The Kidnapped Queen (3)

When Lyn woke up the next time, Rhys took the shackles of her. Her eyes widened surprised, "Wait--?"

"She's coming," Rhys said, "Just in case she tries something, I'll have you escape."

She? Who is coming? Does Rhys know who kidnapped her? As these questions ran through her mind. She hears a clattering sound. Lyn looked up and found that somebody had entered the cell.

"Ah? Ayah?" Lyn said. She immediately recognized the pale hair girl.

"Oh, my this is a surprise; you still remember me?"

Why would she forget this girl? Ayah attended the same Military academy as her. But unlike her, Kristy and Jenn who lived a fulfilling school life. This girl had to suffer because she had no control over her abilities. Many times Lyn tried to get Ayah to join her circle, she wanted to befriend the girl and get to know her. At the same time, she felt protective towards her. But that kindness looked like pity in the girl's eyes, and Ayah lashed out on her.

The girl didn't graduate at the same time as them. She got held back due to failing the graduation exam. No matter how badly a person fails during regular days in the academy, as long as they make it up during the Graduation exam - then they can pass. Lyn thought that there was a chance for Ayah, and that's why despite the girl pushing her away. Lyn did her best to help her. She thought Ayah would be fine. But then that accident happened.

Lyn's gaze fell on the girl's hair that had lost all its color. What used to be a bright purple was now pale purple. The girl's face, however, remained as beautiful as it once were, and yet Lyn noticed a sort of crazy look in her eyes. She put two and two together immediately.

"You're the ringleader?" Lyn calmly asked. Though she was calm, when she thought about the ringleader - the image of Gabrielle's death came mind. Maybe it was a good thing she didn't witness her friend enter that coffin. It would disturb her greatly.

"That's right," Ayah laughed, "Hahaha, it was so easy. To trick that stupid girl's parents, to manipulate your haters. I always thought your people loved you. But you've amassed just as much hate as your stupid sister and Mother." The girl's expression turned bitter at the mention of her Mother.

Lyn understood why, so she still holds a grudge for what happened back then? Then again, it's understandable. She was a student who studied away from her Kingdom. Naturally, there is a rule that protects all the students who come from another Kingdom. But Mother didn't do anything during her time. Let alone during her sisters reign, her sister never raised her finger when Ayah got bullied.

When she got the chance, she brought up the issue. But for some reason, her sister's expression would turn sour. Lyn didn't understand why until much later on. Asking for a favour when sister disliked her was quite bold. Even if she didn't learn this until much later on, she ought to have noticed the signs.

"Did you really kill my Mother's siblings?" Lyn questioned.

"That's right; why wouldn't I? Those adults treated me with kindness, but once I learned, they were from the royal family. I understood that they only pitied me. So I killed them."

"That's no reason to kill," Lyn exclaimed. She didn't want to get worked. But just the knowledge that Ayah once again participated in the death of somebody close to her made her sick. Contrary to how the girl felt, Lyn, treasured her and treated her as a good friend. It's not the like memories of the past are entirely covered with bitter memories either.

The reason why her sister never interfered in Ayah situation was because of this. She heard from Eldest Brother that her sister was close with Mother's siblings.

Ayah was older than her; she had been studying in the academy since her Mother's reign but had yet to graduate. After the incidence with her Mother passing away, and sister took control - the bullying escalated, unlike her Mother's reign where the bullying was minimum and a coincidence. Her sister's reign, it was clear that the bullying was deliberate. Her sister was a ruthless and cold leader. While she was efficient in her work, many people disliked her as a ruler. They all said she wasn't fit to run a country.

A leader must be strong, yes, but they must also be kind - they have to have a good balance. While her Eldest Brother was cold and ruthless, he was not deprived of emotions like her sister. He praised and acknowledged the hard work of other people. But her sister Lethia was different, once anybody made her as an enemy or offended her then they will suffer her wrath.

When her sister became the Queen, her life became increasingly more difficult. Even though she went to the academy to study. She faced many obstacles because her sister was pulling the strings. So when Rhys suggested that he formally becomes her Knight, she ended up agreeing.

If he didn't do that, then her sister would surely have killed her. Though Rhys being her knight was a mere formality. People understood the situation. She had somebody there for her to save her, to help her. But Ayah didn't have anybody like that she was all alone.

She looked coldly at Rhys, "Again you're here, whenever I want to deal with this woman. You're always around."

Lyn looked at the girl puzzled, what is she talking about?

Ayah laughed, "Don't tell me you don't know?"

"Shut up; you don't have to tell her," Rhys angrily interrupted them. Since Ayah appeared, he seemed strangely tense.

"Tut tut, that won't do. Maybe this will help you? After all, even now you stupidly love this woman. Maybe if she hears of how you took so many beatings for her sake - and suffered humiliation on her behalf, then maybe she will look your way at last."

Lyn's eyes widened in alarm as she hears that piece of information. What.. What is Ayah talking about? What did she just hear? Beatings? Humiliation? Rhys for her sake?

Lyn thought back to the times she saw Rhys during her academy days. She was already doing an excellent job of avoiding him. But when they did see each other, he always had a fresh wound on his body, and people would look at him with disgust. While the members of the Sound Kingdom weren't welcomed, anyway. There was something different about the way they treated Rhys.

How come she didn't notice? Why didn't she realize?