Love Story

I started to prepare for my exams. I went early to bed to woke up early in the morning so that I could study with a fresh mind. I went to Justin's house for group studies twice in this month and that too only on Sunday. Rachel was also with me, we three studied together in his room. It was Justin who called me up and told me to come to his house for group studies, when I went to his house, I was surprised to see Rachel in his room. I saw her with my aunt.

When I went to his house for the first time for group studies, Justin taught us mathematics. By the time he completed to teach us mathematics, it was already late. My aunt told me that she would send a driver to drop me and Rachel but Justin insisted that he would drop us.

Since the time we started going to Justin's house Rachel told me that she wanted to tell me something, I told her to tell in the school during lunch hours but she told that she would come to my house and tell me. I didn't ask more because I knew that she would tell me if she had something to tell sooner or later.

On the second Sunday, we thought to study Physics. I wanted to take a nap when I felt restless, I told them to continue to study before I went to sleep. I had no idea for how long I had slept but I heard Rachel's voice as I wasn't in a sound sleep.

"I want to tell her as soon as possible. I'm sure she'll be happy for me but she might kill you," I heard Rachel giggle.

"And why would she kill me ?" came another voice to which I was familiar. It was my cousin but I didn't understand what were they discussing about at that moment.

"For not letting me tell her the truth," she said.

I slowly opened my eyes to see what was going on, I didn't know if it was a dream but everything felt real. Rachel sat on the table. I saw Justin kiss her knuckles and Rachel let him do it.

"Really?" he said and brought his face close to her and kissed her cheeks and then her forehead. They stared at each other for a second and then when Justin was about to kiss my friend aiming her forbidden lips, I jumped out of the bed.

"What the hell is happening here!!"

I was too shocked to see them this way. They always argued with each other but to see them this way, it took me time to digest.

Rachel hid her face in Justin's chest because she was embarrassed but Justin had no reaction. I was sure that he must be have cursed me because I ruined their moment.

"Why did you have to wake up now," he groaned to receive a death glare from me.

"How could you say that?" Rachel said to him, she was still on the table and her hand was on his shoulder fo support.

"Remove your hand, Justin," she said to him and reluctantly, he removed his hand that gripped her waist but not before putting her down on the floor.

"I wanted to tell you this, Jess. But but..." Rachel store towards me to explain.

I could see that Rachel was nervous. She must've thought that I was angry for she had hid something from me but at that time I was too shocked that my mind couldn't process.

"This is the .... worst and also the best way to let me know that you guys are together,"

I blurted out. I was super happy. I waited for that moment since ages. I wanted them to be together, I knew that they were perfect for each other. I wasn't able to control my happiness I hugged both of them and asked since when it all started.

"Since Austin's Birthday," Rachel replied after getting down from the table.

"I hope you are not angry with me," Rachel was almost to tears. She must've had a guilt feeling.

"Of course not. So was this the thing you wanted to tell me all these days?" I asked her in a loud voice in excitement.

"Yes but please don't shout," she said in a low voice.

"Why? my aunt will be happy," I said.

"Not now, you know my mother, she'll start preparing for our wedding if she comes to know about us and I don't want her to spoil my future plans, so zip your mouth," Justin said.

"So you want me to hide your relationship from my mother, right? I can do that but on one condition," I said.

"I'll buy whatever you want, " he said.

"Not that, Don't make her cry," I said.

"I won't," he smiled and brushed my hair.

Rachel and I left his house early. On our way to home she told me how it all started.

"On Austin's birthday when I was cleaning his wound with cotton, he .....he kissed me on my cheek," she said.

"What the hell, what was I doing at that time?!" I exclaimed.

"You were closing the cupboard, it was so embarrassing, that kid saw him kissing me and dropped his basket in shock," she said.

"My perverted cousin took advantage of my innocent friend when she was aiding him and I didn't know about it until now," I said to her.

She laughed and continued, "After dropping you, while going to my house instead of taking short cut we took the long way since it was a lonely area and then ...."

"Whattt !!!! Seriously!!.. what did he do there ?" I asked her in excitement.

"Don't get excited, nothing happened," she said and told me to shut my mouth and listen to her.

"Only we both were on the road, at first I wasn't able to catch up with him so I had to take long strides. He stopped when he saw me taking long strides and held my hand so that I could walk next to him. Everything felt unreal, I broke into tears and then I told him everything I felt all these days and he listened to me quietly without interrupting me. I asked him why he went alone that night with Cindy at the resort. He didn't explain me anything he just told me one thing before he left. He told me that no matter how many pretty girls he might meet in the future his heart would only belong to me and since that day we started being in a relation, "she said with blushy smile on her face.

"And you melted for his one dialogue? " I asked her in surprise.

"Look who is talking, You made a dream catcher for your guy just to see him smile and he said only a thank you instead of talking more and you are talking about Justin and me ?" she asked.

"No comments," I said and accepted my defeat.

We bought two coke tins in a shop.

"Do you remember the conversation we had few years ago? we bought coke tins that time too," I said.

"Yes I do. I feel like it happened few days ago," she said.

"Cheers to your new relationship," I said.

"We are not sailing on the same boat," I said and pouted.

"But we will sail together on different boats till the end," she winked.


And that is how their love story started. They both didn't tell that they loved each other through words but somehow they understood how much they loved each other through their actions.

On their wedding day, Jessica's aunt forced him to tell how he confessed his love to her in front of everyone. Justin didn't want to reveal it but when he saw Rachel look at him expectantly, he decided to tell her.

"I believe that sometimes love should be expressed through actions instead of words because your action proves who someone is and words prove who they want to be.

We were in school at that time, I didn't tell her that I liked her, I didn't even write a letter to her. One day, I was punched by a guy due to which my lips started to bleed, she was to tears when she looked at my wound. I was the one who got punched but she was reacting to it. Her hand was shivering when she was cleaning my wound with cotton, I couldn't resist myself after I saw her crying for me. To be honest, I didn't plan to confess to her anything but I just did what I felt was right at that moment. I love her, I have always loved her since we were kids but never I never told her until that day. I planted a kiss on her cheek without even confessing my feelings. I was quite lucky that she too loved me." He said and then looked at his bride whose cheeks were flushed with red. Everyone who heard Justin's speech were left in awe. He bent a little to take her hand to kiss her knuckles.