The Most Trusted Advisor (6)

It's because of her that somebody lost their life today.

Pupillam felt her heart grow heavy at the thought.

She understood that it isn't entirely her fault. She knew better than to shoulder the blame completely. But even so, it doesn't change the present circumstances, where somebody got hurt because of her reckless behavior. Pupillam turned to the opposite direction and didn't say a word. She ought to find that woman when she saw how the man's assistant remained shaken. She knew he could not help her. With this in mind, Pupillam knew she had to deal with it herself.

Her thoughts, however, broke off when she felt a familiar warmth grab hold of her hand, "..."


The hand belonged to the First Prince, Andrew.

He looked at her with a dark expression on his face.

"What are you doing?"

Andrew's tone didn't contain amusement; he even gave her a cold stare.

"Unhand me," Pupillam murmured, "I have to find that woman; otherwise everybody here is as good as dead."

The Snow Kingdom's Secret Agent is not a person one can provoke easily. Not complying to her demands is far too risky, if a person doesn't do as she said. Then one can expect the death toll count to increase. Even long before this fight with the Snow Kingdom, the woman named Somina's methods were always brutal.

Somina's temper was short. Perhaps it was because of the title of Secret Agent; she has to cope and put up with a lot of things as a spy leading to her bottling up a lot of pent-up feelings.

The release to these feelings took on the shape of torture - when she can finally reveal her identity. Pupillam shuddered at the thought; she remembers accompanying the woman several times in the past when things were still okay between their Kingdoms.

The woman's ruthless and brutal methods were something she heard of. But Pupillam just thought they were rumors that held no merit. So imagine what she felt when she saw it with her own eyes.

"Does she bear a grudge against you? For what happened during the battle three years ago?" Andrew calmly asked. This man is always calm; even the sight earlier did not disturb him. It did not mean however that he was heartless. It meant he had seen much death in his life that such things no longer phased him. If somebody constantly saw death, and torture every day of their lives. It's natural one's heart becomes cold.

Pupillam nodded, "It's a personal grudge. Back then when we got trapped with a group of people in a cave. We were waiting for reinforcements when the enemy lured us away from the front lines, and we had no choice but to hide there," Pupillam paused, the memories of that day bothered her greatly. Just thinking about it caused her face color to turn pale. It was the first time she faced the wrath of the woman named, 'Somina.'

She shook her head and took a deep breath. It's better if she explains things properly, "I didn't realize at the time that the enemy intended for us to enter that cave. But Somina did. I never found out exactly how dangerous that cave was - but after a few days in there I understood. Staying in that place for a long time would drive a person crazy. A person would see images of their past life, or their future - or the very thing they are scared of."


"I believe so, but I'm unsure what type. It was not a mere illusion. Back then for me, the only fear I had was losing the Queen," Pupillam lied, "So I was quick to overcome it since I knew King Kazuya was standing by her side. I sensed something wrong. But before I could speak to my companions and tell them, it was already too late. They broke."

Andrew did not say a word for a while before he nodded, "I heard reports that we lost a group of people because they went crazy. The reports were vague then."

"I asked the Queen to suppress the rumors. Not only was it a traumatizing experience - I didn't want the family members of those people to be traumatized too. And I didn't want them to know what Somina did."

"You tried to avoid an awkward situation with the Snow Kingdom."

"The reason we got out of the cave despite those circumstances was due to the Snow Kingdom Queen's personal army. She personally came over and saved us," Pupillam said.

Even now Pupillam had not forgotten the warmth and kindness of the woman who saved them. A person that's the complete opposite to Queen Lyn, unlike the Queen the woman named as J was a noble who cared and upheld status. But even then she swallowed her pride to save a bunch of people with lower status, and who she would generally throw aside.

Sure she was the Queen's 'aide,' but she started up from a household that made her way up the ranks. It was only natural that her value was low.

"Before they saved you, a fight?"

"As I said, everybody quickly turned crazy. They couldn't overcome the visions. Somina and I were the only ones who managed it. To get out quickly, Somina proposed a spell that involved human limbs and blood as an offering. It seemed simple using blood - but when she mentioned using human limbs. I knew she was trying to get something out of this. I looked into her eyes and noticed it. I was the only one who overcame it safely, and the one it pushed into the corner was Somina."

Perhaps something similar happened before, that's why Queen J personally came over. Either way, "That woman wants my blood for what happened before," she shivered at the thought. A part of her had become afraid after what happened with Somina before. Though Somina's methods were 'brutal,' Pupillam somehow turned a blind eye to things. However, after what happened three years ago. She could no longer dismiss the fear in her heart.

She cannot let others get dragged into this personal grudge; this is something she ought to settle herself. When Andrew took the coat, he was using off and wrapped it around her shoulders. Her shivering stopped, Pupillam hadn't realized how cold the weather was. She thought she was shaking due to the fear in her heart.

"Prince Andrew?" she asked pulling the cloak closer to her body.

"Let us head back Pupillam."

Her eyes go wide, alarmed, "We mustn't. I have to confront her."

"I shall not let you. You will remain in the castle until your departure. I shall see to it that you do not step one foot out until two days from now."

Pupillam looked at him perplexed, is this man serious? He can't seriously expect to lock her up in the Rose castle mansion until this is all over. He must know that Somina wouldn't attack her on the road. This man knows a lot more than meets the eye; he didn't seem surprised to hear her story.

Perhaps Queen Lyn told him everything. The Queen is one of the seldom few who knew of their connection. Maybe she wanted to make sure that somebody else knew of the circumstances, just in case something were to happen.