Bizzare wishes

His hand was on my cheek, "aren't you gonna wake up today?" I heard him ask me.

He sounded different. That wasn't his voice!

My eyes were half opened when I saw Rachel lie on the couch beside me with her hand on my cheek. My head was ached, I was unable to remember what had happened after I had my fourth shot that night and also I wasn't sure if I had more than four shots, they were all on the bed but they looked fine.

"Go take bath and come. We have to go for lunch," Rachel said.

"Lunch ?" I asked, I brushed my messy hair into a bun lazily.

"It's half past one," Cindy said after she looked at the clock which was hung on the wall.

I had a bright smile on my face when I looked at the clock.

"Finally your wish came true," Rachel giggled.

I looked at her quizzically.

Was she talking about Austin?! So, what happened last night was real? while these thoughts were running on my mind she broke them saying, " your wish to wake up in the noon."

"So it was just a dream," I thought and sighed at her words.

Since I was a kid I always wished to wake up in the noon but somehow I always ended waking up by six or seven in the morning. No matter how much late I sleep, I always wake up early.

"That sounds crazy, Cassie laughed.

Cassie is a kind of girl who laughs even for a small joke. She is a happy and easygoing girl.

"There's another crazy wish, she wants to be in two places at one time, it's in her bucket list actually. I wonder if that wish will ever come true," Rachel smirked.

"What? I can't believe that you have such bizarre wishes on your bucket list," Cassie continued to laugh.

"Even if it sounds silly those are in my bucket list,stop laughing," I said and threw a pillow at her.

When I threw a pillow at her, we heard someone knock out door and called us for lunch.

I wasn't ready to face Austin because of the dream I had that night. But still I had to go because there was no other choice. My friends would literally drag me if I say that I wanted to skip my meals.

After a quick bath, we six girls went to have our lunch. On our way to the lunch hall. Cassie and Veronica had a conversation. I heard Cassie speak to Veronica something about bottle.

"What happened?" I asked them.

Veronica told me that there were five bottles in total and we had only four bottles at that night and the other bottle which she put on the table was found empty in the morning.

"Are you sure? do you remember that the bottle was full ?" Rachel asked her.

"No, I mean I opened that bottle and then I gave Jessica her shot and then I had another shot and .... the thing is I actually don't remember much," Veronica scratched her head and tried to remember but she couldn't.

"Then why the hell are you stressing so much about that bottle, when you remember nothing, don't even dare to utter a word about that bottle again," Stella said sternly.

We all shut our mouths and didn't utter a single word until we reached the restaurant which was in the resort. As soon as we entered the restaurant, Justin called me to sit beside him. Rachel sat beside Justin, Cindy and I sat opposite to them. The other three girls sat on another table.

"None of you girls have come for breakfast. When did you girls sleep last night ?" Justin asked us casually.

The moment he asked us, Rachel looked at me and she leaned backwards on the chair and pretended she heard nothing.

"We watched a movie and then after that we slept early, Cindy replied to his question.

Oh," he nodded.

I asked Justin about Aaron and Austin to hear him reply that they were still in their room. I was actually relieved when I heard Justin's reply. I was not in a state to face Austin at that moment because of the dream I had previous night. I'm sure I would've ran away without looking at him if we met at that moment.

After that, Justin and Cindy were the only one who talked that too, to each other. I felt as if Rachel and I were invisible.They had a casual conversation but then Rachel didn't like the way he spoke to Cindy. He wasn't flirting with her, he was just being formal to her. She was staring daggers at him which were obviously unnoticed by him as his attention was on the person who was sitting opposite to him. After lunch we got dispersed to our rooms and in the evening I didn't even dare to step out of my room because I was still not ready to face Austin at that time.

Rachel and I were still in the room as none of us wanted to go out but the other girls went out. Rachel and I were rolling on my bed. Rachel was watching TV.

"I dreamt about Austin yesterday," I said to her to gain her attention.

"Tell me something new," she said lazily.

"I dreamt that he kissed me," I inhaled deeply.

The girl who sounded uninterested turned to look at me over her shoulder with a mischievous smile on her face.

"And?" she asked me. She waited for me to complete what I had to say.

"Don't expect too much, I dreamt that he kissed and his hand was on my cheek but when I woke up you were lying beside me," I said.

"How boring, she said and turned her head towards TV and switched it off.

"Give me the remote," I said.

"Shall I confess to Justin ?" Rachel asked me all of a sudden.

"You don't have to confess, my aunt already decided that he will marry you," I giggled.

"But that's different, I want him to choose me because it is me and not because his parents chose me and even you know that I don't want him to be forced by his parents," she said as tears formed in her eyes.

"Okay ... okay, calm down. He loves you," I said placing my hands on either sides of her cheeks.

I couldn't hide the truth that he loves her when I saw tears in her eyes. She looked at me skeptically and told me not to lie to her when I told her the truth.

"I asked him once and he told that he will..." She cut down my sentence and asked me when did I ask him to which I told two years ago. She asked me again that why didn't I tell her when I knew that he liked her. I replied that it was the time we both were in terms of talking. She rolled her eyes sighed heavily at my reply.

"That was two years ago Jess, people change so does their feelings towards a person. And also Cindy told you about her crush and not me. Why do you think she told only you about her crush and not his name? Don't you think she likes him?" she asked me.

I was speechless when she asked me that question. I felt she was right. She always hesitated when we ever Rachel asked her, her crush's name.

"I was an idiot I even encouraged her to propose her crush as soon as possible," she said.

"When did you say that to her," I asked Rachel.

"In the bus while coming here you were sleeping at that time," she said.

I knew that I was not supposed to laugh but the thought that she encouraged Cindy to propose her crush made me laugh. It looked like all these days she was digging her own grave.

"Don't laugh. I just didn't know at that time so I helped her," she said.

"So when did you come to know?" I asked her.

"Just now, when I was talking to you," she said.

Wow," I said.

We heard Cassie's voice. All the girls came back and they were talking about hot guys they saw in the beach. My eyes were on Cindy. I could clearly say that she was not interested in their topic.

It was around nine and I was hungry I understood that I cannot avoid Austin no matter what. Hence, I went to have my dinner with everybody but he wasn't there.

"Where is Austin ?" Cassie asked a guy when she saw me looking around the hall.

That guy was Austin's roommate.

"I don't know, I didn't see him since morning," he replied.

"Chill, you'll see him soon," Cassie teased me.

But I was worried about him. I wanted to talk to him. Justin sat with other guys. Rachel and I had our dinner quickly and as always we went out for a stroll.

"When will you tell him ?" I asked her.

"Today," she replied and looked determined.

The place where we went was short way to the beach. It was lonely. Not even a single person was there other than us.

"Isn't that Austin ?" Rachel said.

It was indeed Austin. He sat on a big rock facing his back towards us. My heart felt heavy when I saw him sitting there alone. I couldn't see him like that.

"I'll go to my guy and you go to your guy," Rachel suggested.

That sounded like a very good idea.

"Fine," I nodded in agreement.

"Just tell him whatever you feel," I said to her before she left.

She tilted her head and nodded.

After she left, I walked towards Austin.


Jessica knew that the things she wrote in her bucket list were silly. But waking up late and being in two places at a time were Jessica's craziest wishes. She was a teenager and her bucket list contained with all sort of crazy stuff . Well, she did almost everything today except one wish.