Yunyun and Ah Yue's Date (1)

While Long Yuan'an was spending his time with his newly acquainted Uncle Bear, his parents who left him to house-sit were enjoying themselves with their date.




Huang Feiyun felt that despite her efforts in promoting communication technology to this world, it's inevitable that they would still be lacking in a lot of things. For example, cinematic entertainment.

Thanks for her whimsical interest in photography in her past life, she was able to recreate camera and its siblings here too. As such, the people here was able to benefit in their practice by mimicking the movements through the photograph or video of martial arts easier.

Especially with the usage of video recording, martial arts disciples who have their master going for a long-term closed practice would still be able to learn without having to rely on using their divine sense to comprehend the moves that was imparted on their divine sense through the uses of jade token. It also decreased the need to repeat the movements countless times in the case of martial arts that would need huge number of details and perfection in its execution.

However, she still underestimated the cultivation fad of the world she was currently in. Despite her efforts in promoting recording technologies to this world, the people of this world didn't even have an inkling of having other way of entertainment. There's only practice, practice, shopping for cultivation materials, and practice more for their cultivation.

Even if there were several mixed kinds that would stray off from the three words of righteous cultivation that is just, strength, and constant practice, the moment you include a raise in your level of cultivation they would still be like a mad dog craving for more power.

In short, they are all boring, ancient people. Even if she had been transmigrated for more than a decade, she still missed her past life full of modern technologies. After all, she had been a child growing in a millenial age filled with tv, computer, and internet.

And before she transmigrated, she was still a flowery youth in her 20s. Even if she was not so addicted to the internet, she was a toy otaku. Where else can she find information she needed without the help of Professor Wikipedia and Shifu Baidu?!? At least send her to a world where earth finally made contact with the aliens! She'd be glad to spend her time creating mechs then.

Huang Feiyun lamented her situation for a while, wiping the imaginary tears in her heart. She cannot be regretful now. She had already married Long Tianyue, and even gave birth to her lovely son Long Yuan'an. She shouldn't be greedy for more, especially since her son is also from the same world as her. That means that after this she would at least have someone that could speak the same language as her, more than Elder Bing and his disciple on Cloudy Iron Peak.

Talking about her son, will he be okay? Her baby son had the mind of an adult man, but to her, he is still only a 4-year old child. She had never left her son so alone at home. During the time in Yunyue Pavilion, when she was busy with work and didn't see her son for the whole day, they would still be within a 500 square meter radius distance. As such, while she wouldn't be appearing in front of her son, her presence would still be there.

Now she and her husband just up and left their son alone in the middle of Mysterious Star Sect. Even with so many people guarding and taking care of him, she still couldn't help but be worried of her son. Will he be lonely? Will he be sad? Will he really be safe? The thoughts kept coming to her from time to time.

"Yunyun? What's wrong?" Long Tianyue called his wife. Since they came out from Mysterious Star Sect, his wife's face had been from excited at first, then changed to disappointment, and now she's turning pale from nervousness. What is it that she was thinking about right now actually?

"Hmm? Ah, nothing. I'm just thinking about my baby son. I wonder how he is right now." Huang Feiyun leaned on her husband's shoulder, tugging on his sleeve. Long Tianyue moved his hand and took her hand, intertwining their hands together.

"He'll be fine. There's Hei Yue and the twins with him. There should be no problem." His free hand caressing the top of her hair. Seeing her still looking crestfallen, he lifted her chin to look at him.

"Right now, you're on a date with me. Since we're outside, let's go look for something to enjoy together. I'll get jealous if you still keep thinking about our son."

Huang Feiyun snorted. "Aren't you admitting your jealousy too honestly? So childish."

Looking at her beautiful starry eyes glaring at him, Long Tianyue only felt that his wife is really too cute. The porcelain white skin felt tender to the touch, the pink blushing cheeks bulging like a hamster, the little nose raised like a kitten, and the tempting cherry lips puckering... really made him want to give it a kiss.

In fact, he did exactly what he thought of. Mn, soft and tender like marshmallow. One peck doesn't feel enough, he gave another two kisses in succession. Yep, his wife is as sweet too. Oh no, her blushing face made her cuter. Let's hide her in his arms so others can't see her.

"Is it wrong for me to get jealous? At least I can get more attention from you if I admit it. Or, you don't like me being honest with you?" He lowered his head to look at his lovely wife in his arms. Still so cute. Let's continue hiding her.

Huang Feiyun was almost breathless being so held by her husband. Right now, she really doesn't know whether to feel angry, touched, embarrassed, or funny. Maybe all. In the end, she can only give up and admit defeat. You can't win against shameless and silly people. Let's retreat first and pick another time to pick a fight again.

"Hmph. Silly Ah Yue." She raised her head and bit his chin. "Since you say so, then let's walk away. It's embarrassing being seen in front of the public like this." Saying so, she pulled her husband's hand and walked to the front. Long Tianyue was only surprised at first, then gave a silly chuckle as he willingly got himself pulled by her.

The pedestrian accidentally eating dog food: "...." Fugger! From which place did these stupid couple came from? Please return them home a.s.a.p!!! I feel my eyes turning blind!