Long Time No See (1)

30 minutes later. In a span of thirty minutes, the tide of the battle changed.

Teo did not realize yet again what she was up too. He easily fell for her provocation regarding the usage of his dragon form. Would this have happened if his thoughts weren't distracted? Since arriving at the western border, no since leaving the Mist Kingdom, since having that talk with Queen Lyn. Teo noticed something amiss with his behavior, but he didn't want to think about it too much. Yet maybe he should have addressed the issue before heading to battle; otherwise, he could have prevented a lot of deaths. Teo was clutching his wounded arm, as he laid on the ground. He tried several times to get up, but Cyann had aimed for his legs the moment he became weak. The cause for his weakening is the amulet she held in her hands.

When she suddenly pulled that out, Teo didn't pay much attention to it. The effect was not immediate, and Cyann too seemed puzzled. But the more he fought using his dragon powers, the more the amulet grew. Eventually, he felt his heart throbbing and his vision going blurry. Before Cyann could do anymore though, somebody charges straight towards his daughter.

Teo couldn't mistake who it was despite his blurred figure. After knocking Cyann's weapon away and retrieving his blade from the beast. Lyn muttered a few words, a single enchantment from the forbidden arts books. Fifty arrows in the shape of beautiful diamonds filled the sky, and it was over in one go. The moment she raised her hand, the beasts Cyann worked hard to summon vanished.

Her gallant figure stood before him.

For a split second, it felt like he wasn't breathing. That was stupid, of course, he was. He watched as in one full sweep the Queen easily disposed of the beasts that Cyann summoned in one go. The girl clicked her tongue in annoyance, "Too strong." Teo caught his daughter's words and had to agree. The Queen seldom resembled how she used to be. Though she still had moments where she was childlike and innocent, she's grown up into a strong lady. Mentally and physically, both things would naturally happen. But it still surprised him.

For a split few moments, the battlefield was silent when the sound of a galloping horse broke the silence.

"Little Lyn, your fast as usual."

Teo's eyes go wide when he heard the familiar voice, despite the pain he felt Teo looked up, and sure enough it was somebody he knew. His old master, the Bennet household retired supreme general Adrien, "Master."

Adrien looked down at him and shook his head, "Seems like you still get too emotional on the battlefield boy," Teo looked away ashamed. However, Adrien waltz over and extended his hand out, "Get up, you did nothing wrong this time. Little Lyn scolded you too much." Teo understood what his mentor meant. Adrien was trying to say that it's not that Cyann is stronger than him. It's because his mental state wasn't right that things ended up this way. Teo was still trying to process the fact that the Queen was here, let alone the mentor he had not seen in so many years.

At that comment, the Queen shot daggers in his mentor's direction. But as per usual that did not matter to Adrien, Teo got up with the older man's help. The weakness in his body felt surreal, who would have thought that a single artifact would be enough to deplete him of all his strength? What he's curious about is where Cyann got that artifact. Teo didn't get a proper look, but he knew it the amulet is created from rare materials that are hard to find in any area of the empire.

Queen Lyn looked over at Cyann and exhaled deeply, "Are you done?" The Queen's words filled with nothing but coldness.

Cyann took a few steps back, "Queen Lyn, why are you here?" It was clear that the Queen's words and harsh gaze seemed to frighten Cyann and yet his daughter bravely spoke up. Teo wanted to praise her for this. It rendered him speechless when he was on the receiving end of the Queen's coldness, to think Cyann can say something.

The Queen wore a cold gaze; it felt like all traces of the heat of the bloodstained battlefield had vanished, replacing it with her glacier said.

"I have to apologize," Lyn started. Cyann's eyes seemed hopeful then but quickly returned to normal when Lyn continued, "It seems like my words distracted your father from the fight you wanted."

Cyann gripped her weapons tightly and charged towards the Queen. Judging from the girl's growing anger, and the speed of her attack. The damage would be a large one; however, Queen Lyn swiftly moved to the side and used the other end of her blade as she hit Cyann.

