The Truth

Year 4019 Mist Kingdom Sacred Church

After much investigation, this was the last place. Lyn was skeptical when she saw it at first. A church of all areas? While there are many across the realms who are religious, those people are commoners who. Most people who have shed blood with their own hands before, do not bother with religion because they've stained their own hands.

Likewise, she was the same. After destroying so many lives with her own hands, does she really have the right to pray to God? The answer is no. She must take responsibility for her actions.

They spilt into three groups, her and Rhys, Pupillam and General Teo and Supreme General Adrien by himself. A deep sigh passed her lips, why does she always end up with Rhys recently? How annoying. Her thoughts broke off when she sensed movement heading towards them.

The last person she expected to see was Gabrielle's father. Gabrielle's father Rick ran towards them frantically. Somebody seemed to chase him. Lyn wasted no time, "Rhys."

"Yeah, yeah."

The matter is dealt with in seconds; they heard a painful cry in the direction she sent Rhys.

"Thank you, dear-" Gabrielle's father Rick paused when he finally realized who she was, "Q-Queen Lyn," he looked frightened. There was no trace of that confidence from the last time they met each other at all.

The last time they met, he kept on spouting nonsense about the way she ran the Kingdom. During that time though, Lyn didn't think much or rather paid much attention to him. She just showed him the minimum amount of respect since he's Gabrielle's father. She had a lot going on then and didn't have the time to listen to an old man rambling.

Though Lyn detected resentment, it wasn't in her place to do anything about it. Lyn knew about the resentment since she took the throne. Gabrielle's parents made it clear when they didn't attend her wedding and made their daughter late.

Previously she could dismiss things because she simply didn't care. Lyn knew what taking the throne meant. She knew that people would resent her. 'If they want to hate me, then all right. As long as they make no trouble for the Kingdom.' Indeed, since Lyn became Queen, she pretty much let people get away with things not because she isn't aware of their misdeeds.

But simply because their actions didn't harm the Kingdom in any way. Of course, that was careless on her part, that made people think she was weak and thus they exploited it.

"Sir Rick, now that I've saved your life we can we talk?"

"But you didn't save me--"

"Then, do you want to listen to me?" Rhys said, a dangerous glint in his eyes.

At that comment, Rick frantically shook his head, "Wait a moment I'll talk! I'll talk."


For the next few minutes, Rick explained the situation to them.

"Well, isn't that lovely? I didn't have to listen to you blab on; my theory proved correct except," Lyn trailed off, "Now I know that Gabrielle took the poison willingly."

"Poison?" the man's voice turned weak, "What are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb; you should know what poison I'm talking about."

"That poison...but wait," realization hit the man, "My daughter? What happened to my daughter?"

"She's dead."


"Gabrielle passed away while giving birth to my brother and her child."

"..." The man looked down a guilty expression on his face. "She was pregnant? That's why she didn't go home?"

"Well aren't you smart," Lyn said sarcastically, "Don't you think it's strange? You trained your daughter yourself, so you should be aware right? Gabrielle was trained in poisons. She could smell those things from a mile away." Lyn recalled back when her identity was revealed to the public; many people started to poison her. When Gabrielle heard of that, she stayed in the castle for an extended period.

"She took it willingly... she..."

"Now I understand why. Your daughter wanted to end her life because you forcibly continued to impede her marriage. You knew my brother would help me with the dark side of the Kingdom like he helped Mother in the past. You always gave Eldest Brother an excuse to leave her side, even during her pregnancy. You did it deliberately. The one person who has visited her frequently this whole time is that man!

"How come you.."

"Please, do you think I'm stupid?"

Rick's face grew even paler, "Do you think that he tried to touch her?"

"I don't have to think, there were signs of something like that happening in her room," Lyn paused. She thought it was strange that Gabrielle secluded herself to another palace, one with fewer servants too. What's even stranger is she set up two baby rooms, one in the Rose Palace and one in the other. It's as though she knew. During her pregnancy, Gabrielle is at her weakest. Lyn clenched her fist, "If I find out that it actually happened, no...I'm sure my brothers went to investigate that matter."

"...He's gone?"

"He couldn't take it, her death. He loved her that much. But of course, those words are meaningless to you. You just wanted your daughter to be the Queen; things like feelings didn't matter to you."

It disgusted her. While it's the typical attitude found in most elite's, she can't accept it.

Lyn bent down and whispered in his ear, "Get out of my sight. I don't want to see you ever again, in the Mist Kingdom lands. I'm aware somebody is after you, so I'll send a group to escort you to a safe place. But the rest is up to you. Do not step foot into the Mist Kingdom lands ever again; do not mention Gabrielle's name or even utter it. Filth like you don't deserve to say her name."


Once they were a reasonable distance away, Rhys spoke up.

"Are you sure?" Rhys kept looking back at the spot they just left.

Lyn nodded, "I'll pay him this one last respect. But this is as far as I can go," Lyn clenched her fist. She wanted to; she wanted to hit him. But when she saw his pained face at the mention of his daughters face she couldn't do it. It's his fault Gabrielle took her own life.

Rhys pulled her into his arms, and she struggled to break free, "Just let me hug you, stupid woman. You have to calm down Lyn; it's all right."

Calm down?

How does she?

Kazuya isn't here, and everything's falling apart around her.