The Vows

Austin stood at the altar and Justin was beside him as his best man. As a melodious music was being played, the bridesmaids entered inside one after the other with a bouquet in their hands. The bridesmaids wore a grey coloured gown and held same kind of bouquets in their hands. After the bridesmaids came and stood near the altar, Austin saw Jessica standing at the entrance door who was ready to walk down the aisle with a bouquet of white flowers in her hands while her parents stood behind her.

Austin's heart pounded when he saw her in the white gown. Her hair was tied into a bun leaving few strands on either sides of her face which were curled . Her face was covered with veil but still her beauty was seen through it. Her slender neck looked more attractive with the diamond necklace which was shining. Her wedding gown was pure white with frills which made her look like a princess without a crown. But what made Jessica beautiful in Austin's eyes was her dimples which appeared on her cheeks as she was smiling walking towards him.

After she came to the altar, her parents hugged them both and took their seat in the front row. Austin didn't take his eyes off her since the moment he saw her standing at the entrance door. They smiled looking at eacthother. As the priest was preaching, Jessica and Austin sat on chairs holding each other's hands. She recollected her school days, it was the time Austin was taking his oath as student body president, she stood beside her principal while giving badges, she felt like an "I do" moment at that time when they both stood opposite to each other and now they both were going take their vows in a few minutes. Finally, her dream has come true. After a while, Jessica and Austin stood facing each other at the altar to take their vows.

"Do you take Ms. Jessica Olsen as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forwards, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish till death do you apart ?" the priest asked Austin.

"I do."

Austin said looking at his bride whose heart was beating faster at his answer.

The priest repeated the same question to Jessica but before he could complete his sentence Jessica replied.

"I do."

The people who were seated there, laughed at Jessica when she didn't let the priest complete his sentence.

"Thankyou for saving my energy," the priest said making everyone chuckle. Jessica felt a little embarrassed but Austin had a bright smile on his face to see the girl in excitement. Alicia who was seated beside Jessica's parents was happy for the couple.

Rachel who was her maid of honor, stood behind her. Jessica took the ring from Rachel, while repeating the words after the the priest, Jessica took her vows. Austin took the ring from Justin and took his vows while sliding the ring onto her finger. After they both exchanged the rings the priest said that they could kiss each other now.

Austin lifted her veil which covered her face to kiss her.

"You were, you are and you will always be the one I love !!"

Jessica gave a quick kiss before he could react to her words. Everyone gave a round of applause when they saw the bride kissing first. Jessica's parents and her mother-in-law laughed looking at Austin's shocked expression. He never expected that she would dare kiss him first that too in front of everyone because until today, he was the one who kissed her first everytime.

"That was a payback for stealing my first kiss," Jessica said to him raising her eyebrow before Austin stared daggers at Aaron who avoided his gaze as always.

"Looks like the bride will have the upper hand in future," the priest coughed while saying.

When Austin heard what the priest said, his lips curved upwards which crept into a smile. There was no need for him to deny, because what the priest told was true. He was bound to her as if she casted a spell upon him to love her with all he had, until his death.

They both walked out together holding each other's hands. Justin held his wife's hand while leaving. After clicking many group pictures, they had a couple photoshoot for a while.

"Why didn't you tell me," Jessica asked about the kiss in Oasis.

"I thought of telling after taking you to Oasis but Aaron ruined it," Austin said which made Jessica chuckle. The photographer continued to click pictures while they were talking to eachother.

"Take me there," Jessica said.

"Oasis?!" Austin asked her and saw her nod as a yes.

"As you wish," he said and planted a kiss on her forehead.

After the couple photo shoot. Jessica clicked with the bridesmaids first and then with the maid of honour.

"Can't wait to see my baby girl Rosaline," Jessica said while kissing Rachel's bump which was big .

"Rosaline," Rachel repeated. "This sounds cute," she added.

"Name her as Rosalie," Jessica said.

"Ahem !! Shouldn't you ask her father too before naming her ?" Justin interrupted.

"Don't you like the name ?" Jessica asked him.

"Did I say no ? I was just saying that I too have rights to decide."

"It's Rosaline and it's decided!" Rachel stated.

"As you wish," Justin had to agree with his wife because her wishes were his commands to which he obeys willingly.

After bidding farewell to her parents, the couple left to Austin's house. Jessica was to tears while leaving her parents. The entire time in the car, she held Austin's hand and rested her head on his shoulder. They didn't talk much in the car. The car was filled with silence but his warm hands made her feel comfortable.

After reaching his house, Austin got down from the car but Jessica didn't even after the driver opened door for her to get down.

"What happened ?" he asked her as she wasn't getting down.

"You take me," she said stretching her hands for him to take her in his arms. His wife was commanding him now and he didn't have any objections.