning. That girl  handed over a paper to our ma'am. Our ma'am looked at the paper after she adjusted her spectacles and called out few names in which my name was there too.

I was called for dance practise. We didn't have any dance  competition like elocution. I went and stood alone at one corner while other people were busy among themselves with their conversations. My eyes were searched for Austin but he wasn't there to my disappointment. I thought he might come late.

It was a huge room enough for people to practice. There was no need to switch on the fans as the room had sufficient windows and cool breeze would blow through the windows. I stood near the window to look at the trees and heard someone call my name, it was Veronica.

We spoke for a while, at first I felt awkward but then as we started to talk I realised she was not the kind of person whom I thought she was. I felt  ashamed to believe those  scurrilous rumours about her. She was beautiful and from inside and outside. After the little conversation with  her, I thought that her class girls must've been jealous of her to spread such rumours.

Our dance teacher  called our names one after the other and then we stood in our positions, luckily Veronica was the one who stood beside me.  She  showed  us few steps and told us do. Those who couldn't  dance were told to leave the room. So this is how they are selecting us, I thought. Veronica and I were selected.

I spoke to Veronica during break time, we talked about our class, our hobbies and about our likes and dislikes. Even though we spoke for an hour, we had a great time. I felt as if I spoke to a close friend of mine whom I met after many years. She introduced me to her friends, they were a group of seven girls including Veronica. They were very friendly, I had fun with them.

I went there to participate for one particular person and he didn't show up. I should've made sure if he was participating. I couldn't step back as I was selected. But thanks to Veronica and her friends, I didn't  regret to spend my time with them. I returned to my class when the class was going on. I entered my class with my teacher's permission and sat beside Rachel silently  without disturbing the class.

"How did it go?" Rachel whispered.

"I'll tell you later," I whispered back to her.

After our class ended I told her what happened.

"How can people talk such nonsense about her then," she said.

"I don't know, I shouldn't have judged her before talking," I said.

"Even I did," she replied.

One of my classmate came to me and said that my class teacher was looking for me.

"Why is she calling you?" Rachel asked.

I shrugged and told her that I'll be back.

I went to my teacher, she told  me that I was selected in elocution competition, I was surprised and happy at the same time, I couldn't believe that I  would be one of the five students to participate in Q.A.E.S.

She said that I could take part only in one competition, either dance or elocution. I said that I would take part in elocution after that I excused myself. I went to my class and told Rachel that I was selected, she said that she was proud of me.

Few days later, I saw a list of people who were selected in elocution. Veronica is one of those five members, I was happy when I saw her name in the list. Obviously, Austin's name  was in it too and that made me smile.

I have no idea, I just can't stop myself from smiling whenever I think about him.

Days  passed, Veronica and I became good friends. I introduced her to Rachel, Everyday during lunch hour  we used to go and meet her and talk to her friends too, it was fun talking to them. Slowly  we started to have lunch with those seven girls in canteen  and I  frequently  met them during weekends. Whenever I asked Rachel to come with us during weekends she used to say that she wanted to stay at home.

It was November, we became very close in those two months, I told them that  Rachel's birthday was on eighteenth. We started to plan something for her. At that time, I forgot about my promise to her.

On her birthday, according to our plan we made her cut the cake in the evening  and had our dinner in a restaurant. I was having fun, I thought  she was having fun too.

Rachel, Veronica and another girl along with me  were standing at the bus stop and we were  waiting for the bus. While the other girls took a cab and left.  Rachel's house was twenty minutes away from the restaurant while mine was thirty minutes away  and Veronica's house was more than  thirty minutes away. I told my parents that I would be home by evening but it was around eight in the evening, I started to panic looking at the time.They might be tensed, I thought. None of us had  a cell phone with us to inform my parents. I saw a bus coming towards the bus stop, the bus goes in the direction  where Veronica stays and mine too. Rachel's and my house are in the same direction   but this bus doesn't go to her place.  I thought that Veronica would be alone, I told Rachel and the other girl  that I would leave with Veronica  and then got into the bus without a second thought. While I getting into the bus, I looked at Rachel who had a surprised look on her face, I told her bye but  she didn't respond,  she just stood like a statue. I didn't understand what to do at that moment, the bus had started to move, I looked at her through window she didn't even tilt her head. I felt my heart heavy all of a sudden. Veronica started to talk something and diverted me.

As soon as I went home I called her and apologized. I told her that I didn't want Veronica to be alone and also it was late.

"That's okay. I understand, it was really late, " she said.

"I love you. I'm so sorry. I couldn't keep my promise," I said in a bitter tone, my eyes were filled with tears.

"That's alright, it was fun today, thankyou," she said in a low tone.

Last year, I promised her that I would take her to a movie and after that we would go visit an orphanage to distribute cakes or chocolates to the orphans.  But I broke my promise.

After her birthday I thought everything was fine.  One day she had her lunch quickly and told me that she wanted to read her novel as  it was interesting , she told me that she wanted to complete as soon as possible, I smiled and told her okay and that continued everyday.

At that time it didn't strike me that she was making  excuses.

It was stupid of me for not asking her if she was happy, if she liked to spend time  with  them or liked them in the first place. I should've understood whenever she told me that she wouldn't come out during weekends. She sat with those girls for me.  She pretended to  smile and laughed for me. And I never bothered if she was really happy. She never told me anything, if only she told me what she felt in the first place things would've been different, she was my best friend since childhood, why wouldn't I listen to her if she told me what she really felt. But I cannot blame her, I was wrong too.


One shouldn't judge a person's character or a person's capability  when they know nothing about them.

Sometimes the things we do might make us happy but that doesn't mean that the other person would be happy by it  just because we are happy. Never ever make  a promise when you can't make it up to it.

These are few things which Jessica learnt  in her  life  through her  experiences.