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Since that day, Mu Zheng no longer appeared in Hongye Hot Springs. Ye Ruwei's mood swung from the initial shock, panic until gradually she was able to calmly think about her and Mu Zheng's problem.

Undeniably, she still loved Mu Zheng but could she and a killer stay together for life? She could not decide on a positive answer.

What should she do?

Break off with Mu Zheng?

No, she could not do it!

Then pretend she did not know about his past, just to stay by his side?

She really did not know!

"Sister Ye." Xiao Jia finished arranging the items in the shop, put on his jacket and walked up to the counter.

"Xiao Jia, ready to get off work?" She looked up, trying to put on a smile.

"Sister Ye, are you still thinking of that person? He will not come again! Don't worry, I am by your side. I can....."

"Xiao Jia!" Ye Ruwei interrupted his words, gently shook her head. "I understand what you mean. It's not that I do not want to accept you but I cannot accept you. I love Mu Zheng and only love him. If I can easily fall in love with other people then the person beside me would not have been Mu Zheng."

She had a lot of suitors but she only loved Mu Zheng and she could not do anything about it!

"Sister Ye....." Xiao Jia opened his mouth to say something but her firm expression stopped him and finally he put down his arms, sadly gave up.

"Sister Ye, since you only love Mu Zheng, why did you give up on him, so easily? Mu Zheng is a cold person and loving him is not an easy thing, right? If you encounter a small problem and retreat, I think....Sister Ye, it would be better to let go now because loving him would be more heartbreaking as time goes by. Why place yourself in a dead end?"

"Xiao Jia..." Ye Ruwei had always thought that he was just a youngster and did not think that his analysis of feelings would actually be so thorough.

"So Sister Ye, you have to think clearly. If you decide to really love Mu Zheng, then do not give up so easily. Regardless of any difficulties, there must be a solution. If you decide not to love him..." He pointed a finger at his nose and said naughtily. "Remember to consider me. I should be your first choice!"

She could not help but laughed.

"Sister Ye is laughing!" Xiao Jia happily said. "Sister Ye, you look very pretty when you laugh. I like Sister Ye's gentle smile, the most."

"Xiao Jia!"

"I would like to thank you." Ye Ruwei said, looking at the Xiao Jia's sincere face. "About what you said just now, I will think carefully. Thank you so much! You are not just a good working partner but also my good friend."

"You're welcome!"

Xiao Jia bowed his head, touched his nose lightly and tried not let her see the disappointment in his eyes.

He did not expect that the first time he liked a woman, it would be a bitter unrequited love. It seems that his love path was destined to meet with hardships!

Mu Zheng came home in the middle of the night and as he exited the elevator, he felt a difference in the environment.

Years of developing his instinct told him that someone was nearby!

He bent over his boots, pulled out his pistol and hid it in the pocket of his long coat. Carefully leaning against the wall, with silent footsteps, he moved forward. At the corner just before his front door, he took a quick look and was surprised to see a dazed woman sitting on the floor in front of his house.

It was her!

"Why are you here?" He asked as he walked towards Ye Ruwei.

Ye Ruwei quickly got up from the floor. "I'm looking for you!"

"Go in!" Mu Zheng opened the door and entered the house.

"Oh!" Ye Ruwei followed him, blankly standing in the living room, looking a bit helpless.

"Sit down, this is not the first time you are here. You should not be so unfamiliar."

"Thank you!" Ye Ruwei sat down in the corner of the black leather sofa and said. "Mu Zheng, I..."

"What do you want to drink?" He took off his coat and asked.

"Ah? Coffee...."

"I only have mineral water." He opened the fridge, took out a bottle of mineral water and tossed it to her.

"Thank you."

She took the mineral water and put it on the table. What she had wanted to say initially, she could not put into words.

"What did you want to say, just now?" He sat down opposite her, scrutinizing her as he had not seen her for several days.

She had not changed much but looked as if she was thinner. Still with elegance and beautiful looks which men would appreciate.

"I want to say..." She hesitated for a moment, raised her head and summoned her courage to ask. "Can you tell me why you are a killer?"

