Chapter 2

The little girl suddenly wakes up in the midst of their sleep in panic. She finds herself somewhere unknown and gets scared so she shakily looks around. When she sees the young man who saved her earlier, she tightly hugged his clothes and lay her tiny head on his chest, feeling his warmth.

Eventually, she manages to fall back asleep. An unknown closeness exists between them which she can somehow feel, and it makes her feel safe to be with him, different from how others always treat her.

Once she falls back asleep, Lin Feng opens his eyes and looks down at her hugging his clothes and laying on his chest. He woke up as soon as she did out of a habit of keeping watch on his surroundings.

He felt very weird having someone around him like this, but he feels it isn't that bad and he can get used to it eventually. He checks the time and realizes it is already 7 am, so he gently pried the little girl off of him and placed her under the blankets again.

He stood up and ordered some breakfast from the hotel using an in-built phone and sat down on the couch. He remembers that he got a Stat Point from completing the mission yesterday and wants to use it, but he doesn't know how.

'System, how exactly do I use this Stat Point?' Lin Feng asks.

[Host just has to think of what stat he wants to upgrade and it will automatically upgrade.]

Nodding to show he understands, he focuses on the Dexterity stat, trying to upgrade it. It doesn't work at the start, so he is confused and continues to try until he eventually gets the right method.

[Dexterity has increased from F- > F.]

Once he increased his Dexterity stat, he could already feel a difference in his reactions and vision, which confuses him. Will it be like this every time he increased a stat? Lin Feng doesn't know, but if it is, it's good. He likes this new feeling.

A few minutes later someone knocked on the door to his room, so he stood up and walked over to the door and opened it. Outside is a young man in a suit pushing a tray of food. Lin Feng moves to the side and allows the young man entrance.

After leaving the tray of food in the middle of the room he turned around and left the room, closing the door behind him. Lin Feng was about to go wake up the little girl but when he turned around he found she was already there, drawn by the smell of the food.

She looks like she really wants to eat the food but she doesn't know if she is allowed to, so she just stands by the table fidgeting constantly, also peeking at Lin Feng from time to time.


After hearing him give her permission to eat, she hurriedly jumped onto a chair and began grabbing a bunch of stuff from the table. She was slow at first just in case she annoyed Lin Feng, but seeing him not mind, she starts eating faster and faster until she is full.

By the time she is full, nearly all of the food has already been eaten, and she felt embarrassed and nervous, so she lowered her head while slightly peeking at Lin Feng. When she saw he wasn't mad at her for eating most of the food and is calmly eating the leftovers, she felt relieved.

Lin Feng of course saw her reactions, and for some reason he felt bad for her. When he realized this, he was confused. Why did he feel bad for someone he met last night? So confusing, Lin Feng thought.

"What is... your name?"

She looks a bit startled when he asked her that and started panicking slightly. Just when he was about to tell her to not mind it anymore, she told him.

"Min... Names Min..."

"Just Min?"

"Just Min."

She nods to his question and he was somewhat confused. Why does she not have a surname? Is she an orphan? That would explain her reaction to the food, since it wasn't that good. It was many times better than his cold food he ate regularly, but compared to the food in the past from his household, it isn't much.

"Where are your... parents?"

She looked up at me and I could see sadness and loneliness in her eyes when she heard my question, so I felt bad about asking it. I was about to tell her to ignore it but she surprisingly spoke up.

"I don't have any... I was raised in an orphanage since I was born... It was burned downed a few days ago and I was kidnapped with the other girls by that person..."

When she said 'that person' I could tell who she meant when I saw her shaking with fear and pain in her eyes. I stood up from my seat and walked over to her and hugged her to my chest slightly. Eventually, she calmed down from it and just hugged my waist tightly, burying her head into my stomach.

I tried to get her to let go since I felt awkward, but she wouldn't let go so I gave up and carried her towards the couch and sat down, placing her on my lap. I asked her multiple questions and I found she was very smart for a little girl that is only 8.

When he heard how she had to eat cold and hard food similar to himself, he felt a burst of pain in his chest. Confused, he placed a hand above his heart. Why did it hurt? Why do I feel so close to her? Did the System do something to me? If so, it is fine. Lin Feng thought to himself.

"Want to stay with me from now on?"

She looked up at him with confusion in her eyes, but there is also attachment and happiness in her eyes when she heard his question She hurriedly nodded her head in agreement.

"Can I? I mean, stay with you..."

"Sure you can. I am alone myself, anyways."

She looked both happy and sad when he said that last sentence, but the happiness overwhelmed the sadness. She hugged his neck tightly and buried her head into his shoulder. Lin Feng could feel her crying and felt it was weird, so he asked her what was wrong.

"I am just... so happy! Nobody wanted to take care of me before..."

When he heard her, he finally realized why she would be crying. Indeed, if she was still at the orphanage until all this time, nobody would of tried to adopt her all this time. He felt bad when he realized that, but he remembers that he is taking care of her from now on, so it is better.

[You completed the mission. You gained 1 Stat Point and 10 points.]

Lin Feng looked up at the screen that appeared, notifying him that he completed the mission and obtained the little girls approval to take care of her. Since it is like this, he had an idea.

"Since you are only called Min, I will call you Lin Min now. Lin is my surname, so you can take it too. My name is Lin Feng."

She was startled when she heard him give her a last name, but when she heard he had the same one, she felt very happy and nodded onto his shoulder, implying she agreed with taking on his surname as well.

Lin Feng focuses himself and begins using the Stat Point he just gained, trying to increase his Dexterity by one rank once again. It takes a lot less time for him to do it this time, compared to the last time he did it.

[Dexterity increased from F > F+.]

He felt his reaction and sight increase slightly once again, so he felt happy at that. He knows that increasing his stats like this is very important, so he would work hard to complete missions in the future, hoping to get stronger for the System. He remembered about his Status Screen, so he says Status in his mind and brings it up.

[Name: Lin Feng

-Gender: Male

-Race: Human

-Age: 17

-Rank: Copper

-Strength: F-

-Agility: F-

-Dexterity: F+

-Endurance: F

-Vitality: F-

-Wisdom: F

-Intelligence: F

-Skills: None

-Points: 10

-Stat Points: 0]

When he saw his Dexterity being at F+, he felt very happy. He also saw that he has the 10 points from completing his mission as well, which makes it even better. He was going to buy more money with it, but he decides to save his points in case something needs to be bought in the future.

Lin Feng plays with Lin Min for a while before they are tired. Lin Feng decides to stay at this place a bit longer for Lin Min, so he goes and buys 4 more days at the hotel for another $200, leaving him with $750 total.

He can't buy or rent a house with only $750, and adding another $1000 won't help much either, so he needs to find a way to make money. He was very annoyed by this problem since he never needed to do this, and was fine with staying in his old shed until now.

He knows he can't do that anymore, as it isn't good for Lin Min, who he has to take care of from now on. It is also very bad for his body, which is indicated by his F- Vitality. He was stuck on this problem until the System brought up a screen.

[Your third mission will begin now. Your task is to bring a package to the client who ordered it. His residence is in the Blue wind district, in one of the hundred mansions there. He will pay you when you bring it to him. Do not open the package, as it has nothing to do with you what it is. A map will lead you to the client.]

A small box appears on the table in front of him, so Lin Feng picks it up. He is glad that Lin Min is tired and is asleep now, as he doesn't need to worry about her for now. He opens the door to the room and locks it from the outside before he leave the hotel.

Once outside he follows the map and eventually appeared at a gate with multiple guards outside. The only way to enter is to pass the gate, but there is no way he would be able to get past it. He thinks for a few moments and decides to just hop the gate.

He spots a big enough tree further down the fence, so he climbs it and leaps from a branch on it, landing on the other side of the fence. He then follows the map once again and appears at the #4 mansion, so he rings the doorbell, since it is his clients house.

A butler opened the door and stared at him sharply, but Lin Feng calmly looks back at him. The butler sees the box in his hands, causing his face to quickly change. He ushers him into the mansion and quickly runs off somewhere.

He comes back a few minutes later and leads Lin Feng to a big room, and there is a middle aged man sitting inside. The butler leaves the room and closes the door, while the man points at the couch in front of him, indicating Lin Feng to sit.

He sat down on it and placed the box onto the table in front of them, which the man takes. He unseals it with a knife and looks inside it, inspecting it closely. When he finishes he has a small smile on his face, so he looks at Lin Feng.

"Good job, young man. I don't care how you got into this place since you brought my package. Here is $500000 for the delivery. You can see yourself out."

The middle aged man places a suitcase onto the table, which Lin Feng takes. He nods to the middle aged man and silently leaves the room, carrying the suitcase. Although he looks unaffected on the outside, gaining $500000 from that was very useful to him, as he needed to buy a house for himself and Lin Min soon.

He puts the suitcase into his Inventory when he is alone and quickly jumps over the fence using another tree, before hurrying back to the hotel. Once there, he unlocks the door with key and enters it before locking it again.

He could instantly hear muffled sobs, which startled him slightly. He hurriedly headed over to the bedroom and saw Lin Min crouched in a corner with her head buried in her arms crying, so he quickly walked over and held her to his chest.

"Sorry. I had to leave to go get some money for us. Sorry I did not explain, I thought you were asleep."

"I... Sniff... Thought you didn't want me... Sniff"

"Of course that isn't true! If I didn't want you, why would I bring you back with me and take care of you all this time? I would of left you in that building if I didn't. Don't think like this anymore, I won't abandon you."

She looks up at him when she heard what he said, and he felt my chest hurt once again when he saw her tear filled face. Lin Feng wiped her tears off with his sleeve and held her closely to his chest. They stayed like that for a while before he heard her stomach growl, indicating she was hungry.

He stood up and carried her in his arms and ordered food, which they quickly finished up. After that, they both lay down on the bed. Lin Feng checked the screen that appeared earlier which he didn't check yet due to worrying about Lin Min.

[You completed the mission. You obtained 1 Stat Point and 20 points.]

He was confused at the 10 extra points, but he was more happy. He used his Stat Point and increased another stat.

[Strength has increased from F- > F.]

He was going to increase the 3 main stats to F+ before increasing anything else, so he is doing Strength since Dexterity is done. He looks at the time and sees that it is already 10 pm, so he holds Lin Min in his arms and falls asleep shortly after she does.