The Most Loyal General (1)

Growing old is similar to death; others feel the need to avoid mentioning their lives when they become older because they fear it. There are others who act normal about it. The people who can do this are one, those with false bravery. They plant it in their heads that there is nothing wrong, that it is a natural process that happens. Indeed, one can brush it off and live with that excuse until they age. But there are those who understand the concept of growing old and death. These people fall under the normal and avoiding category, depending on one's circumstances. The Mist Kingdoms General Teo fell in between the two. Growing older for him was a curse. It did not mean death. No, dying would be a lot better. For him, it meant no longer being able to suppress his dragon half.

Teo got up a few moments ago and remained still. He tried to get up but noticed that the Queen put a binding spell around him. Teo supposed it was natural, though Teo does not know how much time has passed. From the state of the room, even after she knocked him out and brought him back - he must have remained in his dragon state. Teo thought back to the events that took place and sighed heavily. What was he doing causing trouble for the Queen like that? He was in a rush, yes, but that did not mean causing trouble for her.

The most stupid mistake he committed than activating his dragon side was leaving the Queen's side. How stupid.


Regardless of the condition of his body, Teo heard movement outside his door and called out, "Is anyone out there?"

A timid looking maid in a bun stepped out, "General."

"Does the Queen have a message for me?" Despite the weakness in his body, Teo managed to speak.

The maid seemed surprised but nodded, "Ah yes, she told us to inform you that.

He did not have to ask the maid the details.


Year 4019 Mist Kingdom - Castle, throne room

One of the main reasons why people are dissatisfied with her rule is due to her treatment of her knights. Yes unlike most Lyn admits that she prefers the treat everybody as an equal method rather than discriminate against them based on rank. Yes, she admits to occasionally spoiling them. But what people don't know is that even she can get angry. Lyn sat on her throne, a cold and indifferent look on her face. Three people were kneeling, Lan, Miley, and Pupillam. "Who to start with?"

The three exchanged looks.

"My Queen, I have to apologize, but I simply couldn't leave you alone."

While she was angry at all of them, the one she was least mad at was Pupillam. They spent so many years together so of course, Lyn knew of her habits. This isn't the first time she disobeyed an order like this too. Lyn sighed, "Scolding short for you. I understand what you did. But Allen used that chance to follow and now his wounds reopened. Please be more wary of the situation; you are my sword but your also my shield."

"Yes, my Queen." Pupillam said.

Lyn smiled, "Come over."

Pupillam nodded and stood in the spot beside her, like she normally would.

Now then, she glanced back at the two. The scolding for these two will take longer, or rather for them. She will have to punish them, won't she? Though Lan and Miley leaving were part of the plan. Several things that should not have happened occurred because of their careless actions. Between these two, the one that deserves the most scolding will go last.

"Lan, what did I tell you about activating that state in the middle of a village?"

"You told me under no circumstances to activate it."

"And what did you do?"

"Activate it."

Lyn sighed, Lan is too polite. He isn't even arguing back. Lan could easily use the excuse of meeting with unexpected danger. Then again, "Your sword worked against him?"

"Yes my Queen, it worked. I could hold him back."

"Then you got distracted?" Lyn clarified.

Lan said nothing in response to that and Lyn followed his gaze. Lan looked over at Miley and sighed. Miley easily caught on.

Miley harshly glared at Lan but kept her voice down, "Hey why are you blaming me."

"Is it not your fault Madam Miley, what were you doing activating your magic after I told you to stay hidden?" Lan questioned.

"I was experimenting."

Lan raised his eyebrow, "In the middle of a battlefield?"

"But I was bored, did you expect me to sit back and watch?" Miley complained.


While thinking of a punishment, Lyn let the two bicker away like a married couple. Though she held a meeting with the elder council regarding what happened, they couldn't agree. Or rather the punishments they suggested were too brutal and cruel. While Lyn understood the reason why she won't inflict a punishment so severe that will cause even more wounds on the young girl.

Her thoughts broke off when she felt a familiar presence by the door. So he woke up. "And what do you want to add to this? General Teo."

The one she wanted to scold the most was the general. Otherwise, she would have had this talk with him earlier. The doors opened, and the General stepped out. Judging from his staggering movements, Lyn understood that he forcibly left his bed. Well, she did instruct the maids on duty to tell him to see her the moment he woke up. That may be harsh, but this incidence caused the lives of innocent people.

Teo somehow walked across the long room to the area where the other two were, "I have no excuse."

Lyn sighed; this is the problem with loyalty. None of them voice their opinions, and she can easily predict their behaviors too. Even Miley seemed to understand that she did something wrong and barely complained.

"For my behavior, I can offer no excuse. But please take back Miley's punishment, she is still a child. She makes mistakes."

"Mas--" Miley almost slipped up until Lan nudged her, Miley quickly corrected herself. "General."

Teo continued, "Moreover doing this will taint her image and destroy the hard work she has built over the years. If you do not mind me saying so, everybody knows how you dot on her and if you demote her. People will say she fell out of your favor."

"Indeed, demoting her would hurt her image. But Miley understands the consequences of her actions. That village was already going through a famine and harsh time. Now they have to deal with their remaining field burned down." Lyn said coldly. Honestly, she does understand the general's points, but if she doesn't give out a suitable punishment, then rumors would start again.

Though the elders can be stubborn, there are some who are reasonable. She does not want to lose their trust and the trust of their people too. "Since the General insists on fighting for you, may I hear your thoughts, Miley?" Lyn turned her attention back to the girl.

"I will follow whatever punishment you deem fit."

Miley has times where she does not act like her age. This occasion is one of them. Lyn stood up and made her way over; she lifted Miley's chin, "Miley, you must still receive punishment."


"But instead of a demotion, you will temporarily live in confinement in the silver palace and be placed under Lans division."

Miley's face color turned pale; Lyn could tell that she disliked this new punishment. It was only natural for her too. The silver palace is where Lans family resides. Yes, this punishment was exclusively for Miley and Miley alone.

"Gahhh, I can't. I can't be left al----" Miley stopped her sentence when Teo coughed and sent a warning look in Miley's direction. The girl swallowed her words. Lan lips curve to a smile. Pupillam appeared worried however nodded in agreement.

Now that's sorted, Lyn gaze fell back on the general who also looked over.

"Everybody else is dismissed, but General Teo, remain."