A Letter From My Beloved

A few minutes later

They spilt up to different teams this time; thankfully they left her alone. She didn't want to be left with Rhys. For the last few minutes, she looked at the various books. But what stood out was the large map in the center. It didn't take her long to figure out why such a large room only had various books in the surroundings.

When Lyn finally connected the last dot, her eyes widened, and her gaze turned dark. So that's it. They did this deliberately. The first town was the only genuine lead to where Kazuya was, the rest of the places they purposely spread rumors and planted evidence. Lyn didn't know how they got some of Kazuya's belongings. But now she is certain; this investigation won't do her anymore good. She won't find anything else in this place.

"Queen Lyn?" General Adrien called out to her. He emerged through the door and walked over.

"They tricked me."

"Didn't you know that deep down?"

Lyn nodded, "I just thought that maybe amongst all these fake clues. Kazuya would appear and clarify them. But, he isn't here. He isn't anywhere in the Mist Kingdom or the places nearby."

They've already searched ten towns, in between the Mist Kingdom and the Snow Kingdom If he isn't in these places, then he's much further down. Lyn knew she couldn't go that far. No matter how strong she is, if she got too close to the Snow Kingdom under these conditions, then it would be bad. Everybody even the newly arrived Pupillam looked exhausted.

She can't continue pursuing things for her selfish desires.

Adrien patted her back, "Dear child, your intentions may have been to search for your beloved. But you helped your brother get revenge. While there is still another mastermind, you've done well. His heart can be at ease now."

Lyn looked down at her feet, "But I..Kazuya," Lyn repeated in a trance.

If she were to return to the Mist Kingdom now, then they'd never let her go. Lyn understood that she had her duty as Queen to fulfill. But she wanted to see Kazuya; she wanted to meet with him. Perhaps Lyn wasn't thinking rationally when she left the castle. However, now she is, she really wants to meet with him again. This lonely feeling in her heart; this agony will not go away until she sees him.

"I'll search for him."

Eh? Lyn looked at him with wide eyes, "You'll..search for..?"

"Even though they were trying to get you off the trail, I made Gabrielle's father drop some actual hints," Adrien walked over to the map, "Get rid of this and this."


"See? Doesn't this look more reasonable."

"The symbol," Lyn placed her hand on the map, "Of the Sound Kingdom?"

"And if we spin this."

They hear a click sound and the board flipped over, in the center is a small box. Her eyes widened when she saw it, and she picked it up.

Dear Lyn

This is unreasonable to ask.

But eventually, I need you to go to the Snow Kingdom - and maybe save my butt?

Right now people are pursuing me because I stumbled upon their secret.

So I'll leave the things I found to you.

And also, I know you really miss me.

So take my cloak and a few things.

Well, I wonder how long you can preserve my scent with this.

I know you're crying a lot because of me. But don't worry, we will be reunited soon. If you see that stupid Rhys, tell him to protect you until I return. Damn, make sure he does nothing to you. Wave your blade at him, that knife scars him after you used it the first time.

Ah, damn it. I really want to keep rambling, do you mind if I do? I missed you so much, Lyn. Do you have any idea how many occasions I wanted to turn my horse back and return to the Mist Kingdom to embrace you in my arms again?

It took all my willpower not to go back. Hey, do you remember what I spoke to you about before I left? I told you that no matter what, I'll make sure we grow old together. That may have been part of my selfishness. I know you've always held the attitude of, 'if it's time to die then I will,' but I cannot accept this sort of ending for you.

Lyn, I'm not sure if you truly understand it. But you've helped save so many people. There's a reason why your brother gave up the throne. The reason why your mother planned everything. Your everybody's symbol of hope. But at the same time, I don't want you taking on this heavy burden by yourself.

A smile suits you better, while your crying face is cute too. But please smile, no matter how tough things get. Remember, you aren't alone.



But Lyn hugged the cloak around her, Kazuya's scent...The scent of her beloved person. Lyn didn't know how much she missed him until her thoughts started to go astray. Until she started looking around for him. Don't shoulder the heavy burden by herself huh? Perhaps those are the words she needs to hear right now. The heavy burden of looking for him, she doesn't have to carry it alone. She turned towards the Supreme General and wiped her tears.

"Please find him."


The Following morning.

They decided to go their separate ways during the halfway point. The Mist Kingdom is in the northern region, while the town the General is going to is in the South.

"I'll find him for you, rest assured."

Lyn said nothing to that comment and looked down.

Adrien smiled, and he reached over and ran his hands over her hair, "I'll come right back. You know I've been thinking to settle back into a town closer to the main city."

Her eyes light up at those words, and she beamed happily, "I'd like that!"

"Good, a smile does suit you better as he said."

"Um, I--" she took the letter out of her pouch.

Adrien took the letter out of her hands and nodded, "I'll give it to him."

With those last parting words, she watched as he left. After he was a good distance away, she turned to the group, "Ready to go back?"