Mu Zheng did not immediately look at her, tightly pursed his lips and had no intention of answering her.

After waiting for a long time, so long that Ye Ruwei thought he would not answer, suddenly he said.

"In order to repay kindness."



He told her everything, from the time he was eleven years old.

"Because they saved you, so you have to kill for them?" She asked in surprise.

In this kind of society, there were still people like him who would repay kindness?


"But if they are decent people, they will not send you to kill people!"

"I did not say they are decent people. I only want to repay their kindness, no matter what kind of people they are."

After listening to his answer, Ye Ruwei felt the heaviness and sadness in her heart.

She knew Mu Zheng was wrong. He should know how to differentiate between right and wrong. Allowing himself to be used as a killing weapon but can she blame him? Was it fair to him?

Even his own biological father had treated him so cruelly and mercilessly, hurting him...in this world, who could he trust?

Her nose turned sour, felt the pain in her heart, tears began to gather in her eyes.

She could not blame him, she could only feel distressed for his years of suffering.

She had seen his numerous large and small scars. Once, she had asked him about the scars and at that time, he did not answer. Thinking back, he must have got the scars during his childhood and training days.

He must have suffered a lot!

"You came to me specifically just to ask this?"

He got up, with his back towards her, walked to the full-length window.

She did not say a word, quietly got up and went to him.

Mu Zheng did not look back but had been carefully listening to the movement behind him.

She stood behind him, spread her arms and hugged his thin body.

"I love you."

Mu Zheng was startled, afraid to turn around and look at her.

She knew he was an evil killer, his hands were covered with blood but still, she was willing to love him?

"Xiao Jia told me if I choose to continue to love you, then regardless of any difficulties, I will have to carry on. This is my choice, I love you!"

There was a shadow of a smile on her lips, so gentle, so beautiful.


Mu Zheng was so moved that he could not speak. He hugged her with force, his hot lips eagerly sought hers.

For the first time, he felt good being alive!

Unreservedly loved by someone was really nice!

"Mu Zheng!" She tiptoed, hugged his neck and took the initiative to kiss him and put her tongue into his mouth.

Mu Zheng growled, picked her up by her waist and placed her on the soft sofa.

In the distance of an apartment top floor, a night vision infrared telescope was closely watching their every move.


Du Yingxuan threw away the telescope, removed her phone from her bag and pressed the phone number that was already set.

Immersed in a passionate embrace, the couple instantly jumped up when they heard the phone ring.

Mu Zheng looked at his phone and then looked at Ye Ruwei.

She looked at him with a complex expression. She did not want him to pick up the call and could not prevent him from picking up the call.

Time seemed to stand still and they looked at each other.

After a while, the ringtone stopped but less than ten seconds later, the ringtone started again.

Mu Zheng let her go and took out his cell phone from his pocket. She thought he would answer the phone but did not think he would press the red button to switch it off.

He actually switched off the phone!

"Tonight, you are more important than anyone else!"

He kissed her again and led her again into an intoxicating passion.

"I'm furious!"

Du Yingxuan angrily threw the phone back into her bag, turned and walked quickly down the stairs.

Solitary Wolf actually dared to switch off his cell phone!

It is Ye Ruwei, that woman's fault, she must find a way to deal with her. Solitary Wolf is hers and she will not allow someone else to lay their claim on him!

After spending a passionate night, the next day around noon, Mu Zheng and Ye Ruwei came out from the house. They intended to go to the nearby supermarket to buy back some food to cook.

"Big Brother Solitary Wolf!"

Once they stepped out of the house, a delicate and helpless voice sounded.


Mu Zheng was surprised, left Ye Ruwei's side and moved forward in big steps to catch the crumbling Du Yingxuan.

"What is the matter? Why are you here?" Under Du Yingxuan's pale skin, he saw dark circles around her eyes.

"Last night, I was unable to get through your cell phone. My father was very angry and blame me for not being able to perform well in my duties. So he punished me...punished me to stand here all night!"

"What? How can the Lord do this?" Mu Zheng felt angry. The Lord should have known how delicate Miss Yingxuan was!

