Her Action Pricked His Interest

Third Person's POV :

The show started sharp at nine in the evening after the arrival of the president of Ames group of industries. Few people were shocked when they saw him. It wasn't like they didn't like his presence but they were surprised and happy at the same time to see a big shot like Austin attending an event like this. Sanchez is a very famous designing company. It is known for its quality of the cloth and it's sense of fashion. It was an event held by Sanchez for the young and famous designers who are working under them, Jessica is one of the famous designer who is working under Sanchez. So few people who were present there didn't understand why a person like him is attending this show. These designers are famous for their work at the same time they are not too famous for Austin Ames to attend an event like this, thought the people who were sitting among the audience.

After the show started the models walked the cat walk one after the other and at the end the designers walked along with their models. Jessica was super nervous while walking along with them. Austin who was sitting among the audience had his gaze fixed upon the girl. There was a change in his expression when the girl appeared in front of his eyes. It has been ages since he spoke to her

He thought she would see him as he was sitting in the front seat but she didn't. She just turned her back towards him and left to the back stage.

While giving the thanks giving speech the anchor addressed Austin as the president of Sanchez and the anchor thanked him for his presence. The people who seated among the audience were surprised when they heard the sentence 'President Of Sanchez' , people looked at eacthother with a puzzle look on their faces. The people who were present there were famous business men too; but not when compared Austin. Most of the people knew that Sanchez belongs to a designer who goes with the name ASA but they didn't know who ASA was, people only know that ASA is a lady. But little did they know that Sanchez is Austin's company too. Ames is his father's property and Sanchez is his mother's property. His mother, Alicia Sanchez Ames is a famous designer who is unknown to the world and is known only as Alicia Ames wife of Jonathan Ames to the world.

While everyone was busy talking about him, Austin was immersed in his thoughts. It was few years ago when he first saw her at his best friend's house on his birthday. It was in the month of May. At that time, he came to his house as it was summer holidays. He was never a kind of person to attend parties but his best friend Justin's parents always held a party on their son's birthday. It was the first time Austin attended his birthday because Austin used to live in another country. After coming to the party he regretted his decision to attend his friend's birthday but that regret didn't last long. He saw a girl lifting her long gown little upwards to her ankle, she tiptoed towards a cake which was kept at one corner. It was the cake which Austin ordered especially for his friend. He saw her going to the back yard taking the stairs holding the cake in her hands. He told Justin about the girl he saw stealing Justin's favorite cake. As soon as Justin heard about his cake, he ran to stop her because he clearly knew that it was his cousin. Austin stood in the balcony instead of following her. It was then he saw the girl distributing the cake to the kids who were playing. Her actions pricked his interest. Justin called her name loud enough for him to hear her name. Jessica, he thought. A smile took over on his dull face when he saw the two cousins running in the back yard. It was then he understood that the girl was none other than Justin's cousin Jessica Olsen. He knew her name because Justin often talked about her but this was the first time he saw her. Days passed and he himself didn't know why he wanted to see her again and why he wasn't able to forget her. His parents joined him in Justin's school. Austin tried to forget about her, he convinced himself that it was just an attraction and nothing more than that. On the day of school's feast, he was told to give a thanks giving speech. After the programme came to the end, he came onto the dais to give his speech. When he raised his head to start his speech, the girl whom he wanted to erase from his mind appeared in front of him as if the universe didn't want him to forget her. He saw her standing to leave but then she sat again. He didn't expect to see her again, he felt as if the universe was on his side which made the girl appear in front of his eyes. The entire time while giving the speech his eyes were fixed at the girl who was among the audience. That day she was among the crowd and he was on the stage and today, she was on the stage and he was among the crowd.

He never thought that he would meet her in this way but one phone call which he received few days ago, made him take the decision of meeting her again.

"You know what, my uncle fixed a date for my sister with a guy," it was a call from Justin which gave him a huge shock.

He somehow gathered information about the guy her father chose for her before she met him. The thought of loosing her forever gave him courage to reappear in front of her after seven years. He went to the back stage to talk to her. But Jessica fainted and fell in his arms. She was always clumsy, even when they were in school she fell in his arms when she first saw him but atleast she was conscious at that time unlike now.

"Jessica?" Austin called her name but she wasn't conscious. He immediately lifted her in his arms and took her to the hospital. People saw him while taking her in his arms, few people clicked pictures too but he didn't care about them all he cared was about the girl in his arms who is unconscious. After reaching hospital, his assistant came and handed over her things which were left in the make up room. He thought of calling Justin but his phone was switched off and Jessica's phone had a lock. He tired her birthday number at first but failed, he tried many numbers but he couldn't unlock it. He sat beside her bed while trying to unlock her phone. At last, he tried his birthday number for fun and the phone was unlocked which made his heart skip a beat. For a second, he didn't understand what just happened, numerous questions took place in his mind but above all he thought of calling her family first, so he went out to call them and that was when Jessica opener her eyes. He called Rachel but Jessica's aunt took the call after ending the call he came inside and saw her getting down.

He wanted to ask her many questions but he chose not to ask for the time being instead he thought of teasing her.

"How are you?" he asked her.

"I'm fine," she said in a low voice with a faint smile.

After he was done teasing her, he asked about her life hoping for her to say especially about Jake whom she met a few days ago and just like he wanted Jessica told him about Jake but when she told that she liked a guy Austin tightened his fist, there was a kind of anger and irritation on his face which Jessica noticed. Austin is a kind of man who never loose his coolness, whose expressions are hard to understand and a man who can control his temper, he is always calm and poised but there was one incident when he lost his coolness. That incident took place when he was in twelfth standard. Justin gave him a letter which was written by a guy for Jessica, he wrote how much he loved her but the thought of giving a confession letter to the girl he loved made him lose his temper. Austin punched that guy on his face. After punching him, Austin took cotton and a bandage for that guy because he knew what he did was wrong but he was angry to see that the love letter was for his girl. Years later, he found out that the guy whom he punched is the guy whom Jessica's father chose for her.

His anger calmed down when Jessica told him that he was the the one whom she liked all these years. Until now, according to him, he was the one who loved Jessica but she told him the she liked him since school which left him speechless. His plan was to tell her how much he loved her but things didn't go according to his plan, she made him speechless by telling him the words he wanted to tell her and by the time he could express his feelings too, Jessica's aunt came into the room and their conversation ended there. While dropping Jessica, Austin told her how he unlocked her phone only to see her expressions which always amused him.

"Like I told you, I don't mind if you don't accept my feelings and I don't want to force you to love me back. I just wanted to tell you how I feel for you," Jessica said while getting down the car.

Till then, Austin wanted to tell her that he loved her from the bottom of his heart but now he decided not to tell her anything, he have different plans to make her his girl.