Chapter 13

Lin Feng woke up due to the beeping of the System. He popped his eyes open and say it was just a new mission, so he lowered his guard and began to read over the new mission, which caused him to frown by the time he finished.

[A Special mission has appeared. The Eldest Princess of the Vilta Empire in the Weimo World needs a strong bodyguard to escort her to the Eldergreen Woods for a year. You will be transported to the Weimo World shortly.]

He didn't expect this to happen. He slightly guessed he would be sent to other worlds eventually, since the System was named Universal Mercenary System, after all. He just did not expect it to be so soon, and for a year at that!

He knows that while he is strong on Earth, other worlds would most likely have countless people as strong or stronger than the current him, as Earth is a peaceful world unlike these other worlds filled with Empires and monsters all around.

A timer with 1 hour suddenly appeared and it was quickly going down, telling Lin Feng he has an hour to get ready before he is transported to the Weimo world. He sighs because he knows he cannot get out of this.

He grabbed his phone and recorded a short video explaining he will be leaving for a year, and telling them not to worry and to continue training. He then brought up his Status to check it out.

[Name: Lin Feng

-Gender: Male

-Race: Human

-Age: 17

-Rank: Silver

-Strength: E

-Agility: E+

-Dexterity: E

-Endurance: E

-Vitality: D

-Wisdom: F

-Intelligence: E-

-Skills: Danger Perception, Marksmanship, Martial Arts, Sword Arts, Cooking

-Points: 165

-Stat Points: 0]

'Hm. There is no point in keeping any points now, so I might as well buy something. Lets buy a skill, but which one should I buy? I really want to buy Stealth, but I am 35 points off for that.'

Lin Feng thought hard for a while and eventually settled on buying Night Vision. While buying Hawk Eye could serve to be very useful, Night Vision will allow him to see properly in the dark, which would help spot ambushes at night.

[You purchased the skill Night Vision: See perfectly clearly in the night time as if it was day time. The skill is active at all times.]

His points dropped down to 65 now, and he wondered what else he should buy. He thought for a while and decided to buy a few grenades, just in case he gets swarmed by enemies in the other world. Before he could buy them though, he was stopped by the System.

[Host cannot buy any modern weapons. All hosts guns and grenades will be unusable in the Weimo World.]

Lin Feng frowned. He did not expect that his guns would be rendered useless by going to the other world. He wanted to buy a bow now, but he doesn't have enough points for that. He would have to grab one when he was sent to the other world.

Thankfully his marksmanship skill also works with bows, as well as any other weapon that uses ranged attacks, which would allow him to use the bow at it's full potential. He sorted things out and put enough food to last him for a few months into his Inventory and sat on the sofa silently, waiting to be transported.

It didn't take long and he felt himself being pulled by something, which he didn't resist, as he felt this with the last teleport he used. He was dizzy for a few moments, but he quickly came back to his senses and looked around.

He found he was inside of a forest, and he was quite alert at that realization. Forests in this world would be full of monsters, and he doesn't know quite how strong they are. He kept his senses to the max and began to walk through the forest while following his map towards the green dot in the distance.

While moving, he felt something off and looked down at himself, only to see his clothes had been changed. His normal Earth clothes had been swapped to a snowy white robe, which appear to be what is used by this world.

Thankfully he has experience in wearing robes similar to this back when he was still the Fourth Young Master of his clan, even if that was a long time ago, so it isn't that awkward to walk in the robe and he quickly got used to it.

He quickly left the forest and found a town not far in the distance, which is where the green dot, or the Princess is currently at. He speeds up and got to the town in a few minutes, entering it and heading over to the green dots location, which is an Inn.

He opens the door to the Inn and spots group of people inside. Most of them are people with iron armor with swords and spears, while a few are wearing leather armor and have bows. Lin Feng instantly realizes they are guards and looks at the group sitting at a table.

There is a total of 5 sitting at the table. One is an old man that seems to be in his seventies, but Lin Feng can tell that the old man isn't that much weaker than himself! There are two other men at the table, and while they are significantly weaker than the old man, they are not that weak either.

The other two are girls. One girl is around her mid to late twenties and seems to have a cold aura around her constantly. The other girl is a teen probably around 17 or 18, and she has a childish and playful aura surrounding her, which Lin Feng can clearly feel.

"Stop staring at the Princesses with your filthy eyes!"

Lin Feng suddenly heard someone shout at him and saw one of the men from the table standing up while staring at him. He frowned when he heard someone yell at him for no reason, but before he could say anything back, the old man suddenly disappeared from the table and Lin Feng felt danger assault him.