"Don't blame father! He is just a perfectionist" Du Yingxuan lifted her tear-filled eyes, saw Ye Ruwei, immediately wiped away her tears and asked. "Big Brother Solitary Wolf, this sister, who is she? She is so beautiful!"

Mu Zheng turned his head, glanced at the dumbstruck Ye Ruwei and said. "Ruwei, I have to send Yingxuan to hospital. You can go back first!"

Ye Ruwei frowned at Du Yingxuan. It was difficult to suppress the inexplicable resentment arising from her heart.

This girl was like a ceramic doll, with charming delicate looks but Ye Ruwei did not like her. Her words and deeds were all a pretense which made people uncomfortable.

"Is she really unwell?"

According to Ye Ruwei's observation, she was in good health and only under her eyes were exaggerated dark circles. Those circles should be drawn, right?

"What did you say?" Mu Zheng said with high voice tone, long eyebrows unhappily tightened. "Can't you see, she is so weak? Why are you asking such hurtful questions?"


"Anyway, no matter how you go back first. When I'm free, I'll look for you."

Seeing his face showing impatience, Ye Ruwei just nodded her head and left.

Before leaving, she looked back, caught the proud smile on the face of Du Yingxuan and had an instant insight.

This woman is not as pure and harmless as her appearance. A hidden evil heart is the most hideous! But.....how can she make Mu Zheng understand?

As there was no other way, Ye Ruwei could only use the most stupid way and that was to verbally advise him to beware of Du Yingxuan who was a double-faced person. Unfortunately for her, Mu Zheng had misunderstood her and thought she was jealous of Du Yingxuan.

In actual fact, she is indeed jealous of Du Yingxuan because there is no one that can compare to Du Yingxuan. In Mu Zheng's eyes, she is docile, obedient and even Ye Ruwei cannot compare with her!

So whenever the phone rings late in the night, it would lead to disputes between them.

"Do not go!" She pulled Mu Zheng who was about to get up. She shook her head. "Do not kill again!"

"This is the Lord's order, I cannot disobey!"

"You always said it is for the Lord but in fact, you are doing it for Du Yingxuan!" She said jealously.

"What are you talking about?" She repeatedly used Du Yingxuan to provoke disputes and Mu Zheng was bored.

"Isn't this a fact? Do you dare to deny that you do not love her?" Ye Ruwei asked with red eyes.

"Why are you crying? I only have respect for her, not love."

"Then what about me? Between the two of us, who is more important to you?"

Mu Zheng closed his eyes in irritation and did not want to answer such an irrelevant question.

"You dare not answer?" Then she knew that he loved Du Yingxuan more.

"How do want me to answer? Between the two of you, there is no comparison!"

She was his woman and Du Yingxuan was his benefactor. How do a woman and a benefactor compare?

But Ye Ruwei misunderstood his words and thought he meant to say she could not compare with Du Yingxuan.

"Mu Zheng, can you see her hypocrisy? Her delicate and pure exterior are disguises. She is not the kind of person you think she is and I bet she could be horrible and lustful under her disguise!" She noticed that Du Yingxuan's eyes were seductively beautiful.

"Shut up! What nonsense are you saying?" Mu Zheng almost could not believe that she could be such an unreasonable and vexatious woman! "Apologize! I want you to apologize for what you said just now!"

"I don't think I'm in the wrong, why should I apologize!" She turned aside, stubbornly refused to apologize.


Mu Zheng stared at her, bursting with anger. He had never been so angry and she had trampled on his benefactor, stubbornly refusing to apologize. He lifted up his hand but was unable to slap her on her soft cheek.

He put down his hand and said angrily. "I'm really disappointed in you!"

After that, he closed the door forcefully and left.

This was the most serious quarrel that they had since they started their relationship. Even the last time, when she learned of Mu Zheng's killer identity, it was not so fierce. She could not help but cry on the bed and was thinking whether this was the end of their relationship.

The next morning, Mu Zheng came back. He silently hugged her, calmly kissed her lips and all her unhappiness instantly vanished.

As long as he still cared about her, she would not leave him!

But she never imagined that person that really forced her to leave was not Mu Zheng but Du Yingxuan.