
Overlooking the vastness of his armies, as dark clouds twisted like dragons through the skies, rolling thunder clashed like war drums on a battlefield, and lightning flashing threatening to strike down like heavens wrath. There he stood, beneath it all, The Lord Commander. With a face unblemished and as handsome as words could describe, yet it was etched with melancholy, understanding, and dissatisfaction.

His armor which once was shining pure gold to show the regal aura of his divinity, now covered in his blood. Surrounded by countless bodies as far as the eye can see, while his Spear drips blood from its jagged edge. There stood the lord commander, on a mountain peak in a quiet unknown realm. Watching on, as his once trusted aides lead his armies to interfere with his Godhood tribulation, to see him fail, and his soul wiped from existence.

"Yue Feng, Duan Mu, Xuan Futian..." sighed the lord commander. He had no sympathy for others, even less himself. For he understood his own actions which lead his followers to betray him, he treated everyone as though they were beneath him, they were all ants. Even his most trusted confidantes were a means to an end and expendable.

Had he succeeded in his rise to Godhood, he would have cast his armies and men away like the trash he saw they were. It was this thinking of his, that lead to their betrayal. His lack of understanding the heart and mind of men.

"I don't blame you at all...I lead you to the path you have stepped on and would have cast you all away like trash. The anger, unwillingness, and frustration in your hearts have finally boiled over. Watching me, so close to becoming a God who is so apathetic to you all, could you stand to be beneath a God of this caliber...Hahaha no I guess not" the lord commander lightly whispered. Yet it was like boiling rage and claps of thunder to the ears of all present.

"Lord Commander it is not that we wish to do this, but it is that we are left with no other option. Can we serve a God who doesn't give a shit about those who served him!? What about the mortals who are suffering, will you lend a hand in their time of need? Or will you see us as nothing but mere dirt beneath your foot as you always have!?" Duan Mu bellowed to the lord commander from the front of the armies at the base of the mountain.

"It is fine Duan Mu, I expected this of you. There's no need to come up with some righteous bullshit such as the mortals, when it's your selfish actions of wanting my power, don't piss on me and call it rain. Just understand that should I survive this, I will exterminate you all, all of your families down to the cats and dogs, my armies down to the cooks and chickens. No one will be safe...With that said I'll take my leave" Whispered the lord commander as his body lit up like a firefly on a dark summer night.

"Oh no! He's self imploding!!! Run!!!" Yelled Yue Feng as he took off before everyone else. As everyone ran, no one looked back to see a streak of light take off through the sky cutting through dimensions and planes. After a few more seconds of everyone using all of their techniques and skills to escape to the far reaches of the realm.

As time ticked by and nothing happened, everyone came to a screeching halt to look back after traversing nearly a million Li. "Bah...Yue Feng you chicken Shit! He wasn't self—" Xuan Futian was cut off by a blinding light and loud explosion. Even at the distance of a million Li no one was safe, a third of the immortal realm's strongest army was obliterated quietly in an unknown realm.

"....Sadly I couldn't take them all with my body...It's a good thing I kept my soul path a secret, Mind soul realm is really as obscure as legends say" the lord commander sighed lamenting over the lack of casualties he has caused.

"Welp! Time to start anew, which lucky individual will rise to become a God? Haha me! I am that lucky individual, sadly to say anybody I posses will become an empty shell for my use." No one would believe the stoic and soft spoken lord commander would make a joke.