Arriving at The Royal Capital

"Oi, Aria, please stop the mofumofuing at that. Mimily is somewhat convulsing already, you know?"

"That's tremble of great joy, right, Mimily-san?"


There's no answer. Mimily is just lying down as if a corpse.

"Mimily-san!? It's bad, Mimily-san is fainted!!"

Aria flusteredly shakes Mimily's shoulders.

And then, the starting to awake Mimily immediately shoves Aria away and hides behind my back.

"Aria, hate."

"Wh, why?!"

Being hated by Mimily, Aria receives a great shock to the point almost crying.

"Have you forgotten what you just did to me?"

"Didn't Tetsuya-san also mofumofued you?!"

"When I told you guys to stop, Tetsuya stopped, but you didn't. That's why, hate, Aria."

"N, no… I'll definitely hold myself back next time! I'll hold myself back when mofumofuing you, so please forgive me!!"

"No. not forgiving."

The usually easy to forgive Mimily, seems like this time she's really angry.

She says so with a stern tone.


"Even if you cry, it's still no go."

"Wie~n, wie~n!"


Mimily is taken aback at Aria's cry act.

However, as I thought, Mimily sure is kind to the core.

Approaching the crying Aria, she caress Aria's head, and soothe her down.

"Please don't cry. I'm not mad anymore. I won't ever hate you, Aria."

"R, really…? Are we still friends from now on…?"

"Best friend forever."

"Thank you! From now on, I'll hold myself back and only mofumofu you once in two days!"

"If, if it's only that much…."

Once in two days is still acceptable, huh.

Then, I should do it around that extent too, huh.

"It's good that you both have reconciled again. Then, try to look below a bit. It's the royal capital."

"Throwing up it all?"

"Mimily. Put such joke aside, it's royal capital, you know?"

When I say so, the just reconciled Aria and Mimily look down from the tip of the bed.

The one below us is a giant town.

"Wha, it's really royal capital! When did we arrive here?!"

"When you were mofumofuing me…."


When they went 'kyakya!' and 'ufufu', I was staring dagger at the map, and drove the bed here, all by myself.

Seems like I've got pretty used to this world, huh.

Nevertheless, royal capital sure is huge.

How many the population here, I wonder?

There's a castle in the middle of the town, with rampart around it.

Looks hard to invade it.

"The population at Vernegal Royal capital is around fifty thousands, you know?!"

I see, fifty thousands, huh.

Considering that it's located at medieval era-like world, it sure is a considerably big town.

And then, I give Aria high five for nonchalantly gave me information about the royal capital's name that is Vernegal.

"Tetsuya, are we going to move to royal capital?"

"It hasn't decided yet, but with this bed, we can go to anywhere after all, in a blink of time when we're at it, that's why I just want to check here out just in case."

"As expected of Tetsuya-san! What a free man! Sasutetsu!"

"Sasutetsu! … wait, is it worth sasutetsu?"

Aria honestly praises me, where Mimily puts a slight wonder about it.

Well, it's just flying here after all, it isn't something worth praising, so Mimily should be the right one.

However, I want to be praised!

Although, I don't dislike to be looked down by Mimily either!

Both of you, I love you!

◇ ◇ ◇

At once, I drive down the bed toward the plaza.

And then, I can hear a commotion, and I can see people pointing out at us here and there.

This sensation, it makes me recall the feeling when I came to Belvia town for the first time.

Since people at Belvia town are already used to this flying bed so right now they'll just greet us in the usual manner, but here, it's the first time for the people in the royal capital, so it must be exceptionally unusual for them, right?

Look! Look!.

You country bumpkins who don't even know about flying bed!

…not good. Despite only saying it inside, I feel a great guilt from it.

"Tetsuya-san, why are you feel down?"

"Nothing… more importantly, let's search for real estate agency first. Aria, do you know where it is?"

"Hmm… it's also my first time coming to royal capital, after all."

I see.

Then, let's just roaming around and search for it. If we can't find it then let's just go home afterward.

Uwaa, I don't want to say it, but I sure come here unprepared.


"Tetsuya, there are many lining up stalls. Looks tasty."

"Oh, you're right. But, it sure is very crowded… if we drive the bed there, looks like it'll trouble them."

"We could just go down from the bed and walk there."


When I declare so, Mimily stares at me in silence.

Seems like she's pretty angry.

Good, what a thrilling eyes!

"Sasutetsu! Sasutetsu!"

And then, Aria desperately praises me.

Being the pampering squad-captain sure is hard, huh.

"Well, I'll stay still here, so how about you both go there yourselves?"

"Got it. Let's go Aria."

"Let's go, Mimily-san! Tetsuya-san, please do your best as the bed watcher!"

Affirmative, I, Yamada Tetsuya, will do my best as the bed watcher!

The bed that is permeated by both of you cuties' night sweats, I shall wholeheartedly guard it!

"Leave it to me, both of you, just enjoy yourselves there!"

I show a thumb up at them.

"Tetsuya-san, so cool! Then, we're going! Please expect a great souvenirs from us!"

"Aria, hurry."

Saying so, both of them run toward the lining up stalls.

When I'm staring at their backs, suddenly there's a voice from my rear.

"Hey, you! Don't drive your bed inside the town! It surprised everyone, you know!"

When I turn back in surprise, there's a red haired female knight there.

The knight we met at the sea back then, Rosetta-san.

"Why are you here, Rosetta-san? And today, you don't ride a dragon?"

"There's no need to ride a dragon inside the town. Moreover, as a royal knight, it's a matter of course that I'd be at the royal capital, aren't I? I was patrolling around here, and I just come here because I received a report that there were three suspicious persons who were loitering around riding a flying bed. Well, I've expected it would be you guys, though."

I don't know how vast this world is, however, three person who ride a flying bed, without a doubt that would be us, right?

"Could it be, we're going to be arrested?"

"No. there's no rule that forbid riding a flying bed around the town, after all. However, you sure are amazing, huh. Even though both of them are cheerfully running there, do you really not want to move from the bed that much?"

She's watching, huh. How embarrassing.

However, I must answer her with pride here.

"I don't want to move!"

And then, Rosetta-san lets out a great sigh.

Even if you disappointed like that….

"Why are you stronger than me when you're such a lazy bum… no, that's simply because I lack in training. More importantly, why are you here? Doing a request?"

"No, we planned on moving, so we're currently searching for some room."

"Hou. You're going to move to royal capital, huh. Then, how about joining royal knight? If it's you guys, then it's a great welcome."

"Thank you for the offer… but I prefer a free life, so…."

"I see, well, you guys sure feel that way, after all."

Rosetta-san laughs while shrugging her shoulders.

To not zealously inviting us, that's where Rosetta-san's kindness take in action.

She isn't just a strict person.

By the way, Rosetta-san said 'you guys', but the one who is strong is only me, though.

Aria and Mimily were just temporarily got stronger through my 'level-lease' skill, after all.

It'd be troublesome to explain it to Rosetta-san, so I'll just keep quiet about it, though.

"By the way, Rosetta-san, do you know where the real estate agency is?"

"You come here even without checking it out, huh. What an unplanned folk."


"There must be some kind of fate that we meet again here. When Aria and Mimily return here, I'll guide you guys there."

As I thought, Rosetta-san sure is kind.

However, even though she's such a kind person, but to be a female knight, it's bound to happen that she'd get caught and assaulted by orcs someday, right?

How pitiful.

"You, did you just think about some strange things?"

"No, not at all."

As expected of a knight.
