Respect His Decisions

In the evening just like Austin told her, a driver came to pick her up. The driver who was sent by Austin, dropped her at her house and left. She immediately took shower and video called Rachel to pick a dress for her. Her hair was tied into a bun. Her hair was messy but she looked cute. She wore a sleeveless night dress which was to her knees.

She took all the decent dresses she had in her wardrobe and placed them on her bed before calling Rachel, so that Rachel could see and select a dress for her.

"Tell me," Jessica asked Rachel after sorting the dresses.

"What about the blue gown," Rachel pointed at a dress which was on edge of the bed.

"This? It's too long and I'm afraid I might trip and fall while walking," Jessica said to Rachel.

"What about that yellow dress which we bought last time we went shopping," Rachel said.

"That dress? I should've tried it before buying. It's loose and too revealing, can't wear that," Jessica replied .

"Okay. What about that white dress ?" Rachel asked.

"No. It looks as if I'm attending a marriage ."

"Fine . That one piece which I gave you when I came to know that I was pregnant ?" Rachel asked.

"No. It's a party wear. I need a decent dress," Jessica said looking at the dresses which laid on the bed.

"Decent? Like what ? Atleast be specific so that I can decide. It's been an hour and a half now and I'm loosing my patience."

"I just want to wear a simple dress. You know that she is ASA right ? She is Austin's mother and also my idol whom I've been admiring since I was in school. That's the reason why I'm so nervous to meet her. I want her to like me," Jessica said biting her nails nervously.

" I understood, you don't have to try so hard . Just be you, "Rachel said.

"Jessica !!"

"It's Austin. I'll call you later," Jessica said and ended the call.

He knocked the door before entering her bedroom.

"I didn't get ready yet I'm so sorry," Jessica apologized Austin.

"That's alright," he said.

"Give me ten minutes," she said and picked a random dress but Austin held her wrist.

"What?" she asked him and saw him hinting her to look at the door through his eyes.

She saw Austin's mother standing at the door with a pleasant smile when she turned her head to look back at the door.

Austin's mother still had the same charm on her face even though she was aged now. Jessica saw her years ago, she could tell that his mother didn't change at all. Just by looking at her, one could tell that she is an amazing and a kind hearted person.

Jessica was utterly shocked to see his mother standing in front of her and that too when she wore a night dress. She glared at Austin and then she smiled sheepishly at Alicia.

"I'm s_sorry aunt_ty. I didn't know that you were coming here," her words were not clear because she didn't understand how to address her.

"Come here," Alicia said and stretched her hand for Jessica and she walked towards and stretched her hand for Alicia to hold her .

"Good to see you Jessica," Alicia said holding her hands. Jessica's heart felt at ease, all her nervousness disappeared the moment she held Alica's hands.

"I'm happy to see you too," Jessica said.

Alicia let out a chuckle and said. "I heard from Austin that you have a collection of my magazines."

Jessica looked at Austin and then at his mother and replied, "yes. I do."

"Why don't you sit, aunty. Let's sit and talk," Jessica said and looked at the bed which was covered with her clothes .

"Sorry for the mess," she apologized Alicia again.

"That's alright. I don't mind about such trivial things. I wanted to come and meet you in person instead of you coming to meet me," Alicia said. Her eyes caught attention of a magazine which was in the shelf.

"You have this? I was nineteen years old when this was published," She looked at the book in astonishment and took it from the shelf.

"I read this magazine when I was a kid, recently I came to know that you are ASA. I feel really lucky to meet you again," Jessica said.

Alicia who was turning the pages of the magazine looked at her when she said that she met her again.

Jessica who saw Alicia's quizzical look said, " One day you came to pick up Austin after we returned from our excursion. I was with my cousin, Justin."

" Oh my... Austin didn't tell me about this. So you Justin's cousin ?" Alicia'a face brightened up.

" Yes."She nodded.

Alicia gave a look at Austin and he looked away to avoid her gaze.

" I once saw a lipstick mark on his shirt, "she chuckled and noticed Jessica's embarrassed face.

" Looks like it was yours," she said with a mischievous smile.

" Mom," Austin tried to stop her but he couldn't .

"Don't you have other works to do, go now and pick me up later," she said.

" You ..."

"Go, sit in the car if you don't have any work," she said before he could say something. Austin had to leave reluctantly.

"That day ...."

"I'm not gonna scold you," Alicia laughed.

"Few days ago, he told me that he likes a girl. I thought he forgot about his first love and moved on. I was happy for him as a mother. Looks like my son is stubborn just like his father," she said.

"What do you mean ?" Jessica asked her since she didn't understand what she meant by saying that .

"He loved you since he was in school. I am not since when but he was in ninth standard at that time. One day, I overheard Justin's and Austin's conversation. Justin spoke about his cousin, about you and my son listened to him with much interest. I thought it was just a crush but one day I saw him sitting near the phone the entire night and waiting for a call, I don't know the reason but I saw a depressed look on his face." Amelia narrated as she recollected her memories.

Jessica didn't understanding why he was waiting for a call at first but then she understood the day he gave her number to call her and she lost his phone number which he wrote and gave her on a piece of paper to call him.

Alicia laughed before saying," the gift, I assume it was you who gave him on his birthday, he still have it."

Jessica gave a shy smile which looked adorable in Alicia's eyes.

"He never told me that it was from you but I just understood by the way he treasured it."

"I want to tell you something ," Alicia's facial expression changed this time as she spoke. "Austin's father and I married after we fell in love with each other for six years. We were happy together even after Austin was born. But as years passed Austin's father rarely spent time with us because of his work. I always yelled at him for not spending time with us. There were days when he yelled at me too. Those little arguments grew as years passed. I even asked him to divorce me, he said that he would do anything for my happiness but he never understood that he was my happiness. We loved each other but we never understood each other. I didn't understand his love for me and by the time I realised, he wasn't in this world, "Alicia was to tears while telling Jessica about her.

"I know my son can never be wrong. If he chose you then he must be having many reasons behind it. I know he is very busy, I just wanted to tell you that do not do the mistake which I did in the past. Understanding and trusting each other is important too when you love a person. I hope you understood what I'm trying to say," she said after wiping her tears.

" I promise that I will stand by his side no matter what and respect his decisions,"Jessica said confidently. Alicia liked that confidence in her.

" And I want you to call me mom in future," Alicia said. Jessica was very happy and nodded with a bright smile on her face .

After a while, Alicia called Austin to drop her. Jessica asked her that she would prepare dinner for her but Alicia didn't want to trouble Jessica.

"No. I'll leave now. However in future you'll be the one to cook for me," Alicia chuckled.

"Sure mom," Jessica said and looked at Austin and raised her eyebrow playfully when Alicia turned her back at them to get into the car.

He understood that his mother approved Jessica when she addressed her as mom. He gave a quick kiss on her forehead and got into the car. Jessica stood there until she saw and left to her room after the car disappeared.