He revolved his Inner Energy and leaped from his spot, appearing at the other side of the Inn as if he had teleported. His sword appeared in his hand and he stared at the old man who appeared behind his old spot with a sword stabbing right where his heart would of been.

Lin Feng felt angry. He wasn't even able to say anything yet when the man yelled at him for no reason, and then this old man tried to kill him. He was here to protect this Eldest Princess, but why should he even bother doing that when he is treated like this right off the bat?

He clenched his sword and sprinted at the old man, appearing in front of him like a shadow, stabbing his sword directly at the old mans heart. Since he tried to kill him first, Lin Feng would return the favor.

His speed was too fast for the old man to react fully, but he still managed to position his sword in front of his heart, which blocked the sword strike from Lin Feng. Still, Lin Femg's strength was higher than the old man, and the old mans sword directly broke into pieces while his body was sent flying back until he smashed into a wall of the Inn.

Everything happened too fast for anyone to react. They didn't expect that this young man in white that suddenly entered the Inn would defeat their strongest warrior within a few seconds. The old man was a general that even the Emperor respected! Yet he was defeated so simply by a young man the same age as the Third Princess...

Nobody could believe it, but when they saw the old man crawling up from the ground with blood leaking from his lips, they had to believe it. Their respected general, who led battles for 50 years, lost in an instant to a young man under twenty years of age.

If one looked closer, they could see fear lingering in the old mans gaze, but nobody noticed it expect for Lin Feng, as they were all staring at Lin Feng in shock. As for Lin Feng, he didn't expect the old man to actually block the strike of his.

He didn't mind though and put away his sword. He had calmed down after attacking the old man and could tell this was simply a test to see whether or not he was worthy to be the guard for the Eldest Princess.

The old man finally managed to get off the ground and he walked back to the group at the table and sat down heavily, clearly still injured from that strike of Lin Feng's. Everyone was silent for a few minutes before the older girl at the table spoke to Lin Feng.

"I apologize for that. We had to test whether or not you were fit to be my guard, which you passed perfectly. I did not expect that you could defeat General Wang in one hit... I guess that just proves how strong you are."

Lin Feng kept quiet and simply nodded at her, which nobody thought of as rude. They all clearly saw his strength, which would cause even the Emperor to respect him, never mind a Princess. Everyone kept quiet for a while again before the old man eventually spoke up.

"Since we have seen how strong you are, welcome aboard. We will be traveling to the Eldergreen Woods where the Eldest Princess is to retrieve an item belonging to her, which will elevate her position in the Royal Family. The journey will take a year and we will be fighting many bandits, monsters and most likely assassins."

The atmosphere quickly turned gloomy when assassins were spoke of, but it quickly turned normal again after a few moments. Lin Feng already knew assassins would be a given when he was sent to the world, and he is actually wondering how strong they could be.

This old man was a strong general in the Empire, but he was still defeated by Lin Feng in one attack even when he didn't go all out, which means that the assassins won't be all that strong, which let him be relieved.

Now all he really needs to watch out for is monsters, but he would deal with that once he got to it. He quietly listened to the old man speak about the journey with the Eldest Princess occasionally speaking up as well.

After a while, it was decided that they would sleep the night at the Inn and leave early in the morning, since it is already nighttime now. They ordered dinner from the Inn owners and after everyone finished eating, they all went upstairs and entered the room given to them.

Lin Feng was given a room to himself, which made him miss Lin Min already, as she has been sleeping with him ever since he obtained this System. Feeling somewhat lonely now that he is in another world, he lay on his bed and sigh before bringing up his Status.

[Name: Lin Feng

-Gender: Male

-Race: Human

-Age: 17

-Rank: Silver

-Strength: E

-Agility: E+

-Dexterity: E

-Endurance: E

-Vitality: D

-Wisdom: F

-Intelligence: E-

-Skills: Danger Perception, Marksmanship, Martial Arts, Sword Arts, Cooking, Night Vision

-Points: 65

-Stat Points: 0]

'I wonder if I can get any other missions while in this world, or if it will be only this single mission the whole year. If that is the case, I would be missing out on too much. In a year on Earth, I could probably earn 50 Stat Points and a few thousand points. Hah, I already miss Earth after a few hours.'

Lin Feng sighed again. He really wished this mission didn't appear, but since it did, he could only deal with it. He closed his eyes and left most of his awareness up, just in case anybody decides to attack him again as he quickly fell asleep.