"My patience has its limits. But I won't kill you. Instead, "Lyn's gaze fell on the general, "Why don't we play a game of cat-and-mouse hide and seek? I'll let you escape from here and let's see how long it will take for you to escape from me," Though the Queen now wore a smile on her face, her words were still cold and deadly.

The Queen implied that Cyann had nowhere to run; she could not escape this situation. If she tried to use magic to get herself to the Snow Kingdom or where her allies camps are, the Queen would stop her. The second option would be to fight, but that would do her little good. The difference in strength between the two is clear as day.

"I---I will surrender." Cyann stammered after a little while.

Teo wanted to praise her daughter for her bravery; he knew well he at least learned how much pride she now had. Submitting so quickly like this isn't easy for her. Queen Lyn nodded and called out, "Lan."

A man with long pale-colored hair emerged from behind the wall where he threw one of the enemies earlier. But he wasn't alone, other men wearing the Mist Kingdom cloaks were with him. Teo recognized them as Lans squad and nodded. Though Teo questioned her choice of escort, he was relieved to see that she didn't travel here alone.

"Take Cyann back to the Mist Kingdom," Lyn instructed.

"Yes, my Queen."

Lyn nodded before she quickly added, "And give the General the letter."

Lan chuckled, "I think you mean letters."

A deep sigh escaped Lyn's lips, "For somebody who made a declaration that she would see her mission to the end she's fussing too much."

Teo understood right away who they meant. It touched him knowing Miley thought to write him letters, even if they are filled with complaints. He did not mind. Teo knew his disciple well; after all, he knew how mundane tasks like writing are bothersome for her. Lan walked over and handed him his whole pouch, "You can return the bag later, you'll lose the letters if I simply gave them to you."

Teo peeked inside the bag, and his gaze fell on a large amount of paper, "It seems like the rest of my punishment won't be a dull one," Teo commented.

The fourth knight looked at him for a moment before he sighed deeply, "I think you'll be surprised when you meet Madam Miley again."


"Well, let's just say I think she's suited to the life of a scholar," Lan paused, "No, suited to the life of a regular girl. Her only attachment to the world of fighting is you."

Teo did not say a word; he knew he couldn't counter the fourth knight on this one. That's right, unlike him. Miley does not deserve to live a life of war and bloodshed. Yes, people like Miley and even the Queen. The Queen, Teo looked over and noticed a dark expression loomed on her face and Teo understood why. She was looking at the scene of the battle. This must be hard for her. After all, she and King Kazuya worked hard to bring the Mist Kingdom peace and lessen the conflicts throughout the land. None of this was supposed to happen.


Teo got one last look at his daughter before she disappeared inside the carriage. He wanted to speak with her, it's not like the Queen, or anyone was stopping him. In fact, some soldiers didn't approach him for a reason so he could speak with Cyann. But since earlier he could not talk. What could he tell her? How does he explain it to her? He doesn't even know if his own wife is dead. The state of the battle then was too hectic even after it ended.

After Lan handed Miley's letters to him, Teo didn't think he would speak to him again. Since the jousting tournament, his loathing for the man has increased. But Teo found Lan looking at him, a few seconds passed by when Lan spoke up, "I advise you to be more careful General. Enemies are lurking right beside you," Lan commented.

He rolled his eyes at warning of Lan's. Is he speaking about himself?

The Queen interrupted them, "Now then we should be on our way."

Huh? Teo looked at her in disbelief.

"I'll pass on your message to King Allen," Lan said.

"I'm sure the council is already nagging at him but..he can handle it himself," Lyn said. Wait for what? Teo didn't want to say it out loud, but the Queen read his thoughts, and smiled, "I shall join you for a while General alongside Uncle Adrien."

She's crazy. No Queen would leave their Kingdom during these times. Teo felt his mentor pat his shoulder, "I understand, boy. Queen Orthez was insane too."

He supposed it runs in the blood then.