Before The Storm (2) - Edit -

4019, Year Y. 5:10 am. Mist Kingdom

Lyn, the Queen Of The Mist Kingdom, woke up unusually early since she became Queen she seldom woke up this early unless she had urgent with work. With the nature of her workload as Queen, Lyn treasured her sleep. But today Lyn was awake before anybody else. Lyn glanced at the empty spot beside her and sighed deeply, well, she supposes this is normal now too.

A message?

Seeing the familiar bird, Lyn rushed over to the balcony and removed the scroll. A frown appeared on her face reading the contents. This could spell trouble, she better keep an eye out on that one for a while.


Queen Audience Chambers


"I hear you, Uncle Albert. What are you possibly dissatisfied about?

"My Queen, with all due respect. The Snow Kingdom has become too much. At this rate, our people will starve to death."

"I am already taking measures to ensure our people get food," Lyn replied calmly. Though she wonders how much longer disturbing the food from the palace and storage will last? It was a risk to use the food from the storage, however at the rate things are going it's like he said

"The food, where are you getting it?"

Yes, the food from the palace aside. Nobody knows about the storage.

"The royal family has always had measures against unexpected disasters. Of course, the famine of one's kingdom has never occurred in the mist kingdoms history. However, that does not mean previous royal families were unaware of such a disaster."

Uncle Albert shook his head, "My Queen, you're an excellent ruler. I'll give you that. But that is why I'm sure you understand. Whatever source you're using, there will be a limit. Eventually --"

"I understand."

"Then, please deal with the snow kingdom."

Lyn sighed, "Uncle Albert, what are you possibly dissatisfied about? The Head Knight and Mage have already gone out to investigate the matter. In fact, the moment there was signs of unusual activity, I had them take their leave."

She said these words, but she had already understood. This man wants war. His dislike of the snow kingdom is not unusual; everyone knows about it. Its common knowledge. Of course, he's going to take advantage of this opportunity to defame them. She continued, " As a ruler, I have to take in to account the best possible option that avoids war. But it appears as though you and several others wish to see our city plunge into a bloodbath?

Uncle Albert, seemed flustered, "T—that's not...."

"I'm aware the Snow Kingdoms riches and advancement interest you dear Uncle. However, even if we were to conquer their city. You would not get them." Lyn said.

After all, there's a secret behind the Snow Kingdoms luxury, one that is only known to three people.


Similar audiences followed after that. Two hours later, Lyn remained unmoved from her throne wholly drained of all energy.

"My Queen, your food is ready," Pupillam said.

"Sorry for the trouble. Could you ask them to the table over?"

Her advisor nodded and issued some orders to the servants.

Soon the mini round table was carried from its previous location and was placed in front of her. Pupillam poured the tea, "How were the audiences? " she asked while picking up a spoon and stirring the contents before passing it to her. Lyn thanked her and took a drink. The refreshing tea helped soothe her nerves.

"Did you not hear the comments on the way out?"

"Indeed I heard quite the interesting comments, 'Perhaps our Queen has gone crazy too.' 'She's too much; she doesn't understand what's going on right now.' 'She's allowing her personal feelings to get in the way."

Lyn laughed, "Despite how they said it, you have to admit they are right..." she trailed off, "Exactly what's going on, I still don't know."

"If I may offer a suggestion, why not send Miley out into the field? She's been itching for a fight."

Lyn shook her head and responded immediately, "No."

"My Queen is there something.."

"I received word from Kristy earlier." Lyn paused, "She discovered similar markings that left in the village we found Miley two years ago. The danger is far too great."

Is it merely a coincidence? The first clue they get regarding the situation has something to do with her knights?

"That's troubling.."

Lyn nodded, "I don't understand what it means yet. But, if Miley is causing a fuss about wanting a fight, eventually that girl may go off on her own." It wouldn't be the first time. After all, since she signed a treaty with the Queen of snow, there's been relative peace and seldom hardly any battles. Since picking up Miley two years ago, she's only brought the girl to the battlefield twice.

"She's still a young girl, you're concerned about her age are you not?"

"That is my reason, yes. I understand age is a mere number during our time. But Miley is still a child."

"It has been two years since you picked her up, she's 14. But a very good at combat, while she dislikes formal affairs. She does a splendid job at her work. Indeed, she's the perfect subordinate." Pupillam said.

Lyn nodded, "I know."

She does understand that Miley is very talented. The girl posses a skill that far surpassed those her age.

"I understand your concerns, my Queen. But we cannot keep her cooped up forever. Eventually, she must learn the dark secrets of the times we live in." Pupillam explained.

Lyn understood that. She supposes this is a better time than ever. Lyn sighed, "I always seem to lose arguments with you."

Pupillam simply smiled, before she replied, "As your advisor, my Queen, may I offer a proposal for Madam Miley's bordem?"

"Oh? You have an idea; I'm all ears."