Little Yuan'an, 7 months ~ 1 year old

Other than playing with his pacifier, little Yuan'an also has another hobby: exploring the house. Ever since he became able to crawl by himself, the little baby would dash away the moment he got on the ground. As such, a doting father couldn't bear it and placed soft carpets inside the whole building, for just in case his baby son entered the room without anyone noticing. Mother, being someone more easygoing than father, used a more practical method: placing bracelets with little bells on his hands.

So now, whenever little Yuan'an moves, there will be the mild jingling sound of bells following around him.

At first little Yuan'an felt quite indignant when the bells were placed on him. He thinks that he was being monitored 24/7, even though that was a fact as he was only more than half-a-year old. He would make tantrums and flung away his plushtoys to anyone he disliked, even purposely bite and hit anyone not pleasing to his eyes. It wasn't until his father also wore a headpiece with bells attached that he finally accepted the bells placed on his bracelets.

Everyday, there would be sounds of bells jingling around the house, followed by hurried footsteps and breathless panting from one of the maids assigned as the babysitter for Yuan'an. When the baby has had enough fill of his daily adventuring for the day, he would stop to sit, and proceed to look at any one of the maids around him. The maid would immediately come over and hold him into her arms, before bringing her young master to his mother's courtyard.

At first when little Yuan'an did that, the maids were confused. But after one maid voluntered to hold him back to his mother and received approval from the baby, this situation became a fad in the whole household. Every week during the rotation of duty comes, all the maids would fight for an honour of serving as their young master's babysitter for a whole week.

When the baby reached 11 and half months, he can already stand on his own two feet and started taking baby steps. He was a very motivated baby. He would lean himself to a wall or anywhere that can help him stand up, then, after stabilizing himself, he would go for a mad rush with his two tiny feet. The image of a chubby and adorable baby trying his best to walk was so cute that the servants who were nearby would stop their work just to look at his adorableness.

Although Long Tianyue is a very doting father, he would also be quite ruthless in certain things, especially in things related to survival for life. Therefore, whenever little Yuan'an fell or slipped on his feet when walking, he would only stare at his son without helping. Luckily, the baby never tried to walk at any dangerous-looking place without holding onto someone else first for dear life.

A near death experience of walking on ice when his father brought him to walk on the lake behind the house almost traumatized him. When he thought he can be like Elsa, he almost became Jack instead.

Note to self: Even in winter, do no walk on ice unless you're sure the ice is as thick as a brick.

A few days before his 1st birthday celebration, little Yuan'an finally uttered his first word. Unsurprisingly, his first word was "Mom," breaking the heart of a certain doting daddy. His second word was "milk," and the third was "don't want."

He emphasized on the importance by showing gestures; pointing a chubby finger to his mom's breast, and shaking his head. Then, he proceeded to pick a cup, and showed it to his parents, before saying: "Milk, here." then giving a thumbs up to her proudly.

Mother was thoroughly amused by her baby son's continuous actions, but her husband was too busy making mushrooms in the corner of the dining room to even notice.

His lips kept muttering something that sounded incomprehensible, but when listened carefully, you'd hear words like "He said 'milk' after 'mom', I'm not even second. Am I even less than milk in his mind? Did I not give him enough love and affection? Where does the truth lie? Is the world round or flat? Why isn't it square? Am I really a god or just a very strong cultivator? Then what is immortality? Does being on the peak of cultivation really means becoming a god? Blahblahbla.... "

Huang Feiyun really felt like smacking some senses to her husband's head. Although he wasn't as silly as when he was amnesiac years ago, he definitely had turned into a silly father after her son was born. Sighing, she turned to her son and called him.

"Baby, come over here."

Little Yuan'an raised his head, and titled it in confusion. His big, starry eyes opened wide, looking at his mother. Then, he toddled over to his mother. When he arrived towards his mother, he raised his head again to look at her, expressions filled with 'Why are you calling me?' on his adorable face.

The beauty pointed a finger to herself, then asked:

"Who am I?"


"Then who is that person by the corner who was trying to be a drama king?" She pointed towards Long Tianyue.

"Dad." He answered unhesitatingly.

Just a word from the toddler, and Long Tianyue's mood improved immediately. Beaming, he walked over to his son, and immediately proceeded to hold him high up in the air.

"I knew it! My baby son also knows me! He loves me! Hahahahaha!!!" The handsome man laughed joyfully.

Little Yuan'an was suddenly held up high, that he felt dizzy for a while. But his father didn't stop at that. He then proceeded to hold his small body higher and play with him just like that. Every motion felt like a roller-coaster to the almost 1 year old.

"Dad, stop."

At the peak of his excitement, his baby poured cold water onto the ecstatic father.

A father's already fragile heart broke to pieces.

It took mother persuading little Yuan'an to coax his father before the handsome man, who still looked handsome despite the gloomy aura surrounding him, came out of his depressing state. On the dinner table, while he was waiting to be spoonfed by his mother, the toddler said: "Dad, later I dun wan high up. Dijjy (dizzy)."

Long Tianyue: .... ( ;∀; )

The whole dinner, the Sovereign King spent his whole dinner in silent tears.

My baby son is not even one year old, yet he has already grown fangs against his old dad. Isn't too early? Give me back my adorable cute baby! OTL

Huang Feiyun: (ㆁωㆁ*) ...One year old, can speak so many words, even gave strong advice to his father. Is it...?