The Lonely Queen

"Do you think of me as a man who would break my word?" Allen asked Cordelia a question before answering hers.

Cordelia looked at him with a blank expression on her face, "I don't believe I'm familiar with you enough to answer that," Fair enough. Cordelia continued, "But, I do want you to respect this marriage."

"If I do not do as you say?" Allen implied that her conditions were too risky. Even if he were to put on that mask in front of other people; if something were to happen, Allen knew he would choose Lyn, regardless.

Cordelia seemed to understand that and nodded to herself, before she spoke up, "If a situation like that were to arise then so be it," This woman honestly does not want anything, she does not expect anything. But she is not blindly going along with everything. Allen extended his hand out, and she blinked. It was the first proper reaction he got from her.

"May I escort you back?"

"You may," Cordelia said.


No sooner did he take Cordelia back, Allen received a message regarding Lyn's condition and made his way over a few moments ago. For the past hour, Allen found himself taking care of her. It was easy to deduce what was wrong when he saw how pale she was, so he used his powers. The effects immediately took place, and he drew his hand back.

Only a few moments had passed when she suddenly stirred awake, "How are you feeling?" Allen asked, as he gently caressed the girl's hair.

"I feel better, did you--" Allen cut her off and nodded. Lyn smiled softly at him, "Thank you, oh where's Marchioness Cordelia? She was due to arrive today correct?"

"I sent her away to her chambers; she wishes to rest since the journey was long."

Lyn nodded, "I see."

An awkward silence passed between them, before Allen spoke up, "Was it you who invited her here?"

"Rather than get to know her in less than a week. Is it not better for her to come here so you can learn about her properly before you get married?" Lyn said.

Though the elders have yet to speak to him properly, Allen figured that the wedding preparations started already, "You don't find it awkward? If she stays here, our engagement banquet will.." 'have to be in this place' Allen, held those words back.

Lyn smiled weakly, "Honestly, I'm a bit jealous."

"...Do not joke with me."

The woman laughed, "But I am. My engagement banquet with Kazuya was in the sound kingdom, seldom people attended, and I spent half of it trying to appease his relatives. My proper one was here with you," Lyn paused, "So I associate the banquet matter with you."

And yet she married another man, how ironic.

"It's a political marriage, I have no interest in a woman I just met," Allen quickly corrected himself, "You were the only exception to that, and even then I visited you beforehand to understand," Lyn said nothing in reply, and it worried him. Allen called out to her softly, "Lyn?"

"Kazuya, when will I see him again?" Lyn whispered.


Two days later, Mist Kingdom - Palace - Library

I would give you everything

There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do

To ensure your happiness

I'll cherish every part of you

Because without you beside me I can't survive - King Kazuya

Lyn sat by the window by several rows of book scattered beside her. She spotted him on the way over, her childhood friend - the King of the wind kingdom. The platinum-colored haired King makes his way over, "There you are Lyn.."

Lyn beamed happily upon seeing him, "Ah, Allen. Good morning. I slept well, thanks to you."

Allen nodded; he casually slides his arms around the girl's waist, " Did you eat breakfast?"

She shook her head, "Mm not yet," Lyn replied since earlier she found herself distracted with research. Quite some time has passed since she could do something like this though.

"Shall we go together?"

Lyn absent mindedly replies, "Sure," But her mind was in a daze, "Say Allen?"

"What is it?"

"It's only natural since I'm the only one in my family that inherited the cursed blood, that I have to deal with the dark side affairs right?" Lyn asked, and Allen nodded, Lyn continued, "Yet the one who probably wants peace the most is me. ," Lyn murmured.

As she spoke those words Lila noticed Allen staring at the books scattered by her feet, Lyn continued before he could say a word, "But ah thinking that at this stage is foolish isn't it?"

It must be strange for Allen, having someone tell him these words. After all, upon their first formal meeting, she's the one who confronted him about battle plans. However, those words could also have another meaning

"Then, do you require my help? You cannot gain the peace you seek you desire so much by yourself," Lyn felt Allen brush his fingers across her hair, "I am aware that you sneaked of last night and also sustained an injury. My dear Lyn, even if it will come to an end soon. Allow me to help you while I still have the power to do so."

Lyn understood the meaning behind his words, "….You are already doing so much for me. How could I possibly ask for anything more?"

"It is not enough," Allen said, "Allow me to assist you, my dear, properly. At least use my strength until that man returns."

Allen pulled her into his arms then, and Lyn laughed softly, "Aha Allen, you've become rather bold."

"I suppose this is what one would refer to as 'taking advantage of the situation.' "

"Oh my you're right." she trails off, "Really, you're too cruel Allen. You leave me with no room to argue. How could I possibly refuse you now?"

"That will not do Lyn. If you feel as though I am forcing you then there is no need for you to agree."

Lyn reached out and gently caressed Allen's cheeks," You misunderstand my words. I cannot refuse you now because you've convinced and proved so otherwise that your love for me is so strong. Allen, please help me."


When Lyn recalled the events from earlier, a deep sigh escaped her lips. Whenever it comes to Allen, she ends up getting caught with the flow. Wasn't she the one who invited Lady Cordelia here? What is she doing re-confirming Allen's feelings for her? All she wants is to see Allen happy, and Lady Cordelia is a kind woman. She is unlike all those other noble women who care about appearance and power. The two are a perfect match. But if Allen were to leave her side now, then Lyn knew she would truly break down.

She has nothing; nobody else left at her side. After what happened with her sister, her family gradually grew distant from her. Lyn ascended the throne and became the Queen, a good Queen with the power to protect people. But in the end, it doesn't change the fact that she's lonely.

Lyn closed her eyes; currently, she was resting in her room. At least that's what she was supposed to be doing. Up till moments ago, Lyn was busily engaged in paperwork - but realizing her present state of mind was terrible, she finally put the work down. Kazuya...


Mist Kingdom, (Main Castle- Manor Gardens) Year 4014

"Why don't you marry me?"

Lyn rolled her eyes at Kazuya's question. Already a month has passed since he came here and yet the two of them got close. For a while, during Allen's stay, they dismissed her from her Knight duties and wore her princess garments. The long dress was somewhat uncomfortable. But as of late, she wore them even when she snuck off to meet Kazuya.

His status in the mist kingdom as a guest remained unknown. Usually, when one stays for a long time, they would be granted a status of some sort, but they had not given Kazuya any. Lyn pouted, "Forget that, why aren't you asking me for help?"

Kazuya smiled, "Regarding my status? They don't even mark me as a foreign exchange student," Kazuya trailed off and laughed, "They must hate me."

"Don't sound so proud about it. This isn't fair, you should get a title," Lyn trailed off, "Even though it's stupid, if you don't have one in this world you'll get laughed at," her sentence fell short when Kazuya reached over and grabbed a strand of her hair between his fingers and kissed it, "What are you doing?"

"Just showing you some love."

"Are you an idiot?" Lyn muttered, but she wanted to thank him. The words she said just now referred more to her own situation than his. She may have a title, but she's a princess in name only.


Lyn opened her eyes and extended her hand out.

Let her introduce herself once again.

Lyn, daughter of the 38th Queen Orthez and 44th King Daichi. Because of special circumstances behind her birthmark. She lived the first half of her life in isolation.

But that changed once she met Kazuya the autumn she was sixteen and approaching seventeen.

After much trial and error married King Kazuya age 17 and became Queen.

Five years later age twenty-two, she is engaged in a battle with her best friend and -- Lyn's gaze fell on the empty spot beside her.

Her husband is